Yah when nuhbaddy nuh deh
fi see him. You guys contributed to his lack of growth. How? By comparing him with Tappa. It puts him under a microscope with a tall order to fill.
Yah when nuhbaddy nuh deh
fi see him. You guys contributed to his lack of growth. How? By comparing him with Tappa. It puts him under a microscope with a tall order to fill.
Is that why he is no taller than maybe 5'-6"?!? I didn't know that!
these names will grow and change. Not surprise that two of the top two teams has the majority of players. What is surprising is that some of the experience names like Fabian dwakins was not invited. But football is a journey and not a destination and as I am not there I cant argue as to who should be there.
What we need to recognise is that things change. Players get better, some get better faster than others. Players also deteriorate, some faster than others. Players get overweight, some lose interest, apparently (Kemo comes readily to mind). And players get older!
Many of us want to see the 98 squad back together again. Ain't gonna happen!
how do you value the kid from Mehaven that some here believes needs to find a npl team to grow. Do you think he is one for the future or he is just behind on the depth charts.
I think he is pretty good. He has lots of confidence. But that argument about playing with a bigger side is so true. One cannot really gauge his worth when he doesn't stand up in the fire week after week.