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Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

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  • Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

    By Andre Lowe

    The nation remains in darkness concerning the salary to be paid to the man who is set to become Jamaica’s next football coach Velibor ‘Bora’ Milutinovic, with conflicting reports coming from within the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF).

    The 62 year-old Milutinovic, who has led five different nations to the FIFA World Cup had reportedly made an initial request of $3.5 million euros per year (J$266 million per year), a figure that sources say has been significantly reduced.

    According to some reports, the Serbian coach has agreed in principle to coach the Reggae Boyz for just about J$133 million per year, half the original sum. A well-positioned insider added that several private sector companies have committed 60% (JA$79.8 million) of that amount, while the Jamaican government will be footing close to 40% (JA$53.2 million) of the tab.

    However, JFF treasurer Rudolph Speid indicated that the actual figure is much lower than J$133 million. Speid, who was unwilling to disclose any details concerning the contract, suggested that the Serbian coach “agreed” to a figure below US$1 million per year (JA$66 million per year).

    Speid advised that the JFF is not at liberty to disclose the value of the offer made to Milutinovic, as both parties have agreed not to reveal the figure. He also noted that the association’s board of directors is yet to advise on the matter.

    Minister of Finance Dr. Omar Davies at a recent forum described the government’s contribution to the coach’s salary as a “significant” one and reportedly committed US$500,000 (JA$33 million) to the coach’s salary.

    Football-supporting private sector giants Wray and Nephew (which sponsors the nation’s top domestic league), Tank-Weld Metals (main sponsors of Waterhouse FC and Arnett Gardens FC) and Digicel (major sponsor of JFF programme) were all present at the forum according to reports.

    In the meantime, the opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has taken their position on the matter, describing the government’s willingness to commit to the project as a clear sign of “inconsistency in stating what we can and cannot afford.”

    JLP spokesman on Sports, James Robertson blasted the government and affirmed that there are other issues that need to be addressed.

    Bruce Bicknell, Managing Director of Tank-Weld described the attempt to secure Milutinovic’s services as a “giant step for the JFF and by extension the entire country.”

    Bicknell, who also sits on the JFF’s Marketing Committee described “Bora” as a “high-caliber coach” and asserted that he is the right man to return Jamaica’s football programme along the right path.

    He implored other corporate companies to lend their support to the JFF.
    Bicknell stated, “companies need to realise that this (offer assistance towards Milutinovic’s contract) would be an investment in not only the country, but the people as well as success will bring about a sense of national pride and satisfaction. He (Milutinovic) is a great coach. He has a lot of influence and a proven track record.”

    ‘Bora’, who recently ended a stint with a Middle East club, remains the first and only individual to coach five nations at the World Cup.

    In 1986 he made an appearance with Mexico, four years later he led Costa Rica and in 1994 he hosted the World Cup with United States. He also led Nigeria to the second round in 1998 and qualified China in 2002.

    Sources inside the JFF stated that they are expecting him to take up his post immediately after Carl Brown’s tenure ends as interim head coach in November.
    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran

  • #2
    RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

    Will the government commit to paying his salary if Boxhill is removed from office? As a rule, there can not be any secrecy on the expenditure of public funds. It does not matter to me how much funds from the private sector are used to pay his salary, but there must be transparency on the use of taxpayer dollars.
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


    • #3
      RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

      ...and, if the JLP is resistant to government funds being used to pay Bora ...and attacks the idea using it as aa part of its electioneering strategy could it continue to pay Bora's salary if it became the ruling party?
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

        Tilla (11/4/2006)By Andre Lowe

        The nation remains in darkness concerning the salary to be paid to the man who is set to become Jamaica’s next football coach Velibor ‘Bora’ Milutinovic, with conflicting reports coming from within the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF).

        The 62 year-old Milutinovic, who has led five different nations to the FIFA World Cup had reportedly made an initial request of $3.5 million euros per year (J$266 million per year), a figure that sources say has been significantly reduced.

        According to some reports, the Serbian coach has agreed in principle to coach the Reggae Boyz for just about J$133 million per year, half the original sum. A well-positioned insider added that several private sector companies have committed 60% (JA$79.8 million) of that amount, while the Jamaican government will be footing close to 40% (JA$53.2 million) of the tab.

        However, JFF treasurer Rudolph Speid indicated that the actual figure is much lower than J$133 million. Speid, who was unwilling to disclose any details concerning the contract, suggested that the Serbian coach “agreed” to a figure below US$1 million per year (JA$66 million per year).

