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Does J.f.f really think it is fair for Tappa to win

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  • Does J.f.f really think it is fair for Tappa to win

    both games and then to be second best to John Barnes for the final game.Doing this is foolish at best unless J.f.f know in their hearts that this campaign is over. Is J.f.f undermining the ability of this canadian squad or they damn stupid just like how they fired the best coach they could get for the price they are willing to pay or better still for the pay Simoes is willing to take just for his love for our country.

    Thinking that Tappa can work magic in such short time is a hope for all of us but to downgrade him after both win would even be a worst decision than firing simoes.

    Let's just keep Tappa if we win both games and make Barnes the coach of the digicel tournament with the local players .

    Demoting Tappa after 2 wins will only kill the vibes and possible our only slim chance of qualifying.

  • #2
    Mercy: Here is the plan. JFF offered the position of head coach to John Barnes. Because it is at such short notice, Barnes cannot take up the position until November 1st. That means we would have played two WC Qualifiers before Barnes could be available.

    They therefore approached Tappa to see if he could fill in as "interim" coach until Barnes is available. Whatever happens, if Tappa wins or loses, Barnes is still the man to take over after those two games. There is nothing fair or unfair about it, it is just the business and how the contractual arrangements have been made.
    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


    • #3
      Bingo!!!! Plus Tappa was not forced or tricked into this 2-game scenario; he had the option to say yes or no. He took the job knowing that he's only helping out for two games.
      "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


      • #4
        This tell me that j.f.f didnot have a plan when they fired Simoes and they are not confident about Tappa's coaching abilities.

        Does Tappa feel comfortable being the head coach or he is just there only when there is nobody else?

        Will John Barnes be around come 2014 qualifying or we are just dealing with short term plans ?
        Why the **************** did we fired Simoes for ?

        What have Tappa, hyde and Duckie learn under Simoes guidance?

        Why Tappa did not go in and say to Burrell ..I m willing to take over this squad and win all 3 games.

        Bottom line we need someone who is willing to put it all on line and work with the administrators,fans and the best players over a long term period .

        What is the status of our academy?


        • #5
          change name to...



          • #6
            Why the **************** did we fired Simoes for ?
            Simoes was not getting the job done, plain and simple.

            Why Tappa did not go in and say to Burrell ..I m willing to take over this squad and win all 3 games.
            When yuh si Tappa, aks im. Tappa would be a fool to make such a proposition.

            Bottom line we need someone who is willing to put it all on line and work with the administrators,fans and the best players over a long term period .
            And are you suggesting that John Barnes is not willing to do that? Do you think if Simoes lose any of the other games he would not just quit like he did the last time, might even tell us he does not need our money too.

            Let us change your name to "Lawd Av 'is Mercy".
            "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


            • #7
              The last time i check I did not see Simoes in our jersey on the field of play.We


              • #8
                The last time i check I did not see Simoes in our jersey on the field of play.We keep blaming Simoes alone when we have a bunch of goones who sit and allowed Simoes to choose players who not even play one season of local premier league over seasoned professional veterans. After all that we now called in the assistant coach to be interim coach after we were told that these coaches were learning under Simoes guidance . These coaches are not even confident in themselves and we are playing russian roulette with the fans.

                Why the **************** did J.f.f not reprimand Simoes from the mexico game about his selection?

                Why wait until we lose the ****************ing game against Honduras?

                Why can't Tappa coach the team from now if he is good to be an assistant coach?

                Are we looking a coach or a technical director?

                What is the status of our academy?


                • #9
                  We keep blaming Simoes alone when we have a bunch of goones who sit and allowed Simoes to choose players who not even play one season of local premier league over seasoned professional veterans.
                  Mercy, it is not the duty of admin to tell the coach who to pick. A coach therefore lives and dies by his selections.

                  Simoes should have known that he had better players to call, but chose to go the route of "the road less followed". He blundered in his team selection and it almost cost us sure elimination. That is sufficient reason for his head to roll.

                  You cannot put the blame on the JFF as much as that is what I am seeing you trying to do. All of us who had any idea of the players at our disposal questioned Simoes' wisdom in calling players who were strugglig to make their club sides in Jamaica. Who were we or the JFF admin to tell the man how to run his show?
                  "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                  • #10
                    My question is why did J.f.f wait until the Hondduras game before the did anything about his team selection.

                    Trust mi there is more than what we know and hear ..
                    Simoes cannot overturn Burrell suggestion but this one is solely based on J.f.f personnels not Simoes. If his team selection was a problem it should have been dealt with from the mexico game not the honduras game.

                    J.f.f was hoping that Simoes can pull this thing off to save some money and probable help couple youths get a contract here or there.

                    J.f.f will make you or me believe that they were totally against his team selection now but they can only fooled some people.
                    if I was the president and even if the italian mafia was the coach ..King would have to be in my squad based on our 1st match against canada.



                    • #11
                      BMy question is why did J.f.f wait until the Hondduras game before the did anything about his team selection.

                      Trust mi there is more than what we know and hear ..
                      Simoes cannot overturn Burrell suggestion but this one is solely based on J.f.f personnels not Simoes. If his team selection was a problem it should have been dealt with from the mexico game not the honduras game.

                      J.f.f was hoping that Simoes can pull this thing off to save some money and probable help couple youths get a contract here or there.

                      J.f.f will make you or me believe that they were totally against his team selection now but they can only fooled some people.
                      if I was the president and even if the italian mafia was the coach ..King would have to be in my squad based on our 1st match against canada.


