<DIV class=layout><DIV class=borderBottom><DIV class=matchCentre><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class=columbusColumnHeader><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right" colSpan=2>Bradford 4</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left" colSpan=2>Gillingham 2</TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=matchSummary><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Date :</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Sat 12 Aug 2006 </TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Kick Off :</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">15:00 </TD></TR><TR class=matchSummary><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Venue :</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Valley Parade </TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Attendance :</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">7807 </TD></TR><TR class=matchSummary><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Comp :</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Coca-Cola Football League One </TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Referee :</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">P Miller </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=4></TD></TR><TR class=matchSummary><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left" colSpan=4>Click Here For Detailed Match Stats </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=4></TD></TR><TR class=matchSummary><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left" colSpan=4>Goals :</TD></TR><TR class=matchSummary><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right" align=right colSpan=2><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">Bower 43 </TD></TR><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">Windass 61 </TD></TR><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">Windass 82 </TD></TR><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">Johnson 90 + 2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left" colSpan=2><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Bentley 6 </TD></TR><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Flynn 14 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV><DIV class=sponsorStripBottom style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(/javaImages/b2/e1/0,,~2941362,00.gif); WIDTH: 100%; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(173,179,188); TEXT-ALIGN: center">
</DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV class=layout><DIV class=border><SPAN class=headline>Match Report </SPAN></DIV><DIV class=borderBottom><DIV class=sponsorStripTop style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(/javaImages/b0/e1/0,,~2941360,00.gif); WIDTH: 100%; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(173,179,188); TEXT-ALIGN: center">
</DIV><DIV class=article><DIV class=articleText><P align=center>
<P align=left>All hail the Great Entertainers! There certainly isn't a dull moment at Valley Parade with this lot around.
Last season, punters were often complaining they were left short-changed by City's insipid home performances. That's definitely not going to be the case this time if the first week's frantic action is anything to go by.
"It's a pleasure to watch when we're flowing," said Colin Todd at the end of an amazing afternoon.
"You've seen in three games so far that we have a good enough squad to make our presence felt. The team looks full of goals."
Back-to-back home wins for the first time since October makes a welcome change. But once again, this was no spectacle for the faint-hearted.
Fans must have felt their nerves were frazzled enough by the Bristol City game. That was nothing compared to Saturday.<P align=center>
<P align=justify>Todd's assessmen

Last season, punters were often complaining they were left short-changed by City's insipid home performances. That's definitely not going to be the case this time if the first week's frantic action is anything to go by.
"It's a pleasure to watch when we're flowing," said Colin Todd at the end of an amazing afternoon.
"You've seen in three games so far that we have a good enough squad to make our presence felt. The team looks full of goals."
Back-to-back home wins for the first time since October makes a welcome change. But once again, this was no spectacle for the faint-hearted.
Fans must have felt their nerves were frazzled enough by the Bristol City game. That was nothing compared to Saturday.<P align=center>