        Speid advised that the JFF is not at liberty to disclose the value of the offer made to Milutinovic, as both parties have agreed not to reveal the figure. He also noted that the association’s board of directors is yet to advise on the matter.

        Minister of Finance Dr. Omar Davies at a recent forum described *the government’s contribution to the coach’s salary as a “significant” one and reportedly committed US$500,000 (JA$33 million) to the coach’s salary.

        Football-supporting private sector giants Wray and Nephew (which sponsors the nation’s top domestic league), Tank-Weld Metals (main sponsors of Waterhouse FC and Arnett Gardens FC) and Digicel (major sponsor of JFF programme) were all present at the forum according to reports.

        In the meantime, the opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has taken their position on the matter, describing the government’s willingness to commit to the project as a clear sign of “inconsistency in stating what we can and cannot afford.”

        JLP spokesman on Sports, James Robertson blasted the government and affirmed that there are other issues that need to be addressed.
        *Interesting to note that the newspaper report speaks to Bora's annual salary while the government speaks of a total figure/lump msum of U$500,000.00.

        Is it the news reporterhas not reported correctly?

        ...or, is it the JFF'sspokesperson lack of clarity that has confused the issue?

        ...and, what about the reported privater sector input? Is it an annual sum of xxxx dollars or is it a lump sum of xxxx dollars? ...and, what is thesum of money the private sector firms that are already onboardhave already commited?

        Needed, from the JFF, plain easily understood language?
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

          ~sigh~ what hypocrites!!!!! if the jff spills the beans tey are unprofessional and if the do the right thing by negotiating with confidentiality they accused of "Secrecy".

          for my money (no pun intended) the public knows already more than they should have known. they have already given the date for the announcement suh cool nnuh foot nuh?!!

          boxhill seems to be damned if he does and damned he doesn't! in large part he is the author of the pressure that his administration...burrell too has realised this.

          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


          • #6
            RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

            cool nuh man, look who are mking the assumptions, Karl and his anti-football posses and I say that without fear, cause I am convinced karl and his anti-football friends dont care about Jamaica's football, they only care about personalities
            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
            Che Guevara.


            • #7
              RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

              I know Jamaica will never be better off as people continue to support political parties and individuals with disastrous records.

              Some of us support the same crew without regard to leadership, track record and accomplishments. It is sad to see many of us are blinded by foolish loyalty, and lost all sense of objectivity many years ago.:exclamationmark:

              Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


              • #8
                RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                I am still trying to figure out the 'shroud of secrecy' the headlines spoke about and whatI see coming out here is some one trying to rush a process that should never be taken in haste.

                The JFF has set a time line that Carl Brown's contract ends on November 15, we hear that Bora should be at the stadium to watch the game vs Peru, can we at least wait a week?

                We must support the JAMAICA Football Federation, no matter who is at the top, Burrell, Boxhill or Mosiah.
                Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                Che Guevara.


                • #9
                  RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                  In all firness, the JFF said they were putting in CB as interim coach until November. He would be in charge for the games against Canada and Peru. They also said they hope to make an announcment after the Peru match. I guess we just need to sit and wait until they make the announcement.

                  Gamma, yuh right, it is a no-win situation for Boxhill. Damn if they do and damn if they don't.

                  I say people should ease off and give the men time.
                  "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                  • #10
                    RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                    With public money comes public accountability a just so the thing set up and if you don't want that then don't ask for government money.

                    I am surprised that people who have in the past stated the need for us to use our money for more "pressing" issues would have a problem with the public knowing how their money is being spent especially in a time when they need to know if they are getting value for their money.

                    Is this because again its in the back of our brain that "white is right" and therefore shouldn't be questioned? IF that was Keshi would we have no problem with the amount that he was getting?

                    I am sure the JFF can find someone who could do just as well as Bora for half the cost so why are we willing to pay a foreign coach so much when we have problems paying our players or providing them with more than 3 towels for 22 grown men?

                    Many hate when I state the above and wish it would just go away so allow me to state that here is where unnu can stop reading if unnu "feelings" hurt and unnu want to cry to mommy.

                    Now for the rest of us people living in the real world how does a NPL player take this when we can find all this millions for a TD yet we can't even find $2,000US for the players?

                    IF nuff a us hypocrites weren't making living wages at our jobs and then seeing management making a killing while all we asked for was just money to survive try and tell me what unnu would do.

                    Public money is just that and if you no want you privacy then go to private money end of story.

