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Interesting thoughts from Capello....Assasin Its a Bizniz !

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  • Interesting thoughts from Capello....Assasin Its a Bizniz !

    2 things confirmed ,Develop english players at your peril! Fergie Blew 25 Mill this season and 2 titles , penny wise pound foolish.

    Fabio Capello pinpoints failure to invest for English clubs' Champions League exits

    Fabio Capello believes that the elite Premier League clubs were cut down on European fields this season because they each failed to invest in "one or two high-level players'' last summer.

    By Henry Winter
    Published: 7:00AM BST 15 Apr 2010

    Upbeat: Champions League failings could help England manager Fabio Capello Photo: GETTY IMAGES

    For the first time in seven years, England has no representatives in the semi-finals of the Champions League.

    "It is obvious that the financial crisis has affected the English clubs in Europe after years when they were among the top spenders,'' said Capello. "BesidesManchester City, the main exceptions were Real Madrid and Inter Milan. Florentino Perez had to bring Real back into the frame. Inter Milan bought six new players.

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    “Compared to the previous season, all the [English] clubs have sold important players, some went overseas, others moved to new clubs and went to Manchester City. They got obviously weaker.

    "In my experience, if a club is at the top, it should buy every year one or two high-level players to remain at the top, given that the opposition is getting stronger.''

    England's manager has clearly been impressed by the scale of investment at Eastlands, even hailing Adam Johnson, the versatile winger bought from Middlesbrough for £7 million, as the young English player who has most caught his eye this season with strong displays on both flanks and in the hole.

    "Adam Johnson has come up from the Championship at Middlesbrough, where he played in a different position, and he's done well with Manchester City,'' said Capello. "Now it's important he gets some international experience.''

    Only City and Real spent more than three of the semi-finalists: Barcelona, Inter Milan and Bayern Munich. "No surprises there,'' Capello continued. "Investment is paramount but it has to be right. You have to bring in players who adapt and blend into the team quickly and successfully. Some players find it difficult to adjust.''

    Karim Benzema was a case in point, having struggled to make his mark at Madrid after moving from Lyon. Benzema would have adjusted more quickly at a less political club such as Manchester United, who briefly pursued him last summer.

    The French striker would have given the English champions a sharper attacking edge in Europe, particularly when Wayne Rooney was injured against Bayern.

    Capello had some sympathy with United. "They were unlucky because they paid dearly for their mistakes. Like when they presented Bayern with the late second goal in Munich [Patrice Evra dawdling and Ivica Olic pouncing], and the first [Rio Ferdinand caught out of position and Olic again scoring] at Old Trafford when they were 3-0 up.
    "But what really made the difference was Rafael's sending-off and Rooney's injury. You cannot go through at this level with such disadvantages.''

    The sight of Rooney limping again, having been rushed back from the ankle ligament tweak at the Allianz Arena, must have filled Capello with fear. "I perfectly understand Sir Alex Ferguson's decision to play Rooney because he knows how important Rooney is psychologically for the whole teamm" he said.

    "I do not think he took an unnecessary risk. If Sir Alex played Rooney after the pre-match tests, clearly his conditions allowed him to do so.''

    Asked to compare Rooney and Lionel Messi, Capello said: "They are different players but equally great. And Cristiano Ronaldo. The three of them together! And to think Manchester United had already two…''

    Messi's brilliance was seen against Arsenal. "They had to face a great side like Barcelona, probably in their best form of the season,'' said Capello. "Arsenal have been extremely unlucky, losing key players like Van Persie, Fabregas, Arshavin, Gallas, Ramsey. They would have needed them all to hope to go through.''

    As for Chelsea's exit to Inter, Capello said: "They played very well in Milan – they could have had a bigger result and Inter would have had to play a different game at Stamford Bridge. As it happened Inter played magnificently in the second leg, but on the whole it was an even tie.

    "The only advantage is that all the England players will be available for the start of our preparation in Austria. But it is only a relative advantage. When players win trophies they are happier, and I believe in positive psychology.''

    Capello sensibly refused to predict whether he was happy with the state of his squad, knowing that metatarsals and fallouts could be just a match-day or front page away. "Many unexpected things can happen. If Ashley Cole comes back by the end of the season it means he's fit. He'll need to play but this is a better problem than having to get someone back to fitness.

    "I just hope for the best, even crossing fingers does not seem to prevent injuries. I do not resort to this, anyway. But I keep an eye on everybody. The doctor checks their medical condition. I speak to the players if I run into them at matches but certainly not to assess their health.''

    Capello slightly feared for the health of those Chelsea and Aston Villastars losing their footing at Wembley. "I was surprised to see players sliding so much on the new surface last Saturday. We had some problems with the pitch at the start of our World Cup campaign but they had been sorted. Given that Wembley is not only used for football games, I expect that all will be adjusted once again.''

    The state of England's training pitches in South Africa will soon be scrutinised. "At the start of May, Franco Baldini [England's general manager] and other FA officials will go back for the final check, so we shall have a definite appraisal, but things are proceeding well in Rustenburg.''

    England's base will be an alcohol-free zone. "Nothing new here, alcohol has always been banned from all our HQs so far – and that goes for myself and my staff too,'' said Capello, adding with a laugh: "It means we won't need to go to a health farm to detox, we'll do it in-house.''

    The Italian has been made aware that English players get incredibly bored between games at tournaments. Capello hails from a country where the likes of Paolo Maldini would wile away the hours humming Verdi, reading interior design magazines and discussing the issues of the day over a cappuccino with colleagues. "We'll try to come up with creative pastimes but do not expect me to send the players to the casinos of nearby Sun City,'' laughed Capello.

    England players and supporters will be encouraged to learn that Capello remains committed to fulfilling his contract until 2012. "As far as I am concerned there is no problem,'' said England's manager.

    Last edited by Karl; April 16, 2010, 09:15 AM.

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