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The new miracle cure for injuries?

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  • The new miracle cure for injuries?

    Arsenal striker Robin Van Persie has flown to Serbia for a novel form of treatment - placenta fluid is to be dripped on his injured ankle. Why is he doing this and will it work?

    Van Persie has been a key player for Arsenal this season
    It is not unusual for sports starts to look for super cures for their injuries.

    England footballer Wayne Rooney used an oxygen tent prior to the 2006 World Cup to help him recover from a broken foot and six years ago runner Paula Radcliffe rubbed oil from the belly of an emu to ease injuries sustained in a collision with a cyclist.

    But the news that Arsenal striker Robin Van Persie is heading to Serbia to get placenta fluid applied to an ankle injury has astonished many.

    The 26-year-old hurt his ankle while playing for the Dutch national side in a match against Italy.

    He was left with torn ankle ligaments after a challenge 10 minutes into the contest.

    Scans revealed a partial tear would keep him out of action for six weeks.

    Rapid recoveries

    But a Dutch journalist close to the national squad said he could be back in as little as four weeks if the treatment works.

    TV and radio reporter Rob Fleur said a woman who specialises in the treatment had been recommended to Van Persie by former team-mates Dutch midfielder Orlando Engelaar and Serbian forward Danko Lazovic.

    They both claim to have had rapid recoveries from similar injuries after travelling to Belgrade to see the specialist.

    Abbie Turner, of Bristol University's Sports Medicine Clini
    Van Persie, speaking before travelling out to eastern Europe on Monday, was hopeful despite being unsure what to expect.

    He said: "She is vague about her methods but I know she massages you using fluid from a placenta.

    "I am going to try.

    "It cannot hurt and, if it helps, it helps.

    "I have been in contact with Arsenal physiotherapists and they have let me do it."

    Health benefits have long been associated with placenta.

    Some studies have suggested eating it can reduce the risk of post-natal depression, while Turkish researchers found injecting placenta cells into rabbits helped them recover from fractures.

    It is not known how the placenta may help - and more research is now being carried out.

    However, it does have a high nutritional content.

    In the animal kingdom mothers routinely eat the placenta to help them recover from the exertion of birth and there are anti-ageing creams on the market that use sheep placenta cells.

    It seems likely that Van Persie's treatment will involve some form of massage using the fluid.

    The placenta supplies food and oxygen to the foetus as well as releasing hormones to maintain pregnancy

    Animals routinely eat their placenta, which is discharged after birth, to get nutrition following the exertion of labour

    Some reports have suggested eating it could help ward off post-natal depression
    In Peru, dried placenta has been given to children when they fall ill in the belief it will help cure infections
    Turkish researchers have also used placenta cells to help heal fractures in tests on rabbits
    But while the nutritional content of the placenta is known to be high, it is still not known exactly how it can aid the healing process
    Such therapies are pretty standard for ligament damage.

    Abbie Turner, manager of Bristol University's Sports Medicine Clinic, said: "The worst tears normally require surgery.

    "If the tear is not too bad we would normally start with some deep tissue massage, maybe some acupuncture, followed by some strengthening work and specific rehab depending on what sort of sport the person plays.

    "But I have never heard of this - and I won't be rushing out to use it on my patients."

    Instead, she believes the steps taken by Van Persie and other stars reflects the nature of top-level sport.

    "You will often hear of sports stars trying out different treatments. I suppose it is a sign of the money and pressure involved. They need to get back to competing as soon as possible."
    Sunday, August 28th, 2011. We will never forget !!