                    Thats not rocket science, anything else can be shrouded in secrecy much like the Jamaica vs England game in England where we only made 100,000 pounds profit off a game beamed to half a billion people on the planet and over 70,000 in the stadium.

                    We need to step up our expectations and look into ourselves as to how we treat our fellow Jamaicans. Until we treat the players better no matter who the TD is we won't see results.

                    Think I am lying check the Eltham article that Karl posted.

                    We have to make an effort to leggo off the SMMS(Slave Master Mentality Syndrome) only then will we move forward.

                    We can start by saying "Its okay to treat young Africans from the inner cities with respect and dignity if we want the same back from them"

                    See now how hard was that?

                    Back for my title as the most hated, reviled, resented poster on the forum and won't stop at anything until I regain my rightful position!


                    • #11
                      RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                      Shatta: I too believe that if public funds are to be used in financing the coach, thenthe publicneeds to know. I said in my post prior to yoursthat it has not yet been announced if Bora will in fact take up the position, so let us first wait and see it he does, then demands can be made.

                      You always have to pull the color/race card in all your arguments. For this, an otherwise good post tends to lose its punch.:ermm:
                      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                      • #12
                        RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                        Sickko (11/5/2006)... cause I am convinced karl and his anti-football friends dont care about Jamaica's football, they only care about personalities..
                        I for one could say the same for you and the Boxhill Loyalists. I am fully behind Boxhill in his attempt to bring Bora to Jamaica, just like I was fully behind him when he brought Lazaroni on board. These are the things he needs to do more of to put Jamaica football back where it was.
                        President of the FACCAC - Fans Againts Clueless Crenston and Cronies (cronies include Mosiah and Sicko)


                        • #13
                          RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                          Sickko (11/5/2006)cool nuh man, look who are mking the assumptions, Karl and his anti-football posses and I say that without fear, cause I am convinced karl and his anti-football friends dont care about Jamaica's football, they only care about personalities
                          Isaid from the beginning that it was a mistake to parade Bora...or any other candidatearound without having all parts ofan agreement in place...but,we are where we are, so to help this JFF...or, for this JFF to help themselves what is needed is clear precisereleases on what is going on.

                          Sickko: It may be hard for you to understand, but confusion helps the enemies of Boxhill. Boxhill needs to be sure not just in this 'Bora matter'but in all he does from here on out...put out clear easily understood information.
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                          • #14
                            RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                            Sickko (11/5/2006)

                            We must support the JAMAICA Football Federation, no matter who is at the top, Burrell, Boxhill or Mosiah.
                            Thatwould not be wise.

                            We must support those entities andinstitutions that...group ofand persons and or person who...make out football product better.

                            The idea that we must support the JFF even if it is going down the wrong road is as I said abovenot in our football industry's...the stakeholders'...or, the country's interest. Supportingfor support sake...supporting 'the wrong'is notan option.
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #15
                              RE: Secrecy shrouds Bora deal

                              Thats how dem keep us mentaly enslaved. Wah you mean by race/color card when I am stating the obvious?

                              Is it not true and if not then why are we in the United States if Jamaica was this fair place where everyone could rise to the top regardless of color?

                              Why blame the messenger when its obvious around us day by day that race and color does play a part in life? Do you all want me to ignore it?

                              Then again thats why "dem man deh" who call demselves "friends of the negro" always a bawl bout how people anti this or anti that when it comes to them but dem no stop put out negative images of black people inna dem press.

                              IF we have no problem paying a white coach all these millions yet can't seem to find money to pay the black players then what do we call that?

                              Can someone please tell me because since unnu no see(or should I say don't want to see) race or class please tell me what it is and so I can shut up.

                              Since the color/race issue is clouding my posts and since we are in a position to take the high road(aka do nothing while pretending things are okay and we are making progress) off the hard works of others who saw race and color then do tell me what it is.

                              Bora is being overpayed by a country without money to begin with and we don't see a problem with that?

                              Why not get a coach for half that money, pay the players and develop a sports tourism industry that in turn will make the football industry self sufficient.

                              At what point do we say enough to bull$h!t leadership and brainless people? I don't bite my tounge for anyone and unless a man can prove otherwise then don't rebutt mi statements with well sounding soundbites.

                              We will never make it to Africa with dem meditation deh? Keshi only wants $250,000US a year but of course he is African so dat mean say him no good enoughh for our black selves cause like our Jesus only a white man can save us.

                              Yes I did say the last line and I didn't hide and say it either

