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Fast, strong ... and not actually very good

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  • Fast, strong ... and not actually very good

    A commentary on English lower league football quality. where most (over 25 of them) of Jamaica's potential internationals ply thier trade. Interesting......

    Fast, strong ... and not actually very good

    Don't be fooled by the success of Championship sides in the FA Cup. The nation's second tier represents all that is wrong with English football

    Barney Ronay

    January 15, 2008 2:18 PM
    The Championship: is it really any good? The temptation, of course, is to say yes; and for a number of reasons. For a start there's this year's FA Cup, which has been pretty good to English football's second tier. The third round has already hosted an above average quota of Premier League muggings and capitulations, with the power to add more in this week's replays, starting tonight. To date the Cup has provided the entire Football League with a rather flattering funfair-mirror reflection of itself: of 43 clubs in the hat for the fourth round, 14 are from the Premier League, 14 from the Championship and seven apiece from Leagues One and Two. Suddenly the Championship has begun to look lean and hungry and rather pleased with itself.

    Just look at all the people turning out to watch it: crowds at Championship level are unexpectedly buoyant, comparable to the boom period of the mid-1960s. Two years ago English football's second tier even briefly outstripped Serie A to become the fourth best-supported league in Europe, behind the Premier League, Primera Liga and Bundesliga.
    The superficial impression is of a vibrant and competitive lower level; even better, one still populated in the main by English players and managers.

    Don't be fooled. In truth, the vast majority of teams in the Championship provide us with a working example of pretty much everything that's wrong with the way the game is played in this country. Watch a little Championship football and you realise fairly quickly that the Premier League, with its rag-bag of imported modernisms, is little more than a baroque footballing façade hurriedly Blue Tacked on to the dingy structure beneath. At the lower level the caveman football of pre-modern times - direct, hysterically fast-paced and valuing athleticism and stamina above all else - is still very much at large.

    Just look at the kind of players who have tended to prosper there. It took Darius Henderson 25 Premier League games to score his first goal last season. This time around he has 10 already and has been one of the most effective players in the Championship. Stoke's muscular Ricardo Fuller has enjoyed similar success. James Beattie, ineffective at Everton, scored 13 goals in his first 24 games at Sheffield United.

    Currently clustered at the top of the Championship are Watford, Stoke and Crystal Palace. All favour a style of play that prizes strength and aerial power above things like - let's see - being able to control the ball and pass it accurately. Watford remain the most extreme example. This is a team that plays as though the recurrent generational humiliations suffered by England sides playing direct football - from the thrashing by Hungary at Wembley in 1953, through the scalpings and black eyes of the Graham Taylor era - had simply never happened.

    With his touchline earpiece and team-bonding gimmickry, Aidy Boothroyd has often been described as a moderniser. In fact, the football he preaches is laughably retrograde; and the experience of his Watford team in the Premier League - where they won just five games last season - is salutary. Playing this way will only take Watford so far. At a higher level, where defenders don't make mistakes quite so often under pressure and possession of the ball is rarely returned, your limitations are exposed. In recent times, Bolton survived and ultimately prospered in the Premier League playing football based around delivering quick accurate passes forward from deep positions. But then they also fielded players of the quality of Jay-Jay Okocha, El-Hadj Diouf, Nicolas Anelka, Ivan Campo, Gary Speed and Youri Djorkaeff, who would have looked pretty useful under most systems you could throw at them.

    Astonishingly, Boothroyd was even among the names mentioned when there was pressure for Fabio Capello to induct a young English manager into his staff. Can we really not do any better than this? Or are we really still reading from the only script English football has ever produced: a botched instructional manual roughed out around the statistical jottings of Wing-Commander Charles Reep (the godfather of long-ball football and a former Watford employee) in the 1950s and fleshed out by the former FA coaching director Charles Hughes during the 1970s? Following this template, teams in the Championship have chosen to engage in a kind of trial-by-strength for the right to struggle horribly in the Premier League.

