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The JFF trifling with a good thing

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  • The JFF trifling with a good thing

    he JFF trifling with a good thing

    File - Captain Horace Burrell
    Adrian Frater, News Editor
    Western Bureau
    While I do appreciate the fact that the Football Federation (JFF) is strapped for cash and might have earned a hefty payday for the hastily arranged friendly match played against World Cup host South Africa in on Wednesday, I can't say that I was impressed with the overall arrangement.

    Based on what I have read, it would appear that accepting the game was a case of 'hustling' on the part of the JFF. With less than three days' notice, going off with an unprepared team and then going straight into the game, the situation was akin to the proverbial lady of the night going after a fast buck.

    I am a loyal fan of Jamaica's football and it bothers me that the leaders of our programme seem to have no qualms about trifling with our reputation, engaging in a reckless endeavour by flying an unprepared team halfway across the globe to play against a team that is fine-tuning its preparation for the upcoming 2010 World Cup.

    2-0 defeat

    While some people may argue that "all is well that ends well", I wonder what the national response would have been had our players not displayed our traditional never-say-die attitude and come away with the respectable 2-0 defeat they suffered, a first against South Africa in five meetings.

    In recent times, I have become increasingly troubled by the operation of the JFF. While I may be wrong, I am getting the impression that despite having a board, which should be integral in decision making, the federation is operating like a 'one-man band' in an almost cavalier manner.

    It was against that background that I stated in a recent column, that the federation's call for J$1 billion to finance its 2014 World Cup campaign lacked justification and should be ignored by sponsors.

    As I have stated repeatedly in this column, unlike some individuals who dare not criticise the JFF because they have allowed themselves to become pawns in the federation's chess game, I am operating under no such constraint. I have never compromised my integrity, so I don't have to look over my shoulder before I speak.

    all-time favourite

    In my time observing the operation of national football, I have seen the top leadership of the JFF changed on many occasions and while the astute and very organised Anthony 'Tony' James remains my all-time favourite president, I have always felt that all the other leaders have tried their best to act in the best interest of Jamaica. Unfortunately, I don't have that feeling about this present administration.

    National football is crying out for development at the grassroots level, as with less than half the country involved in our premier competition, it must be clear to all and sundry that our talent pool is not being properly harnessed. In fact, in some parishes, their domestic programme pales in comparison to some corner leagues and business house competitions.

    When I look at the kind of leadership I used to see at the grassroots level from persons like Pat Anderson, Frank 'Bim' Williams, Tony James and St. James dynamo Wesmore Thomas, I can't understand why in this modern era of more international contacts and much more resources, our football seems to be reversing rather than going forward.

    I believe the Ministry of Sports needs to open an investigation into the running of the JFF, as while millions of taxpayers dollars are flowing into the federation, unlike netball and athletics, which are clearly moving from strength to strength, our football seems to be trapped in the past, hanging on to the coat-tail of our 1998 World Cup qualification.

    Feel free to send your feedback to adrianfrater@hotmail.com

    Last edited by Karl; May 1, 2010, 05:35 PM. Reason: Correction
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