Daily Mail's treason could cost England the 2018 World Cup
Daily Mail's treason could cost England the 2018 World Cup
By Shourin Roy on May 17, 2010 12:22 AM
What a difference a day makes!
Lord Triesman's resignation which could irrevocably damage England's chances are a small price to pay for lame disclosures like 'Big Kisses All Over'. This was the Daily Mail's great return on investment. Paying Melissa Jacobs for entrapping the man entrusted with bringing the 2018 World Cup to England.
That the Daily Mail chose to run the story after NOTW and other tabloids turned her down shows that they really care little about those chances. Triesman's unguarded statements about Spainish and Russian officials bribing referees left him with no wiggle room and the FA was forced to go into damage control mode. Maybe it was all about an old man trying to get a foolish rise out of a younger woman.
All appearances are that it was a far more mundane story of spurned love. Yep, that Tiger Woods thing really let the genie out of the bottle.
But one can't think of a more perfect revenge plot by Vladimir Putin after the polonium scandal soured ties between both countries. England's embarrassment could be to Russia's benefit.