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Rudolph Speid's Ahead - 5 point plan for KSAFA

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  • Rudolph Speid's Ahead - 5 point plan for KSAFA

    Rudolph Speid's Ahead - 5 point plan for KSAFA Presidency

    "Good name in man or woman is the immediate jewel of the soul.
    Who steals my purse, steals trash,
    T'was mine, t'is his and has been slave to thousands
    But he who flinches from me my good name,
    robs me of that which not enriches him and leaves me poor indeed"
    – Othello, William Shakespeare
    Rudolph Spei

    dInspired by "the call of the ball"; 43 year old "Duncan destroyer" Rudolph Speid, has cast his hat in the ring in his quest for nomination in July and ultimate election as president of the KSAFA Confederation when the voting Congress is called in August or thereabout.

    Unlike his likely opponent Peter Prendergast, the Financial Controller of the Gleaner Group will not be entering un-chartered water as this will be his second bid for the prestigious post. He brings to the table seven (7) years of experience and solid achievements as treasurer of KSAFA.

    Only two years ago, the 1982 deputy head boy of Titchfield High contested for the presidency and failed under the pragmatic theme of "Clubs United". On this occasion however, Speid will not leave anything to chance. Rather than relying on "Mas Camp social" and "pressing of the flesh" on the campaign trail, the chairman of Cavalier Soccer Club ably assisted by campaign manager Moses Green,
    has repositioned his strategy commencing with one to one meetings with the clubs and interviews on radio talk programmes among other agitational forms together with taking his five point plan of action to each forum.

    According to Speid, he has developed a ten point plan for the continued development of football in KSAFA and Jamaica. Mindful of the fact that he can only be eligible if nominated by the clubs, he advised that he was only prepared to share five at the "precursor meetings". . The remaining five, he continued, will be unveiled in the run up to the KSAFA election with sufficient time for all interested parties to study them.

    Speid listed his plans for KSAFA as follows: -
    1. The re-establishment of Women's football at the Club level.
    2. The establishment of voluntary Pension scheme for paid KSAFA football players with the option of inviting participation by other Confederations.
    3. A re-examination of revamping of the Youth Football programme
    4. Constitutional Review; and
    5. Ensuring that Clubs benefit more from sponsorship
    Women's Football. In this respect, Speid intends to assign a Vice President, the responsibility of coordinating a KSAFA Women's Football Programme to include separate competitions for Seniors and for juniors- Under 18 and Under 15. This programme he said was to give direct support to the National Women's Programme and he is already in discussion with potential sponsors.

    Voluntary Pension Plan for paid KSAFA football players. The change agenda also called for the establishment of a Voluntary Pension Plan for paid football players in KSAFA with the prospect of extending it to other Confederations. Rudolph Speid cited that, whereas in other industries pension programmes are a feature of employment contract, the time has come to introduce such benefit to football clubs. He is of the view that the time to change the situation is now since it can only be fair for all if at the end of their playing days players are able to look forward to retirement benefit.

    Re-Examination/Revamping of the KSAFA Youth Football Program. Here Speid lamented the reduction in the number of clubs participating in the junior competitions and has called for a re-examination to ascertain the decline in interest.

    According to Speid one strategy would be the abolition of registration/competition fees.

    In respect of the development and support of KSAFA youth football, he wanted to create an environment where family members of the players are able to attend games and support the players, while sponsor of the competitions, in addition to being able to attend these games, will gain more for their sponsorship dollar.

    He further added that Youth Competitions would be scheduled for week-ends and identified clubs approached to avail playing facilities for multiple matches

    Moving to Review of Constitution and Rules Speid is proposing amendment of KSAFA constitution in sync with that of the JFF arrangement and the practices related to it. He also proposed that KSAFA adopt the relevant sections of both the FIFA and the JFF Rules starting with the Constitution, Competition rules and the Disciplinary Code. Such a move he argued would provide clear guidelines and certainty for KSAFA when called on to address issues that it could face in fulfilling its responsibilities.

    In addressing the final plan shared with clubs, Speid noted that in respect of Sponsorship for KSAFA Competitions, there was a need to ensure that Clubs gain more direct benefits there-from. He said he would be working to ensure 50% of sponsorship money accrues to the Clubs directly.


    Mr. Speid (in light of the economic conditions affecting Jamaica) what guarantees do you have in respect of sponsorship and to can you provide some more details on your sponsorship distribution proposal?
    Responding to the first part of the question Mr. Speid said he was not yet the KSAFA President but in anticipation of a positive outcome to the pending election had approached two potential sponsors for their support if elected. He reported that the response from those entities was favourable and if elected KSAFA President he is confident that those discussions could be concluded quickly to the benefit of all parties especially the KSAFA Clubs.

    In terms of the redistribution of sponsorship to more directly benefit the Clubs Mr. Speid noted that while all Clubs benefited indirectly from sponsorship money only the top Clubs benefit directly in the form of prize money. He contends that such a situation should change but stated that he would speak more directly on how that can be done during the election campaign.

