Originally posted by Bricktop
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massa - My call is "school academies" and "other academies"! I have been saying that for a long time!
In one particualr article - I said, either "Our schools are..." or "The schools are..." our academies. Currently that is still the case. I even spent some time on explaining why it would make sense to improve the teaching of/coaching of football in schools - We get the kids from 'the cradle'...and lose them/let them go/they go off at 16 through 19+.
Some of the things I can remember off the top of my head - in no particular order
i) Captive numbers of willing pupils.
ii) Investment in physical plants by the government and private sector.
iii) Cost sharing - staff, physical structure, training of coaches (via teachers colleges and outside experts)
iv) Ease of...use of...administration
Please dig up the Columns section of the site...and the editorial section.