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Jamaica and the defensive game

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  • Jamaica and the defensive game

    Jamaica and the defensive game
    published: Thursday | March 20, 2008

    After a 1-1 draw with D.C. United at the Harbour View Mini-Stadium, many were expecting Harbour View to lose the return-leg CONCACAF Champions Cup game in Washington on Tuesday night.

    However, a 5-0 thrashing was more than many, yours truly included, bargained for.

    At no point did I envision D.C. United, a United States Major League Soccer kingpin, as a team that was five goals better than any of the top Jamaican sides.

    What went wrong
    Since the shock of the massive defeat, I have had time to go over the tapes of the game and to analyse what went so horribly wrong.
    Just as in the first game, Devon McTavish of D.C. United broke the hearts of Harbour View fans by sending home a goal that looked fortuitous at best.

    In truth though, being in the right place at the right time is part of the job of a forward and the job of a defender is to ensure that when his opponent gets to the right place, even if it is at the right time, he is there to make things difficult.

    That didn't happen in Harbour View a week ago, and it didn't happen on Tuesday night in Washington. On both occasions, McTavish was the first to react to a ball bobbling in the Harbour View box.

    I wasn't even concerned about that goal so much as the others the Jamaicans let in.

    After playing some confident-looking football at the beginning of the second half and seeming like it was only a matter of time before the back of the US club was broken and a goal would result, Harbour View again gave up a soft goal.

    This is where the 'Stars of the East' lost their heads. In rushing to get back into the game, they paid the price of overcommitting players into attack.

    Understaffed back-line
    The speed of D.C. United's attackers was too much to deal with for an understaffed back-line, void of both wing-backs for disaster not to strike and it took just five minutes for three goals to slam into Harbour View's net.

    A Jamaican team has made it to the CONCACAF Champions' Cup after winning the Caribbean Football Union competition on at least three occasions now.

    However, those teams have not been able to get past the American and Mexican teams they have met there.

    The reason this has never happened is the same - the local premier league is stagnant.

    The premier league is undoubtedly filled with talent, but there is no doubt that there is room for better coaching and for more thought into the game.

    When the game went to 2-0 in Washington on Tuesday night, a coach or a player needed to have made sure the players understood that they needed to go back to what was working for them. And, although they were down two goals, they were having slightly better possession than their opponents.

    Instead, an instinctual reaction came to the fore and Harbour View started rushing, which tells me that they were unprepared for the tactically superior game plan of D.C. United.

    I am unaware of whether or not Lenworth 'Teacher' Hyde, arguably one of the country's greatest talents, knew what was happening and tried to get his players to adjust, but the players themselves seemed clueless.

    Defence woes
    Harbour View are one of those teams that get tactics right more often than not in the premier league, but for some reason, this is not translated when the stage gets bigger.

    The defensive woes of Harbour View on Tuesday night speak to a problem that is a Jamaican one.

    Gone are the days when defenders were big and strong and aggressive, with that being enough to get them out of trouble. Today, they are fast, skilful and smart and until Jamaicans begin to push their defenders in that direction, club football, and by extension, national football, will have a far way to go.

    Donald Stewart, for instance, was played out of Tuesday's game simply because he was too slow.

    The same problem presented itself to Jermaine Taylor and Christopher Harvey, as they were outsmarted and outpaced time and time again by the runs of D.C. United's forwards.

    At the other end of the field, it was a different story as the positional play of D.C.'s defenders frustrated Harbour View and allowed sweeping counter-attacks that led to their demise.

    The premier league needs to find defensive coaches, coaches who teach teams how to defend more effectively.

    Until then, there will forever be one hurdle Jamaican teams will not get over. Paul-Andre.Walker@gleanerjm.com
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Not bad - but there was also the matter of lack of technical quality...and those old self-inflicted "dwelling on the ball", "not getting to the ball early" yuh nuh ambling around while 'things' are happening swiftly on the other side/the opponents are not similarly slouching and an inability to "think things through" as 'things' are happening around you and solving the problems i.e. being blind to occurances around...


    ...if an observation of 'the happenings' is there ...lacking the mental capacity to come up with solutions!

    ...additionally...where was the attacking game?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      'At no point did I envision DC United,.....as a team that was 5 goals better than any of the top Jamaican sides'.

      The writer above echos the sentiment of Mosiah, and most of this forum.

      Jamaican football is the same as i left it in the early 70's. Full of frill and nothing else.
      The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



      • #4
        Once again your insightful, analytical approach shines through...

