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Like is a two horse race fi true... Arsenal, Arsenal

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  • #16
    RE: Like is a two horse race fi true... Arsenal, Arsenal

    Tilla (11/30/2006)

    Lauren was....yup! ...wasan excellent player...like all of us time catches up.
    Is what dis mi hearing frrom Karl? Can you say the same of one Tappa Whitmore? It is funny when some people make the comment others say ther are hating Tappa.

    The same way you see Lauren as a person who was an excellent player, is the same way I see Tappa. He was an excellent player, but as you say, time catches up.

    BTW, please do not take this as an aattack on you. . .
    Bwoy Tilla yuh ead tuff!

    Let me repeat what I have said about Tappa and the REGGAE BOYZ all in the context of Lauren and Arsenal -

    Tappa is long past his prime. Lauren is long past his prime.

    Tappa could be... - I use could as I am not sure Tappa...this current 'long past his prime' Tappais interested in putting out the effort to be considered for playing on our REGGAE BOYZ TEAM once again - ...playing for the REGGAE BOYZ as he, when compared to our present crop of players, has the necessary quality to be deserving of selection. Tappa finds himself among a group of players, midfielders, mediocre midfielders, striving for REGGAE BOYZ selection, which if he puts forth the effort would guarantee him selction on merit.Lauren, on the other hand findshimself among top world quality players...and, currently cannot hold down a place...even temporarily,try as hard he can.

    Tappa, if he so desires, wouldfind himself competing against players some of whom will never even make it to being called useful. Lauren if he moved down to a level comparable to our current REGGAE BOYZ team would be a shoo-in.

    Tappa and Lauren find themselves in different circumstances...situations...envirionment. Apples to Oranges, Tilla!Apples to Oranges!
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