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Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

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  • Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

    <P class=big>You and the other comics round here can fool unuhself bout Drogba better than Henry, luckily Lazie knows best.<P class=big>Henry set for Gunners return<P class=big>Thierry Henry is ready to hand Arsenal a boost by declaring himself fit for Wednesday's game at Fulham, but his manager Arsene Wenger is keen to point out that his side are anything but a one-man team.

    Arsenal's loss at Bolton at the weekend saw their talismanic Frenchman reduced to the sidelines with a neck injury, but it is expected he will return at Craven Cottage.

    Although Arsenal dictated possession for long spells and created a plethora of chances in the absence of their captain, an all too familiar lack of cutting edge saw them eventually fall to a costly 3-1 defeat.

    After the game and Wenger conceded the title was beyond his undoubtedly talented but ultimately frustrating side, but he feels it is unjust to pin the defeat entirely on Henry's absence.

    Wenger feels he is building a side for the future and although he concedes they miss Henry's influence, as any team would, the French tactician is loath to underplay theability of his other players to eke out a result, in his occasional absence.

    "Thierry has played a lot of games up front on his own this year and that is a lot of work to get through," Wenger said.

    "However, I always think you should not focus on just one footballer.

    "Thierry Henry is an immense player, but we have won games without him before.

    "We know that Thierry is an essential player for us, but on individual occasions we can win without him."

    Arsenal's forward forays on Saturday saw them strike Bolton's woodwork on three separate occasions and after a game in which his side dominated in defeat, Wenger was keen to draw on the positives rather than negatives.

    "You can see that the quality is there and the potential is there," added Wenger. "The quicker we learn the quicker we will get satisfaction."
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

    Missing - Henry! van Persie! William Gallas! We were short handed vs Bolton...and, yet we should have taken the game.

    The chances that went begging? :w00t::angry:

    Hey! It is still a long way to go!

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

      Come now Karl, if Henry was playing against Bolton, unuh could use unuh normal formation ... 8-1-1. Pity you nuh appreciate greatness.
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

        Lazie (11/27/2006)Come now Karl, if Henry was playing against Bolton, unuh could use unuh normal formation ... 8-1-1. Pity you nuh appreciate greatness.
        Ooooh yes, there would be that option! ...but, who says the result would have been different?

        It, perhaps, would all depend on which Henry shows up- the guy who saunters around putting on periodic spurts of brilliance and for the most part waits onthe rest of the TEAM to fetch and carry for/give to him? ...or, the magnificent TEAM player who gets involved both on attack and defense and plays 90 minutes of TEAM?
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

          If Henry was there, Bolton would be more concerned about keeping him contained. People like you nuh appreciate greatness.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #6
            RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

            Lazie (11/28/2006)If Henry was there, Bolton would be more concerned about keeping him contained.

            ...and, kindly see my previous post!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

              Why? Nuh you constantly a diss the King of the EPL?
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #8
                RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

                if anyone EVER deserved a FIYAH box is you karl!!!! especially when it come to this topic!

                the SINGLY MOST productive gunner consistently over the last 5 years and yuh chatting this rubbish?????

                when a man is the leading goal scorer in the epl and secopnd on assists yuh have the GALL to call him selfish and anti team?!!!

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

                  Arguing with a madaman eeeh Gamma.

                  Henry is CONSISTENT Class and is the BEST forward in the World and not because he plays for Arsenal I am saying that.

                  If he was at Barca he would score even more goals, as for that matter, any team he plays for in Spain he would be the La Liga's number 1 goal scorer.
                  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...w-kit-0708.gif the wisdom and courage of my mind and the strength and vigour of my body", to enable them to enjoy a better life. I ask God's blessings on our nation. I ask for His guidance on the government that I will lead as we face the challenges of the future. I know that we can't even walk without Him holding our hands. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...aa20b58a33.gif


                  • #10
                    RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

                    BOX HIM AGAIN GAMMA!

                    In my heart of hearts I do not believe that Karl believes what he is saying. I believe he made the comment and when he was attacked from all sides he got ****ed and decided to "show us" by digging his heels in and not budging even though he realized the folly of his ways.

                    The battle has is no longer about whether Henry plays TEAM or not. The battle now is a battle of attrition. Karl has made a decision that no matter what he will not back down from his ridiculous stance. Hebelieves he can wait us out. He believes that if he breaks our will to argue he has gained some form of victory. For Karl the business side of this debate is over......Itisnow personal. He is going to show usall that no matter howloud, persistent and logical we argue hewill stay on message: "Henry does not play TEAM"

                    Massive it is all he has left.

                    Dr.T.K. signing off. - T.K.
                    No need to thank me forumites.


                    • #11
                      RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

                      Gamma (11/28/2006)if anyone EVER deserved a FIYAH box is you karl!!!! especially when it come to this topic!

                      the SINGLY MOST productive gunner consistently over the last 5 years and yuh chatting this rubbish?????

                      when a man is the leading goal scorer in the epl and secopnd on assists yuh have the GALL to call him selfish and anti team?!!!
                      gamma? gamma? gamma? I seem to remember you saying... some good time ago....that all strikers are selfish!Even if you disagree with my stance passionately...care to reconclie your former statement with your current intolerance to my stand on Henry?

                      Let me repeat my stance on Henry once more - As far as technical ability Henry is the TOP forward in the EPL!

                      When henry is on song as TEAM player he must be damn near to...or, may very well be the best player in the EPL!

                      ...but, Henry does not use his considerable talents as consistently as I would like in games formy GUNNERS! I think his is so good that if he consistently used 'his powers'...yes, 'powers' it is...the GUNNERS would have won more trophies over the last 3 years.

                      There are times the man walks around on the field! ...and, that happens too often for me! There are times the man beats...one, two, three, four players and then loses the ball...when there are TEAMmates within kissing vicinity of the oponents goal! ...and, that happenstooooo r#@^%$$ often! There are times when the man could help Arsenal to retain possession and he does not play-in TEAMmates to assist on that retention of possession! ...and, that happens, for one with his considerable 'reading' of the game...too damn often!

                      I do not care a rats arse if he scores one million goals...if, in my opinion, he couldless selfish and score and either scoretwo million and get us wins and trophies...or, he could be less selfish and score 10 goals andget us wins and more trophies! His scoring is only great when it helps the TEAM to WIN! The GUNNERS WINNING is everything!

                      Henry's everything must be for the GUNNERS! Walking around during matches...which we then lose! ...or, not coming back on defense in matches...which we then lose! ...****es me off! Sure I am in 'glad bag land' when he pulls off his amazing feats...but, I am in the depths of dispair when he does not contribute as I KNOW HE CAN and we draw or lose! Then I say - F@#%^*%@k him!I make no allowances for any player who takes time off in 'my matches'.

                      As a matter of fact,REGGAE BOYZ and REGGAE GIRLZ opponents...GUNNERS opponentscan take time off...not my players!

                      The other one starting to be selfish and do f@#%&amp;^%$@ry is TOURE!
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

                        T.K. (11/29/2006)BOX HIM AGAIN GAMMA!

                        In my heart of hearts I do not believe that Karl believes what he is saying. I believe he made the comment and when he was attacked from all sides he got ****ed and decided to "show us" by digging his heels in and not budging even though he realized the folly of his ways.

                        The battle has is no longer about whether Henry plays TEAM or not. The battle now is a battle of attrition. Karl has made a decision that no matter what he will not back down from his ridiculous stance. Hebelieves he can wait us out. He believes that if he breaks our will to argue he has gained some form of victory. For Karl the business side of this debate is over......Itisnow personal. He is going to show usall that no matter howloud, persistent and logical we argue hewill stay on message: "Henry does not play TEAM"

                        Massive it is all he has left.

                        Dr.T.K. signing off. - T.K.
                        ...but, herein is the lie in TK's quote - "Henry does not play TEAM"

                        I have NEVER...EVER said that! For everyone's information this discussion board has greater ability to archive posts than 'the last board'.

                        Find even one quote/post of mine where I have ever said, Henry did not play TEAM! ...and, Tilla can give you the url for the last board -request it and put put one...one deggie-deggie post where I said the man does not play TEAM....and, or one post where I knock his technical ability? ONE?

                        Saying what I have never said and attributing to me -does not make your argument(s)!
                        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                        • #13
                          RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

                          ...but, herein is the lie in TK's quote - "Henry does not play TEAM"

                          I have NEVER...EVER said that! For everyone's information this discussion board has greater ability to archive posts than 'the last board'.

                          Find even one quote/post of mine where I have ever said, Henry did not play TEAM! ...and, Tilla can give you the url for the last board -request it and put put one...one deggie-deggie post where I said the man does not play TEAM....and, or one post where I knock his technical ability? ONE?

                          Saying what I have never said and attributing to me -does not make your argument(s)!

                          <SPAN id=_ctl1_ctlTopic_ctlPanelBar_ctlTopicsRepeater__c tl4_lblPostSignature>Karl


                          Backside.....between you and Me this is the second time I have been called a liar on this forum. What is going on around here? Is it possible that I could have simply been mistaken vs. outright lying? Or am I just a such a habitual liar that I can't even tell the difference anymore? I need to see a psychiatrist about this problem of mine.

                          In either case if you did not say that Henry does not play team then I apologize. It was my fault. I in no way meant to misrepresent your feelings about the player. It was an honest mistake. - T.K.
                          No need to thank me forumites.


                          • #14
                            RE: Karl, just say "Hail to the King!"

                            T.K. (11/29/2006)

                            ...but, herein is the lie in TK's quote - "Henry does not play TEAM"

                            I have NEVER...EVER said that! For everyone's information this discussion board has greater ability to archive posts than 'the last board'.

                            Find even one quote/post of mine where I have ever said, Henry did not play TEAM! ...and, Tilla can give you the url for the last board -request it and put put one...one deggie-deggie post where I said the man does not play TEAM....and, or one post where I knock his technical ability? ONE?

                            Saying what I have never said and attributing to me -does not make your argument(s)!

                            <SPAN id=_ctl1_ctlTopic_ctlPanelBar_ctlTopicsRepeater__c tl4_lblPostSignature>Karl


                            Backside.....between you and Me this is the second time I have been called a liar on this forum. What is going on around here? Is it possible that I could have simply been mistaken vs. outright lying? Or am I just a such a habitual liar that I can't even tell the difference anymore? I need to see a psychiatrist about this problem of mine.

                            In either case if you did not say that Henry does not play team then I apologize. It was my fault. I in no way meant to misrepresent your feelings about the player. It was an honest mistake. - T.K.
                            Never said, yuh lie! read wah mi seh once more! In fact, mek mi put wah m,i seh ya-suh -

                            ...but, herein is the lie in TK's quote - "Henry does not play TEAM"
                            dat mean seh mi kaul sum a Henry hack-shans during games as anti-TEAM. Dat nuhmean seh im nava did a play TEAM nuff-nuff...but, sum a di ting dem im did-a duh waus han-ti-TEAM! ...han mi waant unnuh fi han-da-stan dat im duh dem deh anti-TEAM ting dem too often innah sum a im match dem! ...han hit nuh good fi di GUNNERS...han fi mi eart!
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

