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Skill or Be Skilled

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  • Skill or Be Skilled

    Those 'skillful' footballers <DIV class=KonaBody>

    A FEW years ago a former national coach of local origin found himself in a real hornet's nest when he criticised several leading players for their lack of various footballing skills.

    He said then that they could not head, kick or pass the ball properly.

    Many local coaches, and some commentators, have been using the word 'skillful' in a loose way for a very long time. To differentiate Jamaican players from Americans and Canadians for example you often hear coaches saying that Jamaican players are more skillful. Such a player may not be able to kick the ball properly, head the ball well or control the ball, yet he or she is described as 'skillful' because he may be able to beat an opponent one-on-one five times out of ten.

    Beating an opponent one-on-one easily is just one of the many skills a good footballer may possess. Many excellent current and past international footballers, Germany's Michael Ballack, Frenchman Claude Makelele, the current Brazilian coach Dunga, to name just three, are not good one-on-one players.

    Jamaican players, to my mind, have never been more than any of the other major football nations around the Caribbean. In fact Rene Simoes, the Brazilian who led Jamaica's historic qualification for the 1998 World Cup in <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: blue! important; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">France</SPAN> said the Haitians were the most naturally gifted footballers he had seen in the Caribbean.

    As one who has seen all of the good Jamaican footballers over the past 20 years only two, based on the local definition of skillful, would stand out. The best in this regard would likely be Walter Boyd but the most successful is undoubtedly former national midfielder Theodore Whitmore who notched two goals in Jamaica's 2-1 win over Japan in France.

    The above brings us to the recently concluded Gold Cup campaign by <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: blue! important; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Jamaica's</SPAN> Reggae Girls. I have watched women's football for some time and know that the United States, Germany, Norway, China, Brazil, <A class=kLink oncontextmenu="return false;" id=KonaLink2 style="POSITION: static; TEXT-DECORATION: underline! important" href="http://www.jamaica-star.com/thestar/20061129/sports/sports2.html#" target=_top &#111;nmouseout="adlinkMouseOut(event,this,2);" &#111;nclick="adlinkMouseClick(event,this,2);" &#111;nmouseover="adlinkMouseOver(event,this,2);"> <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: blue! importa
    SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!

  • #2
    RE: Skill or Be Skilled

    Heh, heh, heh. . .

    I remember a few years ago a guy who called himself Tillamawnin wrote a column on this same subject. For the benefit of those who came in late, here is a link to the said article:

    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


    • #3
      RE: Skill or Be Skilled

      Tilla the above article is a very good one.

      Let me tell you this (you must have heard this story before; as if have posted it on the old forum) Our League once invited a few MLS assistants to have a seminar with the coaches. Seeing that I am the etrnal learner I sat there to absorb everything. Now the topic of skill was touched upon, before the speaker delved into the subject he asked if anyone can define skill. Now you had guys there who would quickly tell you how many teamsd they coached and how many games they played in the Natl stadium. After some silence the guy that made sure the field was painted for our games (S.American) said technique under pressure. The speaker said correct skill in football is the application of technique under pressure.I mused to myself and said look how far are we from the game, because the groundsman in S.America knows more football thanus coaches in JA.Now look at most of our games and see how many times we apply our technique under pressure. The speaker went on to speak of the difference between technique and tactics. Shooting is a technique, control (primarily first touch; this what the brasilians kill most teams with) is a very important technique (look at say Robinho when a ball is passed thorugh the air to him in the 18, it's dead at the first touch between two defenders, one mistake now and it's goal) your team cannot flow properly if the members does not master this technique, heading is a technique, passing is a technique. Postional play is tactics. Now let's look at the tapes and watch ourselves doing the above techniques under pressure. I watched a prep school game last Oct. whilst in Ja and believe me some of the poor techniques I saw with these under 12s is the same thing I see at the National level. As one poster said; we should forget Dcup and manning cup and start to seriously focus on prep school games (that's if we want to truly master the game).

      What I want to know; is why the Brasilians can't teach us how to play football? Di man dem literally beg wi fi come learn fram dem. Now mi know wha Garvey ah say bout wi as black peeple.


      • #4
        RE: Skill or Be Skilled

        There is a difference between skill and technique.


        • #5
          RE: Skill or Be Skilled

          Ricardo Bibi Gardner is the best player to come out of Ja in the last15 years. He is skillful but not flash. Read the game well. Moves and use space, play offense and defense and is a coach's dream. Guess what? He can also head the ball and pass it well and play several positions.

