Fair is fair; hard work should be rewarded. The US is no way near talented as Brasil but they worked hard fought their way back and won that game;only to be denied by one whistle of a ref. Football needs to be modernized that game should have been stopped and viewed on tape. Either the US get the goal or penalty. Now I see why only certain teams can win the WC. That ref should not be allowed anywhere near another WC game. Refiing was awful. The WC started out with good refing now it has deteriorated to the level of sunday morning games. We see everything with HD; times are modern and the game should move with the times.
BTW how come slovenia got away with so many Fouls? Klose did one and it was straight red yet the slovenians did what klose did and more and nothing. This WC turning into a disaster. The refs have too much control over the outcome of the game. Video viewing, ref panel and stop clock is needed in the game.
Did you see the initial contact. The slovanians literally held the US players and continue to do it because they get away with it. Remember leanardo and Tab romos. Boss in the heat of the game you can't do that to ballers (unless you don't really play).
Boss the game rules are antiquated; right before billions of people the ref. stopped the win then run behind some silly offside rule (that NO ONE understands) I cold understand this in the 50s right up to 90s but now.
Iman look at it carefully what if a small team like Ja or Costa Rica got organized and decide to work hard in WC? They take down some big names; it's up to the ref. if they make the finals (based on how the game is structured).