Super Plus helps South Central Confed <DIV class=KonaBody>
Super Plus provided a fillip for football in the South Central Confed announcing sponsorship of the struggling Super League to the tune of $1.6 million.
The sponsorship is considered a saviour for the sport at this level in this region given the criticism levelled at <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: blue! important; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; POSITION: relative">prize </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: blue! important; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; POSITION: relative">money</SPAN> in the past and the controversies with referees over late or unpaid money. In at least one parish association, the prize money offered to previous Super League champions was less than that offered to the Division One champions. No awards ceremony has been held over the last two years.
In fact, Super Plus who has sponsored the competition in the past and jointly up to last season, has only committed to one season with chairman Wayne Chen throwing out the challenge to organisers to woo him back on simply how they administer the competition.
Both chairman Dale Spencer, and secretary Dalton Wint told Star Sports that they would put the past incidences behind them and work to keep the teams motivated and the referees comfortable. The winning team is now guaranteed $250,000 with cash incentives for the top four finishers. Sponsorship would also take care of at least 60 per cent of fees for officials.
Twelve teams divided in two groups are down to participate, including past champions Rivoli who were relegated from the Premier League last season. The competition kicks off this Saturday at Prison Oval. </DIV>