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If this pair come to Africa next year

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  • If this pair come to Africa next year

    is prablem, memba mi tell yuh.

    Arite watch now:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80T0y...eature=related

  • #2
    The real baller out of the two is Dinho. One problem with the video though. They are showing the slim, trim and fit Ronaldinho of 5 to 6 years ago. Can you find any with the heavy-set, overweight Dinho I see playing now a days.

    Robinho is an OK baller, but not exceptional as far as Brazilians go. Give me Dinho, Kaka or Pato over Binho any day.
    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


    • #3
      You are a Joker . 1. dinho is not overweight, hence I can't give you such video. 2. King Binho is for real; the only problem is that he is stuck with sparky who can't coach. Why? In the spurs game even the commentators saw the goal coming because Sylvanhio was left in no man's land to deal with lennon who was younger and much quicker. Binho had to keep coming back to help out on the wing. I watched as Sparky made no adjustments he did not send over aholding mid or where is the guy tha's supposed to patrol in fron of the wing back and take first tackle? City was unable to spring a counter as tevez was too high and Ade was running around with his poor first touch. Binho if Barca calls pack yuh likkle tings and run! All that money and no depth on the wing back?

      When Binho comes out with the best team in the world; where everyman has a good first touch you will then understand the Jogo bonito (worse if Dinho is there) kaka is ahite. Pato, to be honest I've nevr seen him play (not even at the club level) Oh I think I saw him for that Brasilina club internacoinale, not too sure. I'm putting my money and Luis Fabiano; with Dinho and Binho behind Brasil stand avery high chance.


      • #4
        BTW; Tiila this is the reason or see the reason why I still watch
        football here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB2lq...eature=related


        • #5
          prablem fi who? dem owna side? LOL
          Peter R


          • #6
            I think Ronadinho is past his prime and is now just an "average" good baller. Robinho is not rising to the occasions; he gets enough opportunities to prove himself, I don't see why the coach is at fault for his far from illustrious performances. Having said that I think he could break out but I won't hold my breath.
            Peter R


            • #7
              Arite sah; we will see at the highest level next June. here every game means something (akin to Mortal combat) why yuh tink juss an elite set of player that can excel here?

