"Tyson" showing some love for Whitmore:

Carlo Costly

Here they get a feel for the fild on which they will be slaughtered

And now for the articles
The Two-color pencil examined the place of the battle
The selection of Honduras is ready for the encounter in front of Jamaica. Last night they knew the field.
Jamaica, 14.10.08 - Updated: 14.10.08 10:41 p.m. - Jorge Cardona, Special Envoy: jorge.cardona@diez.hn
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The national selection arrived last night at the city from Kingston to 7,20 at night local time and were received according to the anticipated thing, without problems.
After the exit of the airport, the Honduran federation already had contracted two deprived buses to transport the national equipment.
In addition, a transit patrol accompanied to the soldiers during the passage and that facilitated the access to the hotel that lasted 25 minutes.
The bus Virgin Atlantic, red color, accommodated with conditioned air did not have misfortune and everything came out well.
The forward Car it Costly left Tegucigalpa after transacting his American visa, was united to the group directly in the airport of Miami and flew along with the equipment to Kingston, for that reason he came from civilian with two suitcases in hand.
The lodging of Honduras in the concentration hotel was rich in sequence and the organization of the hotel fulfilled the fiance' to offer the greater possible comfort.
After arriving at the hotel and making a tea strictly speaking, the delegation raised the rooms, changed and soon they moved to the National stage, place of the battle and where they remained by space of 20 minutes.
The players arrived with diver and sport shirt, did not put the tacos to play, but they touched the ball and they did I make the rounds traditional,
Meanwhile, the technical body and the personnel of the Fenafuth crossed the stage of end to end, reviewed dressing rooms and dogaut of visit.
The representative of Concacaf and commissioner of this party, Victor Hugo Estrada, took note from some notes that let know how him to arrive Reinaldo Wheel.
But most interesting of that recognition of field that the professor did, one of porterías is higher than the other, indeed the place where the Mexican arquero Oswaldo received the goal Sanchez. The fault will have to be corrected east day, Wheel will return to inspect, otherwise, there will be a respetiva complaint to avoid this bad play that they try to make the jamaiquinos.
Wheel saluted sincerely to the DT of Jamaica while it entered the stage, but it did not respond to him ignored, it.
Suddenly when the Selection was entering the National stage of Kingston, the group was against in front with the jamaiquinos players, just it had concluded his training and the following turn was for Honduras.
There was a warm greeting between some players, but most remarkable it was the encounter between Tyson Núñez and Theodoro Whitmore, two old women known the soccer of this zone, once their colors were in the field defending, now the destiny returned them to find, and was in the stage, place of the battle of tonight.
“Hey Whitmore, what so, I salute to you”, English Tyson in to the DT of reggae boyz said to him and soon they were fused in a great hug. Tyson said to us that months ago back they were in a party in the Islands Cayman and that the weather is good are good friendly.
“Sight the destiny, where we were and under what circumstances”, said Tyson. Greeted it rolls it during made his enter the stage for the recognition of the field, but there was no reciprocity in the greeting, turned around nor it to see… “Nor way”, was limited to say Wheel. That hug and that brotherhood are transformed soccer into the field speaking…
Fifa must take measures in Kingston
There is no security for the players because much people are near them during the party
Jamaica, 14.10.08 - Updated: 14.10.08 11:32 p.m. - Jorge Cardona, Special Envoy: jorge.cardona@diez.hn
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To Reinaldo Wheel it inconvenienced to him the fact that in the game against Mexico, around the field of the National stage of Kingston, there was great amount of people without no valid argument to be there.
“Of Honduras entrance it must establish a precedent, I am going to speak with Alfredo Hawitt (secretary of the National Federation of Soccer) because they are letting enter much people to the field, graderías on the foot of the players, that is not in favor well of the security, the Fifa it must take measures”, it declared the selector.
In the parties of eliminatory in Honduras the fans do not allow much less nor that the journalists are in the game land. There are strict norms of security and the commissioners cause that the rules are fulfilled.
Reinaldo Wheel declared that in this stage of the eliminatory everything he will become tight for the involved ones. “All world will try to protect itself, to avoid situations that the nature of soccer complicates”.
The selector sees the very delicate subject but that Honduras is in time for presenting/displaying a precedent in that sense.
At the request of the National Federation of Soccer of Honduras, Fenafuth, today will practice the test doping in the game of eliminatory between Jamaica and Honduras in Kingston.
It yesterday ratified the Executive Director of the Department of Competitions of the Fifa, Gordon the Sabic, in an official notice to the federation.
“We transmitted its request to our Medical Department of the Fifa, which is the one in charge and responsible for the medical subjects including the tests anti-doping”, it turned the official notice of the Sabic yesterday.
Honduras to overcome the ghost of Jamaica
Honduras visits Jamaica in Kingston and the classification gambles. The encounter is to 6:00 p.m.
Honduras, 14.10.08 - Updated: 14.10.08 08:56 p.m. - Jorge Fermán: jorge.ferman@diez.hn
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If to classify to the world-wide one of South Africa 2010 it is necessary to play and to win in hell, is necessary to do it…
Honduras must win or to at least tie today in Jamaica and they have labeled it to the party as if it go to gamble in very same hell.
They say that the national stage of east Kingston day will be a boiler.
But ours they are preparations to face what is and to Jamaica it is necessary to happen to him in its own house superficially. There are no excuses.
“We must gain the party to assure our classification to the hexagonal one, will not be easy because the jamaiquinos are robust, strong to play”, Martinez says to the Peri.
The catrachos players and the technical body have clearly today more than a soccer encounter will be a war where and more hard intelligent it will survive.
“The equipment is speckled, the last triumph in front of Canada was fundamental, but to gain Jamaica to him will be the definition to happen to the hexagonal one”, said captain Guevara.
We are to pasito to classify to the hexagonal end and is necessary to never give it today or.
For the Caribbean ones also it is like a end because it is the last opportunity that they have to follow with life. We must make bitter the life to them in its patio. Yet and its music, its people and that such hell that have preparation to us.
Alistá your throat to shout more goals of Costly, Peri, Ramon, Loved, of the equipment of all…

Carlo Costly

Here they get a feel for the fild on which they will be slaughtered

And now for the articles
The Two-color pencil examined the place of the battle
The selection of Honduras is ready for the encounter in front of Jamaica. Last night they knew the field.
Jamaica, 14.10.08 - Updated: 14.10.08 10:41 p.m. - Jorge Cardona, Special Envoy: jorge.cardona@diez.hn

The national selection arrived last night at the city from Kingston to 7,20 at night local time and were received according to the anticipated thing, without problems.
After the exit of the airport, the Honduran federation already had contracted two deprived buses to transport the national equipment.
In addition, a transit patrol accompanied to the soldiers during the passage and that facilitated the access to the hotel that lasted 25 minutes.
The bus Virgin Atlantic, red color, accommodated with conditioned air did not have misfortune and everything came out well.
The forward Car it Costly left Tegucigalpa after transacting his American visa, was united to the group directly in the airport of Miami and flew along with the equipment to Kingston, for that reason he came from civilian with two suitcases in hand.
The lodging of Honduras in the concentration hotel was rich in sequence and the organization of the hotel fulfilled the fiance' to offer the greater possible comfort.
After arriving at the hotel and making a tea strictly speaking, the delegation raised the rooms, changed and soon they moved to the National stage, place of the battle and where they remained by space of 20 minutes.
The players arrived with diver and sport shirt, did not put the tacos to play, but they touched the ball and they did I make the rounds traditional,
Meanwhile, the technical body and the personnel of the Fenafuth crossed the stage of end to end, reviewed dressing rooms and dogaut of visit.
The representative of Concacaf and commissioner of this party, Victor Hugo Estrada, took note from some notes that let know how him to arrive Reinaldo Wheel.
But most interesting of that recognition of field that the professor did, one of porterías is higher than the other, indeed the place where the Mexican arquero Oswaldo received the goal Sanchez. The fault will have to be corrected east day, Wheel will return to inspect, otherwise, there will be a respetiva complaint to avoid this bad play that they try to make the jamaiquinos.
Wheel saluted sincerely to the DT of Jamaica while it entered the stage, but it did not respond to him ignored, it.
Suddenly when the Selection was entering the National stage of Kingston, the group was against in front with the jamaiquinos players, just it had concluded his training and the following turn was for Honduras.
There was a warm greeting between some players, but most remarkable it was the encounter between Tyson Núñez and Theodoro Whitmore, two old women known the soccer of this zone, once their colors were in the field defending, now the destiny returned them to find, and was in the stage, place of the battle of tonight.
“Hey Whitmore, what so, I salute to you”, English Tyson in to the DT of reggae boyz said to him and soon they were fused in a great hug. Tyson said to us that months ago back they were in a party in the Islands Cayman and that the weather is good are good friendly.
“Sight the destiny, where we were and under what circumstances”, said Tyson. Greeted it rolls it during made his enter the stage for the recognition of the field, but there was no reciprocity in the greeting, turned around nor it to see… “Nor way”, was limited to say Wheel. That hug and that brotherhood are transformed soccer into the field speaking…
Fifa must take measures in Kingston
There is no security for the players because much people are near them during the party
Jamaica, 14.10.08 - Updated: 14.10.08 11:32 p.m. - Jorge Cardona, Special Envoy: jorge.cardona@diez.hn

To Reinaldo Wheel it inconvenienced to him the fact that in the game against Mexico, around the field of the National stage of Kingston, there was great amount of people without no valid argument to be there.
“Of Honduras entrance it must establish a precedent, I am going to speak with Alfredo Hawitt (secretary of the National Federation of Soccer) because they are letting enter much people to the field, graderías on the foot of the players, that is not in favor well of the security, the Fifa it must take measures”, it declared the selector.
In the parties of eliminatory in Honduras the fans do not allow much less nor that the journalists are in the game land. There are strict norms of security and the commissioners cause that the rules are fulfilled.
Reinaldo Wheel declared that in this stage of the eliminatory everything he will become tight for the involved ones. “All world will try to protect itself, to avoid situations that the nature of soccer complicates”.
The selector sees the very delicate subject but that Honduras is in time for presenting/displaying a precedent in that sense.
At the request of the National Federation of Soccer of Honduras, Fenafuth, today will practice the test doping in the game of eliminatory between Jamaica and Honduras in Kingston.
It yesterday ratified the Executive Director of the Department of Competitions of the Fifa, Gordon the Sabic, in an official notice to the federation.
“We transmitted its request to our Medical Department of the Fifa, which is the one in charge and responsible for the medical subjects including the tests anti-doping”, it turned the official notice of the Sabic yesterday.
Honduras to overcome the ghost of Jamaica
Honduras visits Jamaica in Kingston and the classification gambles. The encounter is to 6:00 p.m.
Honduras, 14.10.08 - Updated: 14.10.08 08:56 p.m. - Jorge Fermán: jorge.ferman@diez.hn

If to classify to the world-wide one of South Africa 2010 it is necessary to play and to win in hell, is necessary to do it…
Honduras must win or to at least tie today in Jamaica and they have labeled it to the party as if it go to gamble in very same hell.
They say that the national stage of east Kingston day will be a boiler.
But ours they are preparations to face what is and to Jamaica it is necessary to happen to him in its own house superficially. There are no excuses.
“We must gain the party to assure our classification to the hexagonal one, will not be easy because the jamaiquinos are robust, strong to play”, Martinez says to the Peri.
The catrachos players and the technical body have clearly today more than a soccer encounter will be a war where and more hard intelligent it will survive.
“The equipment is speckled, the last triumph in front of Canada was fundamental, but to gain Jamaica to him will be the definition to happen to the hexagonal one”, said captain Guevara.
We are to pasito to classify to the hexagonal end and is necessary to never give it today or.
For the Caribbean ones also it is like a end because it is the last opportunity that they have to follow with life. We must make bitter the life to them in its patio. Yet and its music, its people and that such hell that have preparation to us.
Alistá your throat to shout more goals of Costly, Peri, Ramon, Loved, of the equipment of all…