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Jamaica can beat the top teams too

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  • Rather the zenlike comment was meant to be provocative as the only way you can beat a team is to outscore them...right?
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.


    • Originally posted by Peter R View Post
      Don yuh seeit? the BIG difference is that track is an individual sport and football is team... so you are correct but it is infinitely more difficult to get a team to gel than to train individuals who are motivated.

      Americans are getting their team to perform, we have a group of individuals.
      Agree that it is more difficult. However it is far from insoluble.

      We just need vision, organization and a few dollars. That's all.

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • Just need to see those "winnings on the day"!
        The marking time as far as progress goes... just soooooooooooo tiring!
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • Originally posted by Sickko View Post
          Rather the zenlike comment was meant to be provocative as the only way you can beat a team is to outscore them...right?
          That concept is too profound for LazyBrain.

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • USA is a better team than Jamaica at the moment,but that doesn't mean tha they've got the better players.


            • Originally posted by Dunny View Post
              USA is a better team than Jamaica at the moment,but that doesn't mean tha they've got the better players.

              Conversely Jamaica had a significantly better team in 1997-98 than this 2008 version ....but have better players now than then.

              Some can't understand the concept.

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • Donovan is a bit of an idiot...I believe he carries a permanent injury (chip on the shoulder)
                Peter R


                • And which would you rather have? if we can't get both at the same time which seems a challenge... I just get a vibe that some going on bout individuals...dem nuh hear wha Karl seh? i's all about TEAM, TEAM and TEAM!

                  Jamaica can be competitive which means we would have as good a chance as any to be in the WC consistently but until the Godfathers of Jamaican football find a realistic plan, fund it, follow it and not eff it up, we will always be chasing the Mexicos, Costa Ricas and (sadly for some) Americas.
                  Peter R


                  • Originally posted by Peter R View Post
                    And which would you rather have? if we can't get both at the same time which seems a challenge... I just get a vibe that some going on bout individuals...dem nuh hear wha Karl seh? i's all about TEAM, TEAM and TEAM!

                    Jamaica can be competitive which means we would have as good a chance as any to be in the WC consistently but until the Godfathers of Jamaican football find a realistic plan, fund it, follow it and not eff it up, we will always be chasing the Mexicos, Costa Ricas and (sadly for some) Americas.
                    It's sad to chase any of those teams... not just the Americans. Jamaica has the talent and personality (aggressive confidence) to be at least equal or superior to those teams consistently.

                    We are young & naive in organized, structured football in my view and still feeling our way.... we started a program in 1994 and have still not understood how to support it long term.

                    Figuring out how to sustain a consistent program... and not changing based on the whims of whoever happens to be at the helm is our major problem in football.... just as it is our major problem in politricks.

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                      Y'all realize how tired the financial excuse get now?

                      "man for man the USA cannot hold a candle to us"

                      Really? How many times have we defeated the USA? How many times have they defeated us? The USA is top dog in Concacaf ... Jamaica is hoping to get such a label. Winning the Gold Cup to the USA is like JA and T&T winning the Digicel Cup. Qualifying for the World Cup is now a norm for the USA, Jamaica's qualification is now going the route of Haiti and Cuba ... once in a lifetime.

                      Unuh need fi easy wid the hype ... lets see if the team can deliver. Then again, with y'all quick to make excuses for their failure why should they?
                      This statement makes me think of when Jamaica lost 6-0 to England in the 2006 friendly.

                      I remember reading this forum just after the game ended and being shocked at how practically all of the anger was being directed at Boxhill, and how almost no one was placing any blame at all on the Jamaican players for the poor performance. You would have thought that it was Boxhill who had been marking Peter Crouch when he scored his hat-trick!

                      Anyway, I came on and asked why Boxhill was taking all the heat, yet there was none aimed at the Jamaican team that had actually been on the field for the defeat. Then I stated that Jamaica simply didn't have the players to compete at that level -- not at that point in time, anyway.

                      So, of course, everyone blew up at me and told me how mistaken I was, how the Jamaican players were top class, etc. The only poster I can remember who agreed with my statements was Rico and one of the girls who used to post here (Portia, maybe?). And then they got blasted for taking that position, too.

                      So yeah, Lazie, "making excuses" seems to be pretty common practice around here.
                      "Donovan was excellent. We knew he was a good player, but he really didn't do anything wrong in the whole game and made it difficult for us."
                      - Xavi


                      • Originally posted by Zeppo View Post
                        This statement makes me think of when Jamaica lost 6-0 to England in the 2006 friendly.

                        I remember reading this forum just after the game ended and being shocked at how practically all of the anger was being directed at Boxhill, and how almost no one was placing any blame at all on the Jamaican players for the poor performance. You would have thought that it was Boxhill who had been marking Peter Crouch when he scored his hat-trick!

                        Anyway, I came on and asked why Boxhill was taking all the heat, yet there was none aimed at the Jamaican team that had actually been on the field for the defeat. Then I stated that Jamaica simply didn't have the players to compete at that level -- not at that point in time, anyway.

                        So, of course, everyone blew up at me and told me how mistaken I was, how the Jamaican players were top class, etc. The only poster I can remember who agreed with my statements was Rico and one of the girls who used to post here (Portia, maybe?). And then they got blasted for taking that position, too.