    There are exceptions, of course, most notably at West Bromwich Albion. Muscled out of the automatic promotion spots last spring, Tony Mowbray's team have toughened up this season but continue to play football based around keeping possession of the ball. Already, they look better prepared than most to survive in the Premier League. Reading have showed the way in this regard: promotion in 2006 followed three seasons of patient, incremental improvement by a team playing the kind of football likely to prosper at the higher level. Although, as ever with any grand plan, it helps if you've got a little money to spend, as Reading and West Brom both do.

    Happily, there is a slight sense that this may be a generational thing. In the Championship and leagues below there has been a flowering of younger managers intent on playing a different kind of game: Roberto Martinez's Swansea and Paul Lambert's Wycombe in League Two, for example. Burnley, managed by Owen Coyle, impressed Arsène Wenger in the last round of the Cup, but remain decidedly mid-table. This is often the lot of Championship sides attempting to buck the trend. Trying to pass your way around the second-tier bullies requires a certain standard of player, as well as a degree of courage and patience. It all takes time. And nobody has much of that any more.

    There are other incentives towards trying something different. Much is made of the scarcity of younger English players being given opportunities in the Premier League. Championship clubs are in a prime position to take up the slack here. In recent times there has been a slight reversal of the drift away from Premier League clubs recruiting from the lower leagues: Chris Gunter of Spurs, Fulham's Nathan Ashton and Newcastle's Ben Tozer have all made the leap in the last six months. Before them, Gareth Bale and Theo Walcott made a lot of money for Southampton. Developing players is, of course, always a risk for clubs outside the Premier League. But done in the right numbers and with the right level of care young English players could yet prove to be their greatest resource.

    There are, of course, plenty of obstacles in the way of the Championship ever becoming an effective nursery of home-grown talent. English football's reluctance to take a punt on players who might not yet have developed the requisite heft and bulk endures - and the Championship is a fearsome arena. For now, at least, it remains a wonderfully well-attended, competitive and occasionally very entertaining league; but one riddled with the kind of bad footballing habits that remain, even now, a distinctly English handicap. So don't be taken in by the odd hiccup among the top tier in the poor old devalued FA Cup, whatever this week's replays might bring. Honourable exceptions aside, the Championship is still a showcase for all the bad old habits of the bad old days.
    Last edited by Karl; January 15, 2008, 04:02 PM.

  • #2
    Blog reply to this article that mentions Fuller...

    January 15, 2008 3:11 PM

    Painfully lazy, snotty reporting selectively ignoring information that doesn't fit a grossly oversimplified account culminating in the most crass of conclusions. Long ball football is Bad and it's still here. Booooo.
    Darius Henderson lost his strike partner (Marlon King) and consequently saw his steadiest supply line (Ashley Young) moved to a central role and then sold off altogether. So to disparagingly dismiss his contribution is to rather ignore the context of a side that got promoted despite having been favourites for relegation and suffered the consequences. Still, far easier to pigeonhole the style of play than to acknowledge the (artificial and quite deliberately cultivated) chasm between the top two divisions that Watford were unable to span. Plenty of sides of all shapes and sizes have gone the same way.

    Ricardo Fuller's assassination in your piece rather ignores his misfortune with injuries in the top flight. James Beattie struggled to justify his price tag at Everton, but was largely a success at Southampton and could probably swing a top flight club if he wanted to.
    Most laughably, you argue that playing this way will "only take Watford so far" as if you're incapable of recognising strong, athletic players and brusque style dominating a number of top Premiership clubs.... Portsmouth certainly, Chelsea too. Better players, of course, but the mould is the same. I don't really need to ask whether the key distinction between a long ball and a long pass is the identity of the player playing it.

    Most of all, you talk about Henderson and Fuller's attributes as if they're someway undesirable, as if rather than aggressive, wholehearted gladiators (and neither is as limited a footballer as you choose to imply) the footballing world should aspire to some formulaic aesthetic ideal. The crowds in the Championship to which you refer bear testimony that you're talking complete bollocks.


