Exactly! They lost their form, tenacity and focus when they decided to play the fool!
The height of that idiocy was when an ES player went down in 73rd min. He was virtually 6 feet from the touchline and signalled to the referee to have the stretcher brought onto the field to take him off. The Mexican ref didnt buy it then ask him to walk off the field since he was that close to the touchline. The player suddenly recovered from his injury got up and started running around as if nothin happened.
The man them did Tiad Mo, no doubt about it. The man them throw ball on the US for most a the game. The US was no real threat as Donovan, Beasley and company looked tame.
When the US realise that EL Salvador was tired and not coming forward it sent up the sign for the defense to come forward.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
The man them did Tiad Mo, no doubt about it. The man them throw ball on the US for most a the game. The US was no real threat as Donovan, Beasley and company looked tame.
When the US realise that EL Salvador was tired and not coming forward it sent up the sign for the defense to come forward.
El Salvador packed the middle forcing US out on the wings. Beasely didnt run at the defenders. Donovan nor Ching didnt get service from the midfield. Tactically ES were doing well until they got into gamesmanship. The US figured out their strategy and countered it. I dont think ES were tired because they started playing counter attacking football after Altidore's goal. El Salvador couldve won the game if they knew how to hold the ball without going down faking injuries and time wasting.