Western Bureau:
If one is to remain hopeful that Jamaica's Reggae Boyz will qualify for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, then the recent statement by Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) boss Captain Horace Burrell that the federation is in dire financial straits cannot be a comforting one.
However, if one is of the view that the JFF is a floundering organisation that is trapped in the past and needs to be revamped in order to progress, then one could well argue that the present predicament is the catalyst needed to open the eyes of those in charge to the fact that our football is lacking in both vitality and direction.
whopping sum
The last time anything of global significance happened to Jamaica's football was 12 years ago when we qualified for and participated in the 1998 World Cup in France. Since then, millions of dollars have been pumped into national football without anything of substance to show for it.
I recently read an article quoting Burrell as saying that the national football programme will require approximately J$1 billion to finance the 2014 campaign. Initially, I thought the whopping sum was a typographical error. However, a subsequent radio sportscast confirmed the figure to be true.
In light of the lack of success, which has been a feature of national football in recent years, one could well argue that the JFF cannot justify its demand. Especially when we have a Premier League, which only features five parishes, several non-functional parish associations, a nonsensical women's programme and a constantly fluctuating FIFA ranking.
obsolete Russians
When one compares the success that we are seeing in other sports such as cricket, athletics and netball to what is happening, or not happening, in football, one could say it is like comparing one of those obsolete Russian made Lada motor cars to spanking new BMW motor cars, loaded with all the latest gadgets.
While cricket at the West Indies level remains a source of much disappointment, at the national level Jamaica's cricket has been a major success story as we have been regional champions for the past three years. Incidentally, despite its success both locally and regionally, the Jamaica Cricket Association (JCA) has not been a financial drag on the nation.
Despite our small size, our netball is right up there with the best in the world and it would not be a surprise if we hit the top spot before long. Within recent times, we have beaten both Australia and New Zealand and I am sure the next rankings will see us above England which is not only richer than us but have vastly superior facilities.
When one examines the way the Jamaica Netball Association (JNA) has been itself, with a view to generating the to sustain its programmes, it would be an insult to the hard work of JNA boss Marva Bernard if her association continues to be fed a mere pittance while the under-achieving JFF continues to absorb millions.
complete joke
As for athletics, the success that our athletes have achieved on the world stage at the Beijing Olympics and the Berlin World Championships makes our football programme look like a complete joke. Usain Bolt's contribution alone supersedes the value of the entire football programme and this is even if we ignore his gold medals and world records and just focus on his Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) advertisement.
With our many and varied non-sporting financial needs, which include fixing our health system, creating a viable education system and sorting out national security problems, I hope the government will think twice before pumping any more money into the JFF.
I am a passionate lover of football and I don't see myself ever losing the love that I have for the sport. However, unless the sham of a football programme we now have is reformed and put on a path of growth and expansion, I would rather see the nation's money being pumped into netball, cricket and athletics.
NB. Feel free to send your feedback to adrianfrater@hotmail.com.