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Large up yourself old man Whitmore

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  • #31
    RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

    <DIV>Yuh a look argument now. Mi nuh have nuh time fi waste. Not even a bodda archive nuh more. Just gwaan watch di Great Meastro not do anything as well as Tappa for the next how much years!</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV></DIV>



    • #32
      RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

      Siya (11/7/2006)NO!!

      The play had in effect broken down because he stopped the team from moving forward. He was not looking up. Lowe was no more open when Bibi got the ball to him than at anytime that Whitmorehad it. As a matter of fact he wasn't open at all -Bibi just made agreat pass - why couldn't Whitmore set up that goal? Oh yes Karl he was too busy playing the good possession ball.The Guatemalans were so scared ofgetting dissed (Pirrouetted on)that they wouldn't rushTappa when he hadthe ballor was about to receive it so he had all the time in the world to look up and play hesimply didn't- that's the type of 'general' he was.

      When Bibi said ''#@&amp;* possession'' and made the final pass to Lowe, Whitmore was actually calling back for the ball and running towards him to collect it, and whether you trust my memory or not, Bibi looked away from him and bam the rest is history...

      Yes sir... try testmy memory! I have video evidenceThat was Jamaica vs Guatemala Gold cup 2003 I watched that game so much that I could probablyhave donethe commentary word for word not too long ago. The tapeis still in my possession and almost every time I come across it itI end up watching at least a part of it.Jamaica vs Guatemalais always a classic sometimes for the wrong reason but classics none the less.
      Oh well! I could not lay my hands on that tape...I am sure I have it on VHS...but, kindly send me a copy of yours. I would be grateful. After viewingI will get back to you.
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #33
        RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

        Karl's response I gots to see!



        • #34
          RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

          Siya (11/7/2006)
          ...and, ooooh, I do not think he is a better 'set-upman'/passer of the killer ballthan Tappa!
          Karl. Sir Wallace. Please do recount one killer pass that you saw Whitmore make. Where afoward ran on to the ball and put it into the back of the net. Like the pass Hue made against the USA or a couple that he made at the last Gold cup that lead to GOALS.

          Thats a killer pass - a pass that results directly in a goal. When/where was Whitmore making those passes to be better than Hue. And please don't be vague about times when he made passes and his no good teammates didn't score etc. I just wan't to know aboutone killer pass in all the years you've been watching him that lead to a goal -any goal.
          Killer passes do not always lead to goals. After the killer pass the receiver has to score. Sometimes, even within the 6-yard box/goal area, the receiver misses the goal!

          Killer passes leave the opposing players for dead and set-up great scoring opportunities...just that.When the pass has been made...it has been made. Done!What may or may not happen after is a different thing!
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #35
            RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

            Mosiah (11/7/2006)<DIV>Yuh a look argument now. Mi nuh have nuh time fi waste. Not even a bodda archive nuh more. Just gwaan watch di Great Meastro not do anything as well as Tappa for the next how much years!</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV></DIV>
            Mi neva seh dat! As it is today...we cannot do without di Maestro!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #36
              RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

              Revenge is a hell of a thing... The last time I sent you a gamewith my treasured Boys N Girls champs Highlights on it I asked you back for a copy of another game few days later and lets just say you weren't as nice orforthcoming with your tape as I waswith mine. Talk bout memory huh
              SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!


              • #37
                RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                Siya (11/7/2006)Revenge is a hell of a thing... The last time I sent you a gamewith my treasured Boys N Girls champs Highlights on it I asked you back for a copy of another game few days later and lets just say you weren't as nice orforthcoming with your tape as I waswith mine. Talk bout memory huh

                Remind me and then consider it done!

                Send me a PM including your address! Pleeease!
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #38
                  RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                  <DIV>Ef a laff a pop-up! All now...</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Siya, memba bout last week somebody recalled one of Tappa's killa passes. As you pointed out, from yuh can remember one of them den tings bad. I can't recall the number of killer passes Hue makes in one game, playing for whatever team.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Fact is, Tappa is a dribbler and Hue a passer, although Hue could easily be considered a better dribbler than Tappa. But he recognizes that the game is about passing. </DIV>

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #39
                    RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                    Ooooh! Not nice!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #40
                      RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                      You just gave the definition of an attempted murder pass maybe. But a killer pass is called that because it created the goal. Anything else is a figment of your imagination in your relentless quest to add general status to Tappa.

                      Maybeyour Tappa passes could be dubbed replacement-killer passes.

                      I know only Andy can talk to Hue when it come to set up passes...
                      SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!


                      • #41
                        RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                        Mosiah (11/7/2006)<DIV>Ef a laff a pop-up! All now...</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Siya, memba bout last week somebody recalled one of Tappa's killa passes. As you pointed out, from yuh can remember one of them den tings bad. I can't recall the number of killer passes Hue makes in one game, playing for whatever team.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Fact is, Tappa is a dribbler and Hue a passer, although Hue could easily be considered a better dribbler than Tappa. But he recognizes that the game is about passing. </DIV>
                        No one can deny that he has great passes...but, so does a fit Tappa!
                        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                        • #42
                          RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                          Nuh worry man you cool just keep reminding me. I will put it on DVD soon. But if it wasn't for Princess I would never watch any tapes... Miss P how you do? I have some of the 2001 U20 qualifying matches foryou for the longest.
                          SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!


                          • #43
                            RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                            Siya (11/7/2006)You just gave the definition of an attempted murder pass maybe. But a killer pass is called that because it created the goal. Anything else is a figment of your imagination in your relentless quest to add general status to Tappa.

                            Maybeyour Tappa passes could be dubbed replacement-killer passes.

                            I know only Andy can talk to Hue when it come to set up passes...
                            Well you are talking about our top 3 sans 1994! I will not split hairs on who makes/made the best passes! I will tell you Tappa based on what we haveseen of each player thus far...was the best player of the lot!
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #44
                              RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                              Him never gwaan nuh way but mi think him would a look out fi me after I walked in Florida sun hot to find post office and send him tapes at least twice. Only to find out that the man is RBSC through and through and nuh cater fi a man like me weh neva join.
                              SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!


                              • #45
                                RE: Large up yourself old man Whitmore

                                Karl, which Theodore Whitmore are you talking about? Not the one born on August 5th who plays for Seba United and a few teams in England?

                                Playing defence and Tappa should never be in the same sentence...even the better NPL coaches have figurered that out a long time ago.

                                Moving for an entire game??? Well I guess to be technically correct he cant just stand in one position on the field without moving but you cant say he has been involved in the game for 90 minutes, cant tell when last that has ever happened.
                                Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                                Che Guevara.

