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KSAFA splits into two!

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  • KSAFA splits into two!

    A FIFA mandate has forced the Kingston and St Andrew Football Association (KSAFA) to divide itself into two separate associations representing the two parishes, according to a release from the KSAFA. As of December 20, there will be the Kingston Football Association and the St Andrew Football Association.

    JamaicaWIN.com has been informed the current KSAFA president Rudolph Spied will seek the presidency of the St Andrew FA, while Boys Town executive Stephen Bell is the front runner for the presidency of Kingston.

    Below is the full text of a release by KSAFA dated December 8, 2008.

    For Immediate Release

    The Kingston & St. Andrew Football Association (KSAFA) had convened a special meeting with its Affiliates on December 1, 2008 based on a verbal advisory from the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF).

    The JFF at a Board Meeting held on November 13, 2008 informed members that the JFF statute which is expected to be ratified by FIFA would see far-reaching changes. One of the suspected changes, should the statute be sanctioned, would be the recognition of KSAFA as one Parish. The implications are that KSAFA would lose 5 of its 10 votes at the JFF congress, financial assistance from the JFF will be affected and there would be a reduction of the number of team allocated to play in JFF competitions and with it threats to the Confederation status.

    KSAFA at the special meeting on December 1, 2008 informed the Clubs about the expected JFF changes and the implications that it would face. As a result an overwhelming majority of the Clubs decided that KSAFA should recognize the individual Parishes in the Confederation and thereafter inform the JFF of their decision.

    The same meeting charged KSAFA with overseeing this process.

    In that regard we now advise of the following:

    • Election of Officers for the 2 KSAFA Parish Associations has been scheduled for December 20, 2008. Further to that, nominations are now open for the posts of President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents and an Executive Officer in both Parishes.

    • Nomination Forms can be collected from the KSAFA Secretariat and should be returned on or before closing hours on December 12, 2008.

    • The Clubs have been placed in a Parish, STRICTLY by geographical consideration and should be prepared to elect 3 Delegates for their respective Parish.

    • KSAFA Affiliates who retain their status with KSAFA i.e. Police National, ISCF, UTECH, UWI and JDF, Masters League, Business House, JISA and Whole Life Ministries have retained their affiliation with KSAFA are not eligible to vote in the Parish elections.
    Sunday, August 28th, 2011. We will never forget !!

  • #2
    ...someone or some set of persons wanted to smash the power of the KSAFA?

    ...and the current KSAFA temporarily holds the 'smashers' at bay?

    I wonder

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Why is it that things like these are not coming directly from the JFF? It seems as if Early B and the JFF are in some special arrangement where he gets the news first for his site jamaicawin.com. They hardly need Nodley as press officer then.
      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


      • #4
        WOW!!! Unnuh realise seh St Andrew will have four teams and Kingston have 2 teams in the NPL now? I see the split as follows:

        St Andrew
        Arnett Garden FC
        Harbour View FC
        MeadHeaven FC
        Waterhouse FC

        Boys Town FC
        Tivoli Gardens FC

        Former NPL teams such as: Duhaney Park FC, Constant Spring FC, JDF FC, Bull Bay FC, & August Town FC are also in the St Andrew region. Also of note is that St Andrew's Arnett Gardens and Kingston's Boys Town are only about a mile apart from each other.
        "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011