        Nothing has changed in Jamaican football in over 30 years.

        Heh, heh.


        • #5
          I beg to differ because jamaican football have change

          but so have their opponents. Our teams have improved but it very hard to see because our opponents are also improving. It is hard to compared professional from 5 years old to players who is 1/8 professional at 28 years old and onward. It is also hard to knock teams that do not get productive competitions day in day out. There is also the referee standards that affect players. Saying that I expected harbour view to perform better being there before. The score doesnot reflect the game but goal win match and that is the bottom line where jamaica and jamaican teams need to put more emphasis on. We need to reduce goal created and goal scored ratio drastically. I keep saying that travelling and discovering proper training and facilities helps but until we actually created that same or even better environment a yard we will be losing majority of our talented players to only 15 minutes of performance in 90 minutes games.


          • #6
            Karl putting technical deficiencies aside, HV was plauged by a
            major problem. What is it? They don't travel well. They are not accustomed to travelling then playing competiive ball at that level (two days later). The same thing happened to Portmore; they handled themselves well in the US against the Mexican club (america) second leg the scor was amost like that of HV. In 98, I can recall a commentator (tye I think) saying we (jakans) are like wine, we don't travel well. What he didn't know was that the Prof had the locals all over the vast expanse of Brasil playing. RFK turned out to be a shocker.

            It's how we are made up boss (humans) right now if China and Brasil should venture into space (with humans for extended periods) the would be confronted with serious problems, that they have never seen. It would be different for the US and Russia.

            The more Pro clubs (like HV) should get in touch with clubs like Saprissa,America, even MLS clubs to travel and tour. They can come to JA in return. Summer in june it's winter in Arg. invite them down (trelawny stadium) this way we can travel to Arg. and Brasil too.

            Another thing; JA clubs must start to take nutriution and weight training very seriously, if they want to compete at a certain level.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jawge View Post
              Karl putting technical deficiencies aside, HV was plauged by a
              major problem. What is it? They don't travel well. They are not accustomed to travelling then playing competiive ball at that level (two days later). The same thing happened to Portmore; they handled themselves well in the US against the Mexican club (america) second leg the scor was amost like that of HV. In 98, I can recall a commentator (tye I think) saying we (jakans) are like wine, we don't travel well. What he didn't know was that the Prof had the locals all over the vast expanse of Brasil playing. RFK turned out to be a shocker.

              It's how we are made up boss (humans) right now if China and Brasil should venture into space (with humans for extended periods) the would be confronted with serious problems, that they have never seen. It would be different for the US and Russia.

              The more Pro clubs (like HV) should get in touch with clubs like Saprissa,America, even MLS clubs to travel and tour. They can come to JA in return. Summer in june it's winter in Arg. invite them down (trelawny stadium) this way we can travel to Arg. and Brasil too.

              Another thing; JA clubs must start to take nutriution and weight training very seriously, if they want to compete at a certain level.
              I keep saying; Not for the life of me can I understand why the NPL clubs and the JFF working together cannot have a major TEAM/club having a working vacation in JA each and every year!

              Our coaches could observe training sessions - i.e. attend "PRACTICALS". Just as TRAINEE TEACHERS attend classes being taught by professional trained teachers....view the lesson plans and discuss with the professional teachers the "whys and wherefores" ...pick their brains - so it is sessions could be arranged with the professional coaches.

              Damn the 'profs' could...just as trainee teachers have 'profs'...observe the teaching and discuss methods and results and give pointers on 'right directions'!

              ...as mi seh, not for the life of me....?????
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #8
                Jawge, yuh think it is time to say Hue done?

                Frankly, I was quite dissapointed with Hue's game. For a man I have heard so much about when it comes to his free kicks, I saw nothing in terms of corners or free kicks from the two games from him which impressed me.

                I must admit his passing is superior to anyone on the harbour View side. He switched the play very well from time to time. I watched in anticipation of seeing him on a free kick which would at the very least force a save from the goalkeeper. It was not to be.

                I guess the search continues for a replacement for Tappa.
                "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tilla View Post
                  I must admit his passing is superior to anyone on the harbour View side. He switched the play very well from time to time.
                  His passing was better than the others who rarely made two successive successful passes?

                  Maybe? (Mosiah to check for us!)

                  Switched play from side to side?

                  If you mean once in the first game...and maybe twice in the second...then...????

                  Hue played crap in both games! More crap in the 2nd than the 1st!
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