                        So yeah, Lazie, "making excuses" seems to be pretty common practice around here.
                        Were there any excuses you noted here by Jamaican fans akin to those offered by your country's supporters at your last place finish in 1998? Or were they substantially different?

                        Did the US have players to compete at that time or was blame for your pathetic failures placed elsewhere?

                        Were your coach and administrators lambasted for that embarrassment?

                        Blaming administrators is nothing new.... perhaps only to newcomers to the world's game like you.

                        Kibba yuh mout yankee.

                        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                        • Shame on the posters with simple minds that have allowed Zeppo's red herring to hijack my original post. Its amazing how you all fall for it, every time. I find him easy to ignore
                          Word mi bredda.

                          The entity known as zeppo specializes in put downs, red herrings and baiting.
                          Some weak minded posters do their best to entertain the little fellow and make it feel comfortable here.... I am very familiar with that brown nosing syndrome a lamented few of our people have to entities of that type.

                          Disagree however that it should be ignored. That's not our nature .... it should be dusted.


                          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                          • Originally posted by Zeppo View Post
                            This is a massive oversimplification, to say the least.

                            I know it must be tempting to look at yesterday's game and say, "If the U.S. can do it then so can Jamaica!" But it completely ignores the reality on the ground: that a huge gulf in quality exists between the American and Jamaican players.

                            The fact is that Jamaica is not even close to being able to get a win against a team like Spain, or some of the other countries that the U.S. has in recent history (Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, etc.).
                            ...the gulf is lack of US type discipline and desire! We can put 24 players on the field who are man for man technically better than those US players.

                            Did you see how often Altidore gave the ball to the brazilians...and how often he made no effort at getting the ball (just jumping for show on high balls kicked forward by Howard and company)?

                            Did you see how often the US gave the ball to the Brazilians? ...passed it, under no pressure, straight to the Brazilians?

                            ...having said all that the TEAM disipline in the first half was surperb.
                            The 2 goals the US scored? Excellent!
                            The fight by the players? Excellent!

                            ...unfortunately in the 2nd half (no blame on the first goals...those happen!) the Brazilians started to stretch the width...introduced consistent wing play...and the US defensive shape became less compact when compared to that employed during the 1st half.

                            2 terrible errors by defenders gave the Brazilians the win -
                            1. *TEAM error - Over and over seeing the Brazilian at the back post get free headers & not rectifying that by putting players to nullify (result Brazil getting the ball in the net twice from such positions - 1 not given...


                            2. A 'last defender' not cutting out a ball easily within reach (Brazil's 2nd goal) but allowing it to run on to the Brazilian who said, thank you and dumped it beyond Howard in goal.

                            *It did not appear that any US player on the field saw the danger. Surely efforts would have been made to protect that back post if on-field discussions had taken place?

                            It was also amazing that in a match where the US was up at the half-time by 2...that Altidore and Davis were not asked to put in more 'thinking'.

                            Altidore on, getting to the ball before those defending him and heading on for TEAMmate to run onto or to his TEAMmates in other supporting positions...and Davis to make his passes free supporting TEAMmates.

                            What was the point of the TEAM working so hard for the ball and then handing it over to the Brazilians?

                            Still...the US put on an excellent showing!
                            Big-up USA

                            ...wish the REGGAE BOYZ would be so disciplined and have that much fight!
                            Last edited by Karl; June 28, 2009, 09:51 PM.
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                              You seem fascinated with club ball ... well .. despite all the "mediocre" players the USA have they'll be playing in the final of a FIFA competition on Sunday, they will certainly be back in South Africa this time next year. Meanwhile Jamaicans still hyping about some very "skilled" players that haven't delivered.
                              TEAM work missing!
                              That includes team discipline (able to remain holding shape for near complete game and stick to carrying out tasks without 'losing head' and 'forgetting' about tasks repeatedly during games)...and putting out USA type TEAM effort!

                              Needed to get that throughout our football age-groups through to national teams.

                              ...aaaah for the teachers?

                              Talent abounds!
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                              • Wah Dweetsweet a try point out is the need for FOCUS.

                                Recently when unnu no see me a dat me was learning to do as at the TOP level you have to know how to maintain your FOCUS on what you can do.

                                You have to stay in the process, note where you are, where you want to be and keep moving.

                                a no nothing major a just like Grandma say. One one coco full basket.

                                Now Dweetsweet at this level you will learn that its easier to change you than change others. So that is why my charge to you is this time to step up your game and when you interview the reggaeboyz this time around get a camera and post it or your website for us.

                                Just like how TMZ blow up its time to buss a football related site for us with visuals.

                                Like Granny used to say you have to do what you can do.

                                Welcome my lord the Matrix no longer have you.
                                Its a journey so get ready to keep going

                                We are slowly growing so lets note where we are and keep going with the focus on what we can do to continue improving

                                forward ever and backward never

                                that is why the sciences and maths are so important as they teach you the importance of ORDER.

                                Without which nothing can get done.

                                Its a learning process and thanks to all the people on here for making it possible as a JAH works and it works by community(same way it work fi Bob) a years dem have us under mental slavery so we nah go get out of it overnight.

                                Just continue drop you words and plant seeds, people pay more attention to it than they claim as they remember.

                                in time they will bear fruits

                                back to the hills

