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my prediction

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  • my prediction

    Let's see if I can go 2 for 2...I did predict that Canada was going to score first and we were going to quickly answer...I fell a little bit short when I said that we were going to win 2-1 but I did say that we would have to make use of our little chances.

    The most important part of the Mexico game is the first 15 mins and last 5 mins of the opening half. It might sound obvious or redundant but if we can hold our own (especially the first 15 mins) and not only stop them from scoring but limit their chances created, we will be in great shape. The last time Erickson saw Jamaica up close his English team completely destroyed us...so he can say all he wants about how strong we are and blah blah blah but we all know that he remembered that game and he is going to prepare his team accordingly, which will add pressure to him and his squad if they don't score early. Our best chance of dominating play for an extended period of time will be at the beginning of the second half, where Mexico traditionally start sluggish, hopefully we catch them napping a couple of times. If Simoes was to step out of his element he can maybe try to sucker punch them and attack the Mexicans in the first 15 mins...but that is unlikely.

    If I was a neutral fan I would predict that Mexico will win 4-0 or 5-0, because of the travelling, stress from the hurricane and arriving in Mexico less than 24 hrs before kick off...remember when Boro did that to us when we went to Asia to play a bag of games right after a long flight, remember the 9-0 (I think) from one baby side. I remembered how everybody wanted to hang Boro for it...hmmm I wonder if the Boro era might prove beneficial for us.

    Somehow though...this game feels a little bit like when Costa Rica went to Azteca and beat Mexico...just a weird feeling that they are foolishly overconfident.Therefore with all things considered...if Fuller plays with a chip on his shoulder he will terrorise the over-rated Mexican defense(especially Marques) and give us a chance to be competitive...2-1 Mexico with a good chance of it being a 2-2 draw. I hope we can sneak out a win but that is unlikely unless our defenders play the match of them life and hold down the Mexican wave of attack, and when attacking we do it with conviction.

  • #2
    remember when Boro did that to us when we went to Asia to play a bag of games right after a long flight, remember the 9-0 (I think) from one baby side. I remembered how everybody wanted to hang Boro for it...hmmm I wonder if the Boro era might prove beneficial for us.
    Culture, the coach's name was BorA. Secondly, remember that when he took the team to Asia, it could have been about a 16 hour flight across about 8 to 10 time zones. Players whole system were thrown off, so that could have definitely affected their game. To play in Mexico is maybe a couple hours difference in time. This should not make a big difference for the players.

    Arriving less than 24 hours before the game I think is a part of Simoes' plans. I think I hear where they say you either give yourself a couple weeks to adjust to the effects of altitude, or you get there with just enough time to take care of business. The school of thought is that in the latter case, the body does not yet start feel the effects of the altitude change, so the players will fair better going in just in time for the game than if they had gone in two to three days before the game.

    I do not know the scientific validity of this idea, but it seems as if the Brazilians believe in it. I must say it does not seem to help them when they travel to places like La Paz and Quito to play in those close to heaven altitudes in South America.

    I think the game will finish 2-1. My crystal ball is kind of cloudy right now, so I cannot say in favor of which team. I will tell you though that my gut feel is telling me Jamaica could win.

    I hope the Boyz can maintain their discipline and shape and play the ball to the best of their ability. Ricketts needs to be much more efficient with his use of the ball in ensuring that we have possession whenever he has to get rid of the ball.

    All in all, I am wishing for the best. Hoping the Boyz will give us something to cheer about. I am sure the team can remember the 6-0 and 4-0 thrashings we have picked up at the Azteca. It will be good they do not forget and use this to help them maintain focus and play with propose.
    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


    • #3
      so sad...but my neutral prediction was right...well that makes 2 out of 2 for me...so that mean say my next prediction will be right

      Jamaica 1 - Honduras 1 (from a neutral perspective)

      Jamaica 2 - Honduras 0 (from my bias perspective)


      • #4
        since mi did right...look pon top

