Operations-prep/operatios underway from this morning!
At the hospital - Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami - awaiting word. We have got one update around 1.15pm - Everything proceeding well!
Fingers and toes crossed!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Operations-prep/operatios underway from this morning!
At the hospital - Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami - awaiting word. We have got one update around 1.15pm - Everything proceeding well!
Thanks, boss!
I would also like to thank those of you who sent e-mails or called.
They are both out of their respective operating theatres.
We have been assured by the staff that "everything is going great".
Kirk (the Dad & doner) was moved to the "Recovery Unit" by-passing the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). A Good sign!
We were allowed to visit with Kirk at 5.00pm for 5 minutes. He was conscious and gave us the thumbs-up sign. he was not allowed to speak as he was sore.
Kirsha is in the ICU, but we have been told that that is normal. The kidney she received is doing well. She, as I mentioned above, we were told is doing well. We were allowed to visit with her in the ICU for approximately 2-5 minutes. We were allowed in told to make small talk (We spoke, she did not!) She had a respirator 'feeding her oxygen'...but she smiled and held her sister's, Mom's and grandma's hand. I did not want to risk any transfer of infections...and just made choked sounds - Love you! You look great! ..etc....then we were being shoo-ed out. We left telling we would be back tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'll be back at the hospital.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."