          If not for Bibi Knee problems everytime he hit top form he would be a real bigtimer in EPL. If you notice when he comes back from injury he is always still a threat. I am just sorry Bibi is injured so much.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            RE: Skill or Be Skilled

            Yes that is why I made the point that

            skill is technique under pressure. a simple example: I was doing a drill with my team where you placed the ball for particular points (depending on the angle since the goalkeeper comes rushing) Some of my players were happy, yes coach see I can do it. I then call a player to defend the goal whilst the pass is made to the on rushing attacker, different results. Some ask me to take away the defender so that they can get comfortable with technique of scoring on a breakaway. Bear in mind though the few that mastered this technique (even with defenders on them) prove devastating during games. I could draw on others but I will stop here.


            • #7
              RE: Skill or Be Skilled

              Excellent article...excepting I was disappointed in not hearing real serious answers on why, It will be a long time before Jamaica will be able to match the United States or Canada in women's football.

              The suggestion of"First and foremost these countries spend much more on the sport and play more matches. Girls from those two countries are introduced to the game at a much younger age, between ten and twelve, while most of the players in Jamaica start playing football in their teenage years" condemns our REGGAE GIRLZ to "It will be a long time before Jamaica will be able to match the United States or Canada in women's football" based on the relative strengths of Canada and the US teams when compared to the potential (this word...again!) does not sit well with me.

              What part did our underpreparation play in not closing the gap between the REGGAE GIRLZ and the Canadian and the US teams?

              What weight should be attached tothe progress the REGGAE GIRLZ (TEAM) has made since taking up the game?

              What does the performances of each individual girl and the TEAM say about closing and possible surpassing the Canadians and the USA at the national level?

              Yes our GIRLZ where not as fit as their opponents! That was fact! I am dead sure getting fitness levels to be the equal of the Canadians, USA and Mexican teams is possible. I am dead sure we can get our GIRLZ fitness to an even higher level than those opponents.

              ...and, if they were just as fit and or fitter what then?

              Yes, our GIRLZ were not as tactically aware as their opponents. That was fact! ...but, tactics can be taught! ...and, I doubt any of our GIRLZ are fools.

              Yes, our GIRLZ were not asdisciplined and focused as their opponents and therefore did not stick to playing to the best of their ability and or at least tolevel shownduring the first 10-15 minutes of their matches against their opponents...but, that can be addressed.

              ...so I return to the matter of preparedness - What then would prevent our young ladies, our REGGAE GIRLZ from proving the statement. "It will be a long time before Jamaica will be able to match the United States or Canada in women's football" a nonsense statement..a defeatist wail...

              ...but, more than that, a message to those who provide back-office support to take comfort in thejob performed on the GIRLZ' behalf? ...succor to an inept JFF to continue on the sorry arsed way of poor back office support for our GIRLZ? ...continue on as poor managers?

              The Reggae Girlz, Vin Blaine, the JFF and those who would answer calls for funding of the REGGAE GIRLZ should take another look at the REGGAE GIRLZ matches against Canada and Mexicocontemplate needed necessary actions and get on with the job of taking our REGGAE GIRLZ to the TOP OF THE WORLD...rapidly!

              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #8
                RE: Skill or Be Skilled

                Tucker, like you, can say anything unnu want fi say. I remember you writing some post a while back listing the best kickers of the ball on the Reggae Boyz TEAM. You left the best kicker of the ball off your list.

                Curious - who are your most skilful players on the Reggae Boyz TEAM? Include Tappa, even though he is no longer on the TEAM.

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  RE: Skill or Be Skilled

                  Mosiah (11/30/2006)Tucker, like you, can say anything unnu want fi say. I remember you writing some post a while back listing the best kickers of the ball on the Reggae Boyz TEAM. You left the best kicker of the ball off your list.

                  Curious - who are your most skilful players on the Reggae Boyz TEAM? Include Tappa, even though he is no longer on the TEAM.
                  Do not know if this was meant for me..but, I'll take a shot at it!

                  Best Kickers - Oooh so difficult...as most have serious defects.

                  Look at Bibi?

                  A great crosser! Excellent passer of the short pass!

                  Yet, he cannot kick...pass the ball on goal if his life depends on it! I have not a clue why he cannot as shootingon goal is in many ways a simple passingin the direction i.e. as on target...of goal!

