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Jamaica v. Argentina...my take:

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  • Jamaica v. Argentina...my take:

    I guess if the game strategy was to have 11 men behind the ball...Argentina will most likely win because of % possession; and they did. I would estimate that Argentina had about a 70% possession.

    It would be nice to see Jamaica reduce the Agricultural style of tackling. The Boyz seem to enjoy leaving their feet to tackle. Not saying the slide tackle is not necessary at times--but the team tend to make it the preferred defensive move. Not much you can do when you are sitting on the ground.

    Again, the clear strategy was to play a defensive game. Not griping about that. But I notice one of King Jawge post (below) spoke about transitioning. Don't appear that the team has the transition game down very well.

    I will give Tappa credit for his appropach to the game. Taking on Argentina man for man would not be very pretty.

    Would love to see this team stay together and develop.
    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


  • #2
    nu feel nuh way, there is a reason Big Sam is effective. You play with what you have and play fi win. Jamaica did that. We were playing against one of the biggest teams in the world.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      Yeah HL the Agri style won't go because in our play we don't really know about stealing the ball. S americans see this day in day out (years ago my friend and I was playing in the park; my friend kept talking about this guy that doesn't tackle, he just takes the ball. In truth it was beauty to see)

      Stealing the ball helps in transition and counter attack. Our backline isn't technical enough to comfortably move the ball out of defence. Notice when we resort to the passing game it seems as if it's a burden. I can see Tappa's mark on the team in terms of passing though. Also notice when the Argies were passing forward and no pass is available, a midfielder would would pass back to the defence and opening much more passing space on the flanks (lateral pass). The team needs work but even you HL has to now respect Tappa . Conditioning failed us in the last ten mins; notice the Argies raised it a notch and we fell back giving them more time around the 18 (diego knew the goal would come here). Had we raised our level and matched them the ref owuld look to blow it off to save Arg. from an embarrasment (1 nil would do) just as he did in the first half.

      Hope Mr. Ryan Johnson learn that next time he puts the defender behind him and is inside the 18, he hits it for the far upright don't worry about miss just shoot (because penalty is up to the ref. and you have no control there) What ah rhatid if him did fire and it go in?? Diego.... anyway it's a teaching moment for Ja .

      I hope the captain get a big Euro team (after the WC) this way our boyz can gain more experience (Tappa too). I can recall many weak heart on this board were saying play Grenada instead of Arg. when I said let's do it. Only karl and a few more said yes. Now we all see what Tappa can do. Time you guys believe in yourselves and your people.

      Ja has improved (more players now play abroad) hence the scoreline decent. Back in the days, it would be a sure five nil.

      Conclusion: JA has something to build on that could take them places.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jawge View Post

        Conclusion: JA has something to build on that could take them places.
        Cue the violins. Not a damn thing has changed. The Argies started hitting sky balls into the Boyz area from the whistle blow. Why? Cause aint nuttin changed
        Last edited by Bricktop; February 14, 2010, 03:39 PM.


        • #5
          Not true. a lot has chnaged, it's just that the team needs more tweaking. Do you recall the Brasil game when Tappa went to the back took the ball and waltzed out f a sea of brasilians? (nuff man did ah say him wrong) Well right now Ja need that sort of technical player at the back . Brasil has these sort of players in the back. Saw Joker Lazie comparing guys to Lucio and Juan L&J dribble from the back many times. They are confident and comfortable with the ball.

          Tappa should put a midfielder with Shavar and forwards roaming the wing backs. Austin can always patrol in front of the central Ds. This way Ja has some smooth passing out of the back. Boss give Ja a chance.


          • #6
            Jawge, I cannot believe you have gone back and dug up that move by Tappa. It was a stupid move! You do not take a ball and go dribbling inside your own 18 yard box for whatever reason. I am sure if Tappa were young enough, coaches of established teams would be thinking that this is one they should avoid.

            Jawge, maybe you were in awe by the move, but it not everyone will. At least, not anyone who knows the game.
            "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


            • #7
              And even though Jawge says, "Brasil has these sort of players in the back", you don't see them dribbling around like that!

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                them nuh good like Tappa Tap

                Ask Ben
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #9
                  If the man didn't lose the ball, no problem.


                  • #10
                    i guess!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      When man chip dem penalty softly and it roll in while the keeper is down, them hailed as having guts for the moment. When the keeper doesn't move and the chip goes into the hands of the keeper, them start lick the player with rockstone.


                      • #12
                        Is wha wrang yuh, sass and Mo? Yuh neva see Juan and Lucio drible out from di back yet? The reason why they don't have to do what Tappa did , was because they have more players around them that are technically and tactically superior to Ja's.

                        Look at the Tape; the brasilians closed out the passing options a less technical player would put it out for corner (as you would do instinctively if you were playing) which would give Brasil the opportunity to display how good they are at set pieces. How did Tappa solve that problem? He zig zagged out of the trap and calmly passed the ball upfield. Tilla you watch too much English league ball where the players at the back aren't that technical. Had you watched the 82 Brasil team you would see where those defenders (junior et al; who were really midfielders) did not boot the ball out for touch.

                        Matter of fact I hope Tel;emundo shows the Brasil v Argentina 1982 match (one of the best WC games) so you can see skill ball, technical ball, where every man is a "balla" and they settled the game. You won't see those kind of gamess these days.

                        Tilla not because you are not technical enough and it seems very hard to you , that doesn't mean it's a stupid move to ball geniuses as Tappa; that is as if he's walking in the park.


                        • #13
                          TEAMs with 11 technically gifted players?

                          You actually see more of these games these days - Barcelona, GUNNERS, even BoyU, Chelsea, Villa, Spurs, Birmingham, Real Madrid...

                          The aim is TEAM with 11 speed merchants, 11 technically gifted players, 11 good jumpers (great headers of the ball), 11 strong players, 11 great thinkers...just 11 excellent players! ...11 players who are great attacking & great defending! That is the aim...

                          ...if it were not about trying to make TEAM excellent, what would be the point?!

                          Hey...we'll get it one day!
                          The problem is....when?
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

