The fact is the goalkeeper must be on the line (and between the goal-posts) at the moment the ball is kicked!
Matters not what he does prior ups and or flips...or knee lifts prior to...!!! prior matters the kick he must as per "Law" be on the goal-line between those uprights!
If he did not comply and there is a miss or save..."Law" says re-take! (the attaking team gets another shot at the penalty-kick) ...and btw - a new kicker can be used by the attacking team!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
The fact is the goalkeeper must be on the line (and between the goal-posts) at the moment the ball is kicked!
Matters not what he does prior ups and or flips...or kneelifts prior to...!!! prior matters the kick he must as per "Law" be on the goal-line between those uprights!
Okay. And? So he can move along the goal line between the uprights which get's back to the point of this thread. If I can move along the goal line prior (and presumably after ) the ball is kicked why would placing the ball in any particular spot preclude me from saving the penalty?
Rule 14 - Penalty Kicks
A direct free kick is taken at the penalty mark in front of the goal. It is a one-on-one situation with the kick against the goalkeeper. Everyone else must stay outside the penalty area and at least 10 yards from the ball (the reason for the arc at the top of the penalty area) until it is kicked. The goalkeeper must remain on the goal line facing the kicker until the ball is touched, although the goalkeeper may move sideways along the goal line prior to the kick.
Okay. And? So he can move along the goal line between the uprights which get's back to the point of this thread. If I can move along the goal line prior (and presumably after ) the ball is kicked why would placing the ball in any particular spot preclude me from saving the penalty?
Simple! If you move over to one side then we shall decide it would be totally foolish of you! the kicker [remember my teaching task is to show why i) a penalty is hard to save...and ii) kickers should have no fear when taking the kick as the odds are faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar in...over-whelmingly in the kicker's favour!]
You would have just shown and hopefully eliminated in your (the student's) mind one action that would not be helpful to you as goalkeeper and to your team...and realise that 'penalties are sure hard to save'...and kickers of penalties are in a 'good place'!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
That is not a change! They could always do that from my time!
You may have thought there was a "Law" saying goalkeepers had to stand in the middle of the goal...and not move prior to the taking of a penalty-kick...but you would be wrong!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
That is not a change! They could always do that from my time!
You may have thought there was a "Law" saying goalkeepers had to stand in the middle of the goal...and not move prior to the taking of a penalty-kick...but you would be wrong!
Karl. What is the disconnect? The goalkeeper can run up and down on the goal line prior to the ball being kicked, as the ball is kicked, after the ball is kicked. He can run up and dung on the line to his hearts content. What point are you trying to make? Are you saying that when the ball is struck the keeper cannot be in motion? If so that is rubbish
Karl. What is the disconnect? The goalkeeper can run up and down on the goal line prior to the ball being kicked, as the ball is kicked, after the ball is kicked. He can run up and dung on the line to his hearts content. What point are you trying to make? Are you saying that when the ball is struck the keeper cannot be in motion? If so that is rubbish
he cannot run up and down as the ball is kicked! he has to be on the line.
Perhaps you do not know that while running there are periods with both feet leave the ground. It would be a hell of a job for the goalkeeper to time his movements so that at least one foot was on the line when the ball is kicked. So if he is actually running and the kick is taken...and he saves or the kicker misses..."The Law" requires a retake!
Brickie it is simple - The goalkeeper must be on his goal-line and between his goal-posts when the ball is kicked...forget before and after! Just stick to the wording of the "Laws of the Game".
You are acting just like 'new wanna be refs'. They arrive with ideas on what they think the "Laws" states...and have a difficult time adapting to and acting on what "The Laws" actually say.
Trust me, just accept "The Laws" and the interpretations given by the IFAB. Every other thing is irrelevant!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."