                  Include Tappa?

                  - Another who is more than proficient at outfield passing...damn he is excellent! Has scored a 'few' goals for the national team...but, I cannot remember seeing him do the 2nd of the 2 basic kicking of the ball (the 1st being passing with the inner side of the foot &amp; the 2nd being with 'the laces'?

                  Marlon King?

                  Sweet passer when he condescends to pass! Certainly passes very well in direction of goal!

                  The Maestro - One left?!

                  Great at shots to goal! Sweet passer of the ball - long and short!

                  Jason Euell - Sweet right foot!

                  Omar Daley - Perhaps our best kicker of the ball with both feet. He has his other problems!

                  Andy Williams - Sweet passer of the ball - long and short. Has developed great difficulty passing on to goal.

                  I think the above are our best passers!

                  ...skilled at playing the game judged from the highest levels - past performances? ...in order...highest to lowest?

                  1. Tappa - performed well at World Cup level &amp; national level.

                  2. Bibi - performed well at World Cup level and EPL level.

                  3. Marlon King - Creditable at World Cup qualifiers level, Championship &amp; EPL levels.

                  4. ...and, then there is Warren Barrett!

                  Those are my top 4...1994-to present!


                  Barrett is retired!

                  Tappa may be retired?

                  Andy may be retired?

                  Previous to 1994? Allan "Skill" Cole stands a-top that group.

                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    RE: Skill or Be Skilled


                    Mosiah (11/30/2006)Tucker, like you, can say anything unnu want fi say.
                    Who are they among us do not "say anything unnu want fi say"?

                    Are there some of us who say, what we do not want to say? Just asking!
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      RE: Skill or Be Skilled

                      Karl (11/30/2006)
                      Mosiah (11/30/2006)Tucker, like you, can say anything unnu want fi say. I remember you writing some post a while back listing the best kickers of the ball on the Reggae Boyz TEAM. You left the best kicker of the ball off your list.

                      Curious - who are your most skilful players on the Reggae Boyz TEAM? Include Tappa, even though he is no longer on the TEAM.
                      Do not know if this was mean for me..but, I'll take a shot at it!

                      Best Kickers - Oooh so difficult...as most have serious defects.

                      Look at Bibi?

                      A great crosser! Excellent passer of the short pass!

                      Yet, he cannot kick...pass the ball on goal if his life depends on it! I have not a clue why he cannot as shootingon goal is in many ways a simple passingin the direction i.e. as on target...of goal!

                      Include Tappa?

                      - Another who is more than proficient at outfield passing...damn he is excellent! Has scored a 'few' goals for the national team...but, I cannot remember seeing him do the 2nd of the 2 basic kicking of the ball (the 1st being passing with the inner side of the foot &amp; the 2nd being with 'the laces'?

                      Marlon King?

                      Sweet passer when he condescends to pass! Certainly passes very well in direction of goal!

                      The Maestro - One left?!

                      Great at shots to goal! Sweet passer of the ball - long and short!

                      Jason Euell - Sweet right foot!

                      Omar Daley - Perhaps our best kicker of the ball with both feet. He has his other problems!

                      Andy Williams - Sweet passer of the ball - long and short. Has developed great difficulty passing on to goal.

                      I think the above are our best passers!

                      ...skilled at playing the game judged from the highest levels - past performances? ...in order...highest to lowest?

                      1. Tappa - performed well at World Cup level &amp; national level.

                      2. Bibi - performed well at World Cup level and EPL level.

                      3. Marlon King - Crediitable at World Cup qualifiers level, Championships &amp; EPL levels.

                      4. ...and, then there is Warren Barrett!

                      Those are my top 4...1994-to present!


                      Barrett is retired!

                      Tappa may be retired?

                      Andy may be retired?

                      Previous to 1994? Allan "Skill" Cole stands a-top that group.
                      Anybody ever notice how left-foot players are berated for having "one foot" while right footed players are never criticised as such, even though they might use their other leg even less than the left-footed player? Maestro uses his right foot...in fact, he passes better with his right foot than 90% of all NPL players!

                      Now, this is classic - "Omar Daley - Perhaps our best kicker of the ball with both feet."

                      And here's another classic-

                      "1. Tappa - performed well at World Cup level &amp; national level.

                      2. Bibi - performed well at World Cup level and EPL level."

                      Somebody tell me please - where was Tappa in the first two matches? He performed well against Japan!

