As a ReggaeBoyz supporter, it pains my heart to see the current state of our football. Have you ever been in love and your partner cheats on you? I'm sure most of us have been through that experience before, if not, then you are too young to be reading this
. Anyway, that's how I feel, like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. Then I ask myself what can I do as a fan to help effect a change?
I think that the Reggae Boyz Supporterz Club is operating in a vacuum. We as fans need to momobilize ourselves and publicly voice our disappointment in the JFF. It is hard to be effective in cyberspace, but we have administrators who are local and on the ground who can act on our behalf. I am suggesting drafting a petition, signed by members and visitors to the forum, which outlines our concerns. This should be forwarded to the respective news agencies. Let us ututilize the power of the media to pressure the JFF. Our forum will then be taken more seriously. I know that JFF personnel knows about us, however, they laugh at whatever grouses us fans have. That's because they are not held accountable for their actions. We need to change that!
So what say you? Can we stop beating up our gums and do something?

I think that the Reggae Boyz Supporterz Club is operating in a vacuum. We as fans need to momobilize ourselves and publicly voice our disappointment in the JFF. It is hard to be effective in cyberspace, but we have administrators who are local and on the ground who can act on our behalf. I am suggesting drafting a petition, signed by members and visitors to the forum, which outlines our concerns. This should be forwarded to the respective news agencies. Let us ututilize the power of the media to pressure the JFF. Our forum will then be taken more seriously. I know that JFF personnel knows about us, however, they laugh at whatever grouses us fans have. That's because they are not held accountable for their actions. We need to change that!
So what say you? Can we stop beating up our gums and do something?