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Time to win the Gold Cup!!!

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  • Time to win the Gold Cup!!!

    Now that qualification is over, how do we maintain our ranking and improve upon it ensure that we are in the top 50 and better for the next 4 years until the next qualification round for 2014. The core of this team will still be around, Richards, Cummings, Shelton, a long in the tooth Fuller, Austin, Campbell Rice will be 29-30, Phillips still young, the defense line will be older but maybe we bring in some new blood.

    Bottom line is this core is phenomenal and has tons of potential, we seem to have found a nice style of play, now we need clear objectives from now through 2014, Digicel Cup or whatever it name now, Gold Cup we must aim to win the Gold Cup, that should be the focus for the immediate to mid term time period. The JFF needs to have a clear timeline through to the next qualifying round with a clear critical path of progress through that time.

    here is the path.

    1. Win Regional Cup rest of 2008.
    2. 2009 Win Gold Cup get into top 50 FIFA ranking.
    3. 2010 be prepared to be a strong team to serve as a top notch team for WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS with the intention to win these matches and make some money, get into the top 40.
    4. 2011 get into the top 30.
    5. 2012 Inside the top 25 and qualify for 2014.
    6. 2013 Win the Gold Cup get inside the top 20 teams, prepare for Copa Mundial.
    7. 2014 go to Copa, tear it up and get to semifinal round at least, there it is that is the critical path to success, now what steps do we need in order to make that a reality.
    8. Get ranked in top 5 after making the semis of World Cup.

    Oh, once JB gone (i give him a year) get Whitmore in give him his shot and if he is what we think he is then he will take us to 2014.

  • #2
    Exactly my thoughts, Stoni. Nothing less than a strong run to win the Gold Cup will be acceptable. First, we must asolutely obliterate the CFU teams in the Digicel Cup, then we must take it to the Mexico's, USA's and Honduras' in the Gold Cup. No bitch ball, no trying to hold teams to a draw. Play to win! Dammit!



    • #3
      we really have some exciting young prospect on the horizon. You can name more than me but to think of it we have Obrien White, Akeem Priestly, Lyle Adams about to turn pro, We have Denver Orgill with the Whitecaps at 18 year old, We have a few youngsters well like Thorpe, Evan Taylor, who have gotten national caps.

      My only concern is our defense, The heart and rock in our defense is about to go with Pepe, Marshall, and Bibi getting up in age, We need a few soldiers to carry on. I hope Jermaine Taylor leave HV but not for St.Georges instead for a pro team and we have to find at least 4 more prospect and bring them along.

      The future seems bright and I hope that is where Barnes will concentrate on spending his time and not just pick a team.

      By the way on the off season Shelton should be training with Mills or MVP.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Assasin View Post
        we really have some exciting young prospect on the horizon. You can name more than me but to think of it we have Obrien White, Akeem Priestly, Lyle Adams about to turn pro, We have Denver Orgill with the Whitecaps at 18 year old, We have a few youngsters well like Thorpe, Evan Taylor, who have gotten national caps.

        My only concern is our defense, The heart and rock in our defense is about to go with Pepe, Marshall, and Bibi getting up in age, We need a few soldiers to carry on. I hope Jermaine Taylor leave HV but not for St.Georges instead for a pro team and we have to find at least 4 more prospect and bring them along.

        The future seems bright and I hope that is where Barnes will concentrate on spending his time and not just pick a team.

        By the way on the off season Shelton should be training with Mills or MVP.
        What! You forget these Young U-20 prospects from the PanAm games: Alanzo Adlam (Forward and John-Ross Doyley (Midfielder).

        I only caught the second half of the Argentina game. These two stood out along with another Young striker (whose name skips me at present) who was the leading goal-scorer of the Games. He scored a beauty against Argentina.


        • #5
          as I said I don't know many of them but Daley from Meadhaven must also be mentioned. There seems to be a few well.

          Farmer come on in.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            Sass when was the last time Akeem Priestly has been in the national setup? I noticed that you are always calling his name, but the powers that be seems to have forgotten about him. How is his current condition?
            Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


            • #7
              saw him play once this season for UCONN. One thing with a program like UCONN is you know your player is in shape all the time. While Akeem wasn't overly impressive in that game, when he had the ball it is not easy to take it from him. His team was a poor team because of injury but he was ok.

              That saying there are three Jamaicans slated for the first round draft of the MLS. Akeem, Obrien and Lyle and that within itself give them the platform next year as he graduates. The only drawback for him might be his lack of greencard but even then he should be able to walk into a MLS team and prove himself.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #8
                I love this!
                Realistic? YES!
       much faith do we have in our JFF? Will the JFF keep the players together...bring in players as those players by quality demand to be let in? ...playing regularly during this 2008 through 2014 period? ...will the JFF have the TEAM in continuous preparations...and growth?
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #9
                  It is all possible, and even if we don't hit those goals on the nail each time we need to be aiming for them, then review at the end of each year and ask why???? why did we not hit those goals and what do we need to do to make that happen. Close the loop on each open ended issue and reset the golas for the following period and continue to aim at improvement.

                  If not we will be in the same boat next time, here is the modus operandi of the JFF; cobble a team together, hire some overrated coach, pay him too much, miss out on quals and then argue for the next four years on why it neva happen and is whose fault, I am personally tired of this routine, the 2006 qual team was great probably the best up to that point but this team is even better. A couple of these guys just plain excite me, Austin, Richards, Shelton especially what a talent!!


                  • #10
                    Stonigut: I still cannot understand why you will not give us a column...even now and again?
                    Cho, man?
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      Sorry, Stoni, but as a TEAM, this one cannot compare to the last one of 2004. Not even close! Austin could easily have made any of them though, even the 1998 one!

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12

                        What exactly you have in mind.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Stonigut View Post

                          What exactly you have in mind.
                          Boss: You have a free hand. There are so many things about the football that need a look...

                          My pet peeves are - Why aren't we aping the top tier FA's in terms of national teams (age-groups & seniors) at nurturing talent, development and preparations? ...moving towards the TOP OF THE WORLD?

                          Why are we not properly marketing and thus funding our football?

                          Talent abounds! - Why isn't there a defined system to seek out talent - Success, in the hills of Hanover to Cedar Valley in the foothills of the Blue Mountains, St Thomas...from Negril Point to Morant Point?

                          Actions of the JFF...and inaction on the part of the JFF?

                          Parishes organisation?

                          ...our National Premier League (Clubs) organisation and actions on/for their development?

                          How many players do we have in professional are they doing...personally and in their trade? - What do they mean (at this time) to the country in terms of their earning power...example to those who would follow...what do they mean/what can they contribute to development of the football, etc., etc? ...contributions to be expected from such as these for the country, etc?

                          What about the football history...where are we coming did we get where we far along the road are we?

                          Nuff-nuff topics I know you would be good at, boss!
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                          • #14
                            Breda, That is some serious level of analysis you ah talk bout, we don't even have the baseline numbers from which to start measuring these things. Anyway I get your drift, is not that I don't want to do it but the time and energy is the deal. Anyway I will come up with a few when I have a chance and get a little inspiration, of course if we made it to the Fex the inspiration would be really bubbling, well if anything strike me mek me see if i can meet the editor's demanding standards.


                            • #15
                              Priestly, if given the chance, will be the next Tappa Whitmore. That is how much mi rate di man. I will never forget how him deal wid Columbia inna one PanAm games couple years ago despite di 6-0 beaten we did get. Di man did have di ball more dan anybody else pon di field. Was like a Fabregas. Whole heap a complete passes.