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        RE: Skill or Be Skilled

                        Mosiah (11/30/2006)
                        Karl (11/30/2006)
                        Mosiah (11/30/2006)Tucker, like you, can say anything unnu want fi say. I remember you writing some post a while back listing the best kickers of the ball on the Reggae Boyz TEAM. You left the best kicker of the ball off your list.

                        Curious - who are your most skilful players on the Reggae Boyz TEAM? Include Tappa, even though he is no longer on the TEAM.
                        Do not know if this was mean for me..but, I'll take a shot at it!

                        Best Kickers - Oooh so difficult...as most have serious defects.

                        Look at Bibi?

                        A great crosser! Excellent passer of the short pass!

                        Yet, he cannot kick...pass the ball on goal if his life depends on it! I have not a clue why he cannot as shootingon goal is in many ways a simple passingin the direction i.e. as on target...of goal!

                        Include Tappa?

                        - Another who is more than proficient at outfield passing...damn he is excellent! Has scored a 'few' goals for the national team...but, I cannot remember seeing him do the 2nd of the 2 basic kicking of the ball (the 1st being passing with the inner side of the foot &amp; the 2nd being with 'the laces'?

                        Marlon King?

                        Sweet passer when he condescends to pass! Certainly passes very well in direction of goal!

                        The Maestro - One left?!

                        Great at shots to goal! Sweet passer of the ball - long and short!

                        Jason Euell - Sweet right foot!

                        Omar Daley - Perhaps our best kicker of the ball with both feet. He has his other problems!

                        Andy Williams - Sweet passer of the ball - long and short. Has developed great difficulty passing on to goal.

                        I think the above are our best passers!

                        ...skilled at playing the game judged from the highest levels - past performances? ...in order...highest to lowest?

                        1. Tappa - performed well at World Cup level &amp; national level.

                        2. Bibi - performed well at World Cup level and EPL level.

                        3. Marlon King - Crediitable at World Cup qualifiers level, Championships &amp; EPL levels.

                        4. ...and, then there is Warren Barrett!

                        Those are my top 4...1994-to present!


                        Barrett is retired!

                        Tappa may be retired?

                        Andy may be retired?

                        Previous to 1994? Allan "Skill" Cole stands a-top that group.
                        Anybody ever notice how left-foot players are berated for having "one foot" while right footed players are never criticised as such, even though they might use their other leg even less than the left-footed player? Maestro uses his right foot...in fact, he passes better with his right foot than 90% of all NPL players!

                        Now, this is classic - "Omar Daley - Perhaps our best kicker of the ball with both feet."

                        And here's another classic-

                        "1. Tappa - performed well at World Cup level &amp; national level.

                        2. Bibi - performed well at World Cup level and EPL level."

                        Somebody tell me please - where was Tappa in the first two matches? He performed well against Japan!
                        Par for the course for not noticing that Euell's one right was noted!

                        ...and, that I was very careful to separate the kicking technique from skill at playing the game!

                        Omar Daley kicks the ball well!

                        He does not play...is not too skilled at...and I made sure I said I was making comparisons at TOP OF THE WORLD...top levels...play the game well!
                        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                        • #13
                          RE: Skill or Be Skilled


                          In the recently completed WICB level I cricket course ( I know it's not Football but the concept applies) that I did they distinctly make the differentiation between the two: skill and technique.Coaches make a clear distinction between the two.

                          Technique is the ability to execute a particular action e.g. head the ball, play an on-drive etc.

                          Skill is the ability to choose the correct technique in a game situation.

                          We (laypeople) tend to use the term "skill" loosely. I think if we were to begin to understand the difference between the two terms and teach it to our footballers it would go a long way in improving our ability to play the game well.

                          In my estimation we can teach technique but skill is more instinctive;and separates the sheep from goat.

                          Peter R


                          • #14
                            RE: Skill or Be Skilled

                            I like this definition. Thanks!

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              RE: Skill or Be Skilled

                              Mosiah (12/1/2006)I like this definition. Thanks!
                              Mosiah is hate yu hate Jawge? The man said the exact same thing and you had to make a point that you liked Peter R's definition better? Bwoy I tell you badmind ago kill yu.

                              Jawge you are spot on in the definition of skill. It is the ability to perform technique under pressure. Nuh watch Mo's badmind self. - T.K.
                              No need to thank me forumites.

