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On Ja's football:

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  • On Ja's football:

    I'm surprised by this board. Why? I can recall a friendly where Ja played to pull off a draw in the final mins. I then said Ja should proceed to play Mexico; many on this board said I was crazy, it's best Ja played some weak team such as grenada or Cayman. karl was the only one (I think) that supported my call. The reason why I said take on mexico or a heavy Euro team was because I saw where Ja was finally showing an understanding of the science of the game (this may come about due to exposure in the euro leagues). I h knew that back in the days if a team scores first on Ja that was it; Ja would fold and it would seem like the flood gates were open.

    Now I see all saying that JA can beat any team; guys please tell where this new found confidence came from. The standard was just to play Haiti and other weak teams. There is a lot to learn in order to play at the highest level. I'm sorry that the prof was given such a short time on his second stint. I hope Tappa get four years to mold locals with overseas and put a solid team out there next qualifiers.

  • #2
    I agree with everythig you said except giving Simoes more time,he should've been sacked sooner.


    • #3
      In the 90s remember that Simoes was hired in 94 and kept on for six years. has anyone else been given that chance? Why was Simoes let go in 2000? Like it or not he did have an understanding of Jamaica and built a relationship with Jamaicans in that time. IMHO he should have been kept on back then for 2002.

      The point is, we keep chopping and changing... I hope that Whitmore is given a chance to gel a TEAM for 2014.

      In fact that I would hope that that is the plan the JFF is working on now, GC should only be a small tepping stone in that direction; if players like King and Williams are not available it is probably a blessing in disguise; we need to start moulding the 2014 squad NOW!(remember qualifiers will start 2012).
      Peter R


      • #4



        • #5
          You keep forgetting that we did not let Simoes go he decided to leave on his own the firsts time and was then fired by two or three more countries in short order including T&T for failures.

          He should never have ben rehired in the first place.
          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
          Che Guevara.


          • #6
            In time the rest will come home to you.
            Be patient, it's a virtue.


            • #7
              He should never have ben rehired in the first place.
              "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


              • #8
                Simoes is the reason why we are not involved in world cup qualifiers right now.


                • #9
                  We have to move forward and keep our focus going forward

                  Focus on going forward and focus on the solutions that is how its done

                  First things first before the creator could create she needed ORDER. Nothing can be created in chaos.

                  People who deal with maths and the sciences understand the importance of order as that is how the Universe operates. As above so below.

                  our Egyptian ancestors understood that and hence their greatness

                  we are slowly getting there
                  don't give up and don't think that your work is in vain
                  different messages have different gestation period

                  just keep dropping you word and keep the focus on what can be done as opposed to what we didn't do in the past.

                  It was already written and it a unfold infront of our eyes daily

                  Isn't it a JOY to be alive in these times to see what our ancestors long to see? Man can you imagine telling our kids that we lived through revelations?

                  All we need is 6 people to help put together a system for our youths.

                  Working out here with a youth coach and he told me it takes about 3 years(from the youths dem a 15 to 18) We already have the schools so that can serve as our educational part of the academy.

                  Truth be told all we need is a proper system and a trainer for our coaches just like how dem do in the military. NOtice how most countries like the US dem always have dem trainers for the other country military when dem tek over.

                  Pay attention the ideas are out there and right infront of you.

                  All we need now is one prototype and mi identify Lincoln, Assasin, Jawge and need two more people to put together a program for 15 to 18 year olds and focus that attention to lead by example

                  Once you buss it everyone will be forced to follow

                  they just need leaders to lead them.

                  day by day the father a reveal him works

                  Its the creator within that does the works.


                  • #10
                    i don't recall if you were the one who "made the call" but i too supprted that move....how yuh fi figget dat, my yute?

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #11
                      I think JA has thrown aside a talent without giving the
                      talent time to devleop. Who? Cousins. Now if the Brasilians see something in this player then there is something in him. Many players do better on the job. Look at pepe Goodison (go to the tapes of 97 RFK), who appeared substandard in RFK; the prof. contiued to work with him and took him globe trotting. We lost many games but the likes of pepe gained an invaluable experience. Ja does not have a quality pro league, hence the tours by Prof. Simoes. I said the Prof wasn't given enough time and the usual supsects begin to rant and rave.

                      Truth be told Ja's league is substandard and it's going to be very hard to glean talent with just local league experience. Tappa must be given the chance to take the players to Europe S.ameria and Africa on tours. If this is not done we will be right where we are now, come next qualifiers.

                      I believe Cousins and Austin ( with cousins coming up INT'L standards) would be a force on JA's team.

                      Look at Bradley; it's the constant exposure to high level games why he seems to be of any use (granted he has glaring weaknesses), can you imagine if he was on the bench or gettig just 10 mins of play?

                      I think JA should not discard cousins; work with the man.


                      • #12
                        If the Brasilians liked Cousins so much, why is he still in Jamaica?

                        And it didn't appear that he was much liked by your favourite Brasilian! So, is he quality or not?

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          Boss yuh fi haff sense yuh nuh. Yuh done know
                          say most yaad balla waan play ah Europe (England to be precise) is since recently they are branching out a LITTLE.

                          Now I would jump to play in the Brasilian top league and play internationally for JA.

                          The only reason why the Prof. stop using Cousins was beacuse of the element of time. The prof. was playing qualifying games (not friendlies) and he was under pressure to meet certain objectives. Cousins was not producing enough to meet the Prof.'s short term needs.

                          Let me tell you this: JA will need the locals in the mix in order to qualify; the NPL is not up to standard to produce the quality. Tappa will have to be living on the airlines to get the desired results. One of the glaring weaknesses of the NPL; is that it's centered around a high school football league. Whenever the above changes then the NPL will get better.

