A statement like that tell ou him was punishing himself.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
So wait, are you suggesting the JFF should fire Simoes based on the results above? I thought Simoes was hired, and given a 3 year contract to take us to the World cup? From my recollection, we just got pased the first hurdle convincingly (despite the oppositition) 13-0. Wo why should Simes job be in jeopardy? I believe medford went on a 9 game winless streak...culminating with that 2-2 scare against Grenada.
President of the FACCAC - Fans Againts Clueless Crenston and Cronies (cronies include Mosiah and Sicko)
your argument of firing Simoes have no basis and no logics whatsoever.
The man has only played one game of value. Before he took over all we were getting was 5-0 and 6-0. Don't make the two game Tappa played in the national stadium fool you.
One game of value albeit gainst Bahamas. Bahamas we're talking about here. Nothing to really brag about is it? Costa Rica isnt the only team who have changed coaches in the midst of a world cup campaign. If my mind serves me right I believe last time World Cup finalist Trinidad and Tobago did so in the final round of the hexagonal.
This team and I'll say it again will get exposed for all its flaws against better opposition and better prepared teams. Simoes has NOT improved this team by any means of the imagination. Build your hopes up and you will see in the upcoming months where we will be if Simoes continues to coach this group of players.
...if he was coaching Honduras Costa Rica, Mexico or any South American team he wouldve been fired already.
...if he were coaching those teams -
He would have had his squad for a much longer time!
He would have prepared against better quality opposition!
His team would be waaaaaaaaaaay ahead in stye of play than our current REGGAE BOYZ as he would have had some preparations!
You have forgotten that Simoes has had only a FEW DAYS preparaion with out lads!
Give him the same time Melfor had and our REGGAE BOYZ will be vastly better!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Dis bredda Warlord needs to have his head examined. The man calling for Simoes head less than 2 months before the start of the semi-round.
Him have Trini lineage...that might explain his backward thinking.
I guess the Costa Rican federation as well as other teams federations who have sacked incompetent coaches 2 months before a WC campaign needs to have their heads examined too.
When a team isnt playing up to its potential because of poor coaching and poor tactics, and you set high standards for your footballing nation, you will take that risk anyday.
When you love dwell in mediocrity, you will settle for anything less that success because you are comfortable in that space dont?
So wait, are you suggesting the JFF should fire Simoes based on the results above? I thought Simoes was hired, and given a 3 year contract to take us to the World cup? From my recollection, we just got pased the first hurdle convincingly (despite the oppositition) 13-0. Wo why should Simes job be in jeopardy? I believe medford went on a 9 game winless streak...culminating with that 2-2 scare against Grenada.
Good point but in our case this team is not playing organized or cohesive by any means. Simoes has not even begin to address some of the problems within this team. We are 1.5 months away from opening the semifinal campaign and we still are not any better than we were before he got here.
Bahamas is no benchmark for us to look at. We were expected to get past then without any problems. If you've read Simoes comments over the past few weeks he sounds like he is very cautious and a bit worried about that semifinal round. In the last two weeks, he's mentioned the issues that I've been talking about on this board for months now which makes me think that he has been reading comments on this board.
I hope he understands wat people want and expect out of this team.
Anybody who would fire Simoes after what he has done since January needs his head examine.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Good point but in our case this team is not playing organized or cohesive by any means. Simoes has not even begin to address some of the problems within this team. We are 1.5 months away from opening the semifinal campaign and we still are not any better than we were before he got here.
Bahamas is no benchmark for us to look at. We were expected to get past then without any problems. If you've read Simoes comments over the past few weeks he sounds like he is very cautious and a bit worried about that semifinal round. In the last two weeks, he's mentioned the issues that I've been talking about on this board for months now which makes me think that he has been reading comments on this board.
I hope he understands wat people want and expect out of this team.
We are 1.5 months away from the opening the semi-finals campaign...
You say it and you missed it!
It does not matter if it is Simoes or Jurgen Klinsmann or Phil Scolari...there are no plans to have the squad together for TRAINING!
What then can anyone coach...any mortal coach do if he does not have squad?
Once again we aim at the hapless coach when it is our JFF (Boxhill led in this case) that missed the opportunity of creating TEAM during the 2006 through 'present time' period!
Example of number of matches (practising creation of TEAM matches that this TOP OF THE WORLD team goes through to be ready for a World Cup!)
Attachment: Matches played by England’s National Senior team after World Cup 2002 through World Cup 2006. It is interesting to note how the team was kept active. Also interesting is how new players were introduced as some were replaced. There was continuality.
the results you posted are BIG improvement over the previous two years. Any sensible analyst or student of the game can tell you Jamaica has improved over the last six months.
True! And I would love to see a comparison of sponsorship over the two periods two.
a nuh fi him fault why him get the sponsorship. He actually took us on a pretty much paid for Brazil tour.
Part of the reason why him get it is because he consistently ask unlike others and he has a competent JFF working with.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.