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Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration -Observer

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  • Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration -Observer

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>

    <SPAN class=TopStory>Let us see if this article does add another dimension to the one carried in the other paper yesterday...</SPAN>

    <SPAN class=TopStory></SPAN>

    <SPAN class=TopStory>Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration</SPAN>
    <SPAN class=Subheadline></SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD>BY PAUL A REID Observer writer
    Sunday, August 13, 2006
    <P class=StoryText align=justify>SAV-LA-MAR, Westmoreland - Horace Reid, the former general secretary of the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) and former head of National Premier League champions Portmore United, has called for the resignation of the Crenston Boxhill-led administration.<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=120 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><SPAN class=Description>REID... success on the field cannot be possible without competence off the field </SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P class=StoryText align=justify>In a hard-hitting address at the joint presentation ceremony of the Captain's Bakery Western Confederation Super League and Westmoreland Football Association's Major league, held on Thursday at Hotel Commingles in Sav-La-Mar, Reid said that as one who is qualified to speak about the state of the game in Jamaica, "I wonder, whether or not the much publicised overhaul of the (JFF's) technical department should not go hand in hand with a major overall of the administrative department".<P class=StoryText align=justify>Reid said it had always been his fervent view that "success learned on the field of play cannot be possible without simultaneous competence off the field".
    Reid, who attended the recent World Cup Finals in Germany as part of the Trinidad &amp; Tobago delegation, said football is not just for sports and recreation any more.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"It is a tremendous catalyst for galvanising the masses and is a business," he asserted, adding that this has been forcibly brought home over the past decade.
    "One only needs to follow the events of international football at both club and national levels, to recognise this," he said.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Stock exchange<P class=StoryText align=justify>According to Reid, major clubs in Europe were now listed on the stock exchange and "advertisers are lining up to pay huge dollars for branding rights to major, world renowned competitions and tournaments".<P class=StoryText align=justify>He said while Jamaica did not take part in the recent World Cup, the advertising spent on it here was in the tens of millions of dollars.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Because football is big business, Reid said, "it requires competent and astute administrators to take full advantage of the enormous opportunities abound in modern football".<P class=StoryText align=justify>Reid said it requires administrators with foresight to take necessary calculated risks, as most successful businesses do, in order to excel.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"It's not good enough that we take positions and implement policies only to survive and exist from day to day. We have to dream big, think big, act big and support that with hard work and the necessary innovative initiatives in order to achieve significant goals and objectives," he stated.

    He pointed out that the previous JFF administration had taken these kinds of "calculated risks" when the board gave unanimous approval for interest-free loans to be secured from the Captain's Bakery Limited, especially in light of the fact that "we had to intensify the rebuilding of the national team for the 2006 World Cup campaign".
    fiscal policies<P class=StoryText align=justify>Given the prudent fiscal policies the previous JFF administratio
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.

  • #2
    RE: Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration -Observer

    It seems to me that what Reid is suggesting is for people other than the Boxhill admin. and indeed the Burrell admin. to take contol of our football. And I would agree. We all realise that there were some serious problems with how the team was marketed or not marketed when they qualified for France. There were also some problems immediately thereafter, highlighted by the closure of the JFF for a few days or weeks. Of course, the problems with current admin. are also numerous.

    I am happy that Reid has recognised that part of the diffuculty faced by this admin was the non-qualification to the Hex.That was always going to be a serious problem.



    • #3
      RE: Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration -Observer

      [quote]sickko (8/13/2006)<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>

      <SPAN class=TopStory>Let us see if this article does add another dimension to the one carried in the other paper yesterday...</SPAN>

      <SPAN class=TopStory></SPAN>

      <SPAN class=TopStory>Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration</SPAN>
      <SPAN class=Subheadline></SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD>BY PAUL A REID Observer writer
      Sunday, August 13, 2006
      <P class=StoryText align=justify>SAV-LA-MAR, Westmoreland - Horace Reid, the former general secretary of the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) and former head of National Premier League champions Portmore United, has called for the resignation of the Crenston Boxhill-led administration.<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=120 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><SPAN class=Description>REID... success on the field cannot be possible without competence off the field </SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P class=StoryText align=justify>In a hard-hitting address at the joint presentation ceremony of the Captain's Bakery Western Confederation Super League and Westmoreland Football Association's Major league, held on Thursday at Hotel Commingles in Sav-La-Mar, Reid said that as one who is qualified to speak about the state of the game in Jamaica, "I wonder, whether or not the much publicised overhaul of the (JFF's) technical department should not go hand in hand with a major overall of the administrative department".<P class=StoryText align=justify>Reid said it had always been his fervent view that "success learned on the field of play cannot be possible without simultaneous competence off the field".
      Reid, who attended the recent World Cup Finals in Germany as part of the Trinidad &amp; Tobago delegation, said football is not just for sports and recreation any more.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"It is a tremendous catalyst for galvanising the masses and is a business," he asserted, adding that this has been forcibly brought home over the past decade.
      "One only needs to follow the events of international football at both club and national levels, to recognise this," he said.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Stock exchange<P class=StoryText align=justify>According to Reid, major clubs in Europe were now listed on the stock exchange and "advertisers are lining up to pay huge dollars for branding rights to major, world renowned competitions and tournaments".<P class=StoryText align=justify>He said while Jamaica did not take part in the recent World Cup, the advertising spent on it here was in the tens of millions of dollars.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Because football is big business, Reid said, "it requires competent and astute administrators to take full advantage of the enormous opportunities abound in modern football".<P class=StoryText align=justify>Reid said it requires administrators with foresight to take necessary calculated risks, as most successful businesses do, in order to excel.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"It's not good enough that we take positions and implement policies only to survive and exist from day to day. We have to dream big, think big, act big and support that with hard work and the necessary innovative initiatives in order to achieve significant goals and objectives," he stated.

      He pointed out that the previous JFF administration had taken these kinds of "calculated risks" when the board gave unanimous approval for interest-free loans to be secured from the Captain's Bakery Limited, especially in light of the fact that "we had to intensify the rebuilding of the national team for the 2006 World Cup campaign".
      fiscal policies<P class=StoryText align=justify>Given the prudent fiscal pol
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        RE: Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration -Observer

        I wonder if your fellow site administrator, the one with the eggs all over his face have any comment....

        Horace Reid did say at a later date he would go into the nitty gritty of the qualification of all three teams to World Cups.

        BTW I have the script and could send it to you but I would have to fax it and that would not work and it is on paper.

        I could as Horace to email it to me if he has it on his PC and send it to you.

        The entire script would make good reading
        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #5
          RE: Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration -Observer

          sickko (8/13/2006)I wonder if your fellow site administrator, the one with the eggs all over his face have any comment....

          Horace Reid did say at a later date he would go into the nitty gritty of the qualification of all three teams to World Cups.

          BTW I have the script and could send it to you but I would have to fax it and that would not work and it is on paper.

          I could as Horace to email it to me if he has it on his PC and send it to you.

          The entire script would make good reading
          I would love to see it. Send it to 631-414-6497 or email it to

          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            RE: Reid calls for overhaul of JFF administration -Observer


            Mosiah: I am finding it difficult to believe that you have written the attached. After all, youcan be a reasonable person.

            Now, if Scikko would ongle go forth and do likewise...

            Agood start Scikko would be as Reggae-fan suggested. That is: for the you (a journalist) to write an <U>unbiased</U> (maybe 500 word) commentary on the Boxhill administration.

            My personal view is that you can't.
            The only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough


