Suh what is the real deal on Hue at this point in time? what is his fitness level and has he improved his defensive game?, if he plays a weak defensive game the success we saw with holding the Mex attack at bay and shutting down the middle will weaken significantly so instead of four fit, able fast midsman defending hard, scratching tooth and nail and also breaking hard on the counter you dramatically shift it to three real defenders shutting down the mid with one basically not being able to give what Austin brought to the field in that regard and then on the counter this is probably where his strength may come in with an ability to spray balls diagonally left and right and down the middle, let's see if that really happen.
Mosiah this is it if ever there was a time for Hue to come in and be brilliant this is probably going to be his greatest opportunity. I hope it goes well for him and for Ja. If it was my team I wouldn't do it, but my name is not Whitmore and at this point Tappas clarity of purpose in seeing this process and what we need to win as clear as Mohinder Armanath clawting a cricket ball thrown at pace look as if it is as big as a Norwich breadfruit.
Mosiah this is it if ever there was a time for Hue to come in and be brilliant this is probably going to be his greatest opportunity. I hope it goes well for him and for Ja. If it was my team I wouldn't do it, but my name is not Whitmore and at this point Tappas clarity of purpose in seeing this process and what we need to win as clear as Mohinder Armanath clawting a cricket ball thrown at pace look as if it is as big as a Norwich breadfruit.