    Mr. Speid why should the PHFC support your candidacy for KSAFA President?
    I think your question is just as easy as it is difficult. I could take the easy way by listing all the tings I have done for KSAFA but I will not. To do so would be selfish and in a way denying the contributions of my Family, my Club, the KSAFA Council and the other members of the football fraternity for their support given to me in this work that I want to continue doing.
    Let me therefore answer your question by stating things I think will allow you to better understand my desire to serve as KSAFA President. I start by stating categorically that I take the position of KSAFA Presidency very seriously. As you all know I am currently the KSAFA Treasurer and I am a firm team player who is willing to continue working for the benefit of KSAFA. For the records, I am also the Chairman of Cavaliers SC so you will appreciate that I am also an active Club person.

    My club, Cavaliers SC is a "small club". It continues to provide me with direct knowledge and experiences of the problems and difficulties of operating a football club in Jamaica. I can, therefore, associate directly with problems and difficulties faced by KSAFA Clubs and Affiliates. I am confident when I say that I understand that the resolution of these problems and difficulties will not only benefit KSAFA and my Club.

    Importantly, any problem solved should also contribute to improvements in the national football program, a program to which I am committed.

    I also think that the experience gained from my association with the Gleaner Business House Team can be used for the benefit of KSAFA.

    We could debate this but I think I have achieved some level of success in my work with Cavaliers especially at the youth level. I also believe that I have met with success as the KSAFA Treasurer. Some may want to question my stewardship as Treasurer of the JFF all things considered I would give myself positive marks for that job too. Time I am confident will prove me correct.

    Mr. Speid what is your position on the suggestion that KSAFA should have a paid General Secretary?
    In principle I have no objections to the idea. If you observe the international development in the game this seems to be a trend. It would, therefore, be a natural progression if I am elected KSAFA President and the Congress accepts my proposal to adopt the FIFA/JFF model as the way forward. As it is now the Constitution does not provide for a paid General Secretary so any firm commitment to such a change would be premature.

    Please understand that regardless of my personal views on this matter and international trends I would be guided by the wishes of the representatives of the KSAFA Clubs and Affiliates.

    Mr. Speid what are your visions for KSAFA?
    This is a very interesting question. I believe KSAFA should own property which should include office space and playing areas. I also believe that KSAFA should be a registered company and should also have a football academy.

    Mr. Speid, tell us about yourself
    I would have preferred if you had not asked me to do this. This asks for an emphasis on "I" and as they say there "is no I in team". Let me explain. I accept that who I am as an individual is important but I do not want that to be the main issue in the pending election. I think what the candidates will bring to the position and their track record of work in KSAFA should be the main point of departure. That said I will answer you question this way.
    I am married and the father of two children. Professionally I am the Financial Controller of the Gleaner Group - the Group has 14 Subsidiaries with a number of companies overseas. I am the Managing Director of Sangster's Bookstore the largest bookstore in the English speaking Caribbean. I am also the director of a number of other corporate entities.


    School attended: Titchfield High Deputy Head Boy - 1982

    Player experience:Represented Titchfield High School DaCosta Cup Final - 1982 Represented Port Antonio United National League 1981 - 82
    Represented Gleaner Company Limited as captain and player for 25 years securing some 10 titles in KSAFA Business House FA football competitions
    Currently coach and player of Cavalier SC

    Professional qualification: Chartered Accountant

    Professional experience: Financial Controller of the Gleaner Group
    (The Group has 14 subsidiaries as well including overseas interests) Managing director Sangster's Bookstore Limited

    Football administrative experience:
    Treasurer of KSAFA 2001 - 2008 (7 years)
    Treasurer JFF 2005 - 2007 (organised events to secure $450M prorated to 2010 for the "Back to Africa" programme)
    Former member JFF Technical Committee
    Former member JFF Finance Committee
    Current Chairman Cavalier SC

    Marital status: Married with two (2) children
    Last edited by Karl; May 27, 2008, 07:57 PM.


  • #2
    Good man!
    Loves his football!
    His record speaks for him!
    Gwaan, sah!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      But hold on, this man was Boxhill's former treasurer?
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hortical View Post
        But hold on, this man was Boxhill's former treasurer?
        Yuh karreck! ...and the word is, had some fights/disagreements with dee Captain!
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          What about all those alleged financial irregularities from the Boxhill administration that supposedly occurred on his watch?

          Tis a pity we nuh have sensible journalists who can pose these types of questions to the KSAFA candidate.
          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hortical View Post
            What about all those alleged financial irregularities from the Boxhill administration that supposedly occurred on his watch?

            Tis a pity we nuh have sensible journalists who can pose these types of questions to the KSAFA candidate.
            Di captain seh forensic audit! Mi jus a ole mi car-na and watch fi si weh di 'clips fall'!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

