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Berbatov: I'm a perfectionist

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  • Berbatov: I'm a perfectionist

    Excerpts of an interview with Scaly's boy, Dimitar "Mr. Laid Back" Berbatov.

    You reached double figures with your goal against Spurs. Have you - or the boss - set any targets?
    I know some players like to do that, to give themselves a figure to aim for. That’s not for me. I just want to play my part in the team and help United win trophies with goals, assists and my play. The main goal is to win the league. I’ll be happy if we do that with my 10 goals, 15 goals… or if I’d scored only five goals.

    You also have the most assists in the Premier League, which says a lot about your contribution to the team…
    I hope people appreciate that because sometimes I take more pleasure making an assist than scoring myself. I know it sounds strange for a striker to say that, but for me it’s not strange at all. I like to make goals too. Michael Carrick’s pass for my goal against Tottenham – what a great ball! It was my goal, but at the same time it was Michael’s.

    You never appear hurried or under pressure when you play. Where does that comes from?
    I’m a relaxed guy! I play that way and I can’t change my style. That’s the way I prefer to play. I watch games and see guys who panic on the ball – they look so nervous on the ball. I sometimes know what I want to do before the ball comes to me, so I can be calm. I still have work to do before I’m completely happy with my game, but I’m getting there. The boss tells me not to change anything… he gives me the freedom to express my qualities.

    The Reds' record at Old Trafford is outstanding. How much of a difference does playing at home make?
    It makes a big difference. When you’re in the tunnel and you hear on the speakers, “Please welcome the champions of England, the champions of Europe and the champions of the world,” you just believe that you are going to crush anybody that is in your way. I get goosebumps every time I walk out at Old Trafford. It’s great. Teams come here and stand off in the first 10 minutes. I know what that’s like – when I came here with Tottenham, you’re aware of the history, the big stadium, the fans... Luckily now I’m on the other side!

    Paul Marin, Peter R, nuh wonder y'all try to diss with the Ol' Toilet label. People intimidated.
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