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There we go again with the expensive travel arrangements

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  • #46
    By all means please continue to post your opinions, that's what makes this forum what it is.

    [quote=No Mercy;86648]er you or anybody like it or not. To clarify some of your concerns I will really get to explain with my limited knowledge..

    1. Burrell and Reid have been to Brazil a lot times and this trip is suppose to help them see how academies are in Brazil...Go read Simoes letter this morning. It's good to see them making frequent trips to Brazil. I wouldn't mind if the most successful country in world football adopt a little minnow like Jamaica. I went back and checked the papers... can you please post Simoes letter?

    2. Glad to know that Alien Whittaker and Sean Frazier have improved since been to Brazil...I can recall never seen these players making our starting eleven regularly during world cup qualifying. Whose fault is it that they weren't selected?

    3. Is it cheaper to host Brazil team than having camp in Brazil then all the best to J.f.f. You didn't answer my question, but anyway I would think that if our accomodation costs are being covered then it would make sense to jump at the chance. Maybe our footballing skills can improve just by breathing some Brazilian air.

    4. I realize that you are on the same thinking level as J.f.f when it comes to Brazil ...As long as it takes even if at the end we end up in debt for our next generation. We are already in debt and will be more in debt by the time the campaign is finished. Prior to 98 did we not go to Brazil for camps? Did we not reach the WC Finals? Just jump onboard and desist with your negativity.

    5. For your information most of these players have been to Brazil before with Simoes from tappa days. And.......? In life you need to take refresher courses to stay current in your job.

    My point I am trying to get across is that it is time we have the brazil experience in jamaica after all these years of brazillian travel. What exactly are you proposing?

    Anyway in the end it is J.f.f that have to give account to their creditors and sponsors ..too bad poor people tax money usually get wasted in jamaica. If we reach the WC Fianls in SA, will you consider it a waste? How much of the tax payers' money is really going towards the program?[/quote]
    Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


    • #47
      We need to a look at our athletics accomplishment locally

      and see what is being done. Most of our most talented runners are staying in jamaica and doing better than when they use to train in the states.

      We need to get this academy up and running..
      We need proper playing surface in jamaica.
      We need proper nutritional programs for our players.
      We need to lower the J.f.f debt
      We need a better islandwide infrastructure.
      We need more income than expenditure.
      We need long term plans
      We need to have a better league to attract top players from the caribbean or even worldwide
      We need to attract more world wide tv contracts like Fox etc.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        I'm sure Karl has more info on the academy than anyone else on this forum. Since November of last year, I realised that the Malvern idea was doomed.

        Karl, where is the academy going to be relocated?

        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

