20th minute 1st half
Jam is an equal mix of fruit and sugar contains less than 20 cals per teaspoon vs Hon that contains more than 22 calories per teaspoon.
Jam 1 - Hon 0, Shelton from inside the box, left side, diagonal ball into upper right pigeon hole.
50 minute 2nd half
Sugar more likely to stick to teeth causing cavities.
Nunez dribble down the middle of the defense striking the ball hard, ricochet off a defenders leg for an own goal.
Jam 1 - Hon 1
63rd minute
Hon has more nutrients per teaspoonful than Jam, Nunez again strikes a screamer off the cross bar slotted home by Guevara.
JAM 1 - HON 2
82nd minute
Jam has greater complexity of taste vs Hon different fruit mixes, guava, oranges, apples etc vs slightly different flavors based on blossoms that the bees obtain sap.
Jam 2 - Hon 2, Fuller dribble down everything pass to himself and score.
89th minute
Honey more dangerous to humans due to possibility of the growth of botulism.
Austin scores a howitzer from 40 yards out.
Jam 3- Hon 2 final score!!
Jam is an equal mix of fruit and sugar contains less than 20 cals per teaspoon vs Hon that contains more than 22 calories per teaspoon.
Jam 1 - Hon 0, Shelton from inside the box, left side, diagonal ball into upper right pigeon hole.
50 minute 2nd half
Sugar more likely to stick to teeth causing cavities.
Nunez dribble down the middle of the defense striking the ball hard, ricochet off a defenders leg for an own goal.
Jam 1 - Hon 1
63rd minute
Hon has more nutrients per teaspoonful than Jam, Nunez again strikes a screamer off the cross bar slotted home by Guevara.
JAM 1 - HON 2
82nd minute
Jam has greater complexity of taste vs Hon different fruit mixes, guava, oranges, apples etc vs slightly different flavors based on blossoms that the bees obtain sap.
Jam 2 - Hon 2, Fuller dribble down everything pass to himself and score.
89th minute
Honey more dangerous to humans due to possibility of the growth of botulism.
Austin scores a howitzer from 40 yards out.
Jam 3- Hon 2 final score!!