    • #3
      Thanks for this. I have long thought that the lower half of the Premier League isn't that good, so it's not hard to extrapolate that the Championship would also be a bit woeful. Just check most of the teams in the BPL. Long ball, big kick, outta mi life football reigns!

      Originally posted by DweetSweet View Post
      At the lower level the caveman football of pre-modern times - direct, hysterically fast-paced and valuing athleticism and stamina above all else - is still very much at large.
      This might explain why Tappa was unable to break through. And why Maestro never stood a chance.



      • #4
        Never knew Fuller was muscular. Fuller is not your typical swashbuckling Championship forward in my book. The writer was desperately trying to make a point.



        • #5
          "The writer was desperately trying to make a point."

          While we know him have a little pen with a point, the ink overflow.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            Could have been all about Big Sam...he made Bolton into a bumbling brusing lot who occasionally played football.

            Big Sam needs to learn the game...and, then coaching teams to play it!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Agreed. Never really liked how Bolton played the game.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                this line alone describes ManU football during the Djemba Djemba/Kleberson/Barthez years,,,,

                At the lower level the caveman football of pre-modern times - direct, hysterically fast-paced and valuing athleticism and stamina above all else - is still very much at large.
                Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
                Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:


                • #9
                  oh yes mosiah... fuller has added a lot of muscle the last few years, especially his lower body... you can definitely see the results of weight training with fuller...

                  agree, the writer was desperately trying to make a point to support a conclusion he already had formulated...
                  'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DweetSweet View Post
                    Blog reply to this article that mentions Fuller...

                    January 15, 2008 3:11 PM

                    Painfully lazy, snotty reporting selectively ignoring information that doesn't fit a grossly oversimplified account culminating in the most crass of conclusions. Long ball football is Bad and it's still here. Booooo.
                    Darius Henderson lost his strike partner (Marlon King) and consequently saw his steadiest supply line (Ashley Young) moved to a central role and then sold off altogether. So to disparagingly dismiss his contribution is to rather ignore the context of a side that got promoted despite having been favourites for relegation and suffered the consequences. Still, far easier to pigeonhole the style of play than to acknowledge the (artificial and quite deliberately cultivated) chasm between the top two divisions that Watford were unable to span. Plenty of sides of all shapes and sizes have gone the same way.

                    Ricardo Fuller's assassination in your piece rather ignores his misfortune with injuries in the top flight. James Beattie struggled to justify his price tag at Everton, but was largely a success at Southampton and could probably swing a top flight club if he wanted to.
                    Most laughably, you argue that playing this way will "only take Watford so far" as if you're incapable of recognising strong, athletic players and brusque style dominating a number of top Premiership clubs.... Portsmouth certainly, Chelsea too. Better players, of course, but the mould is the same. I don't really need to ask whether the key distinction between a long ball and a long pass is the identity of the player playing it.

                    Most of all, you talk about Henderson and Fuller's attributes as if they're someway undesirable, as if rather than aggressive, wholehearted gladiators (and neither is as limited a footballer as you choose to imply) the footballing world should aspire to some formulaic aesthetic ideal. The crowds in the Championship to which you refer bear testimony that you're talking complete bollocks.
                    ...as a follow-up to your puting of Fuller before us once again...I actually watched the 1st FA Cup match against Newcastle again and to me Fuller appears a far better player than he was in our last set of qualifiers. He is involving his teammates more in 'his plays'. With a little luck I think he could have scored twice.

                    The bad points I saw was when 'balls were pumped long in his direction' he extremely rarely (twice?) met the ball. He almost always gave a fake effort - oftentimes running towads the ball but failing to attempt to play it and oftentimes just standing around and allowing the defender to play the ball.

                    Some may ask, what should a forward do when this long ball is kicked towards him when he is a hopelessly outnumbered position?

                    It is simple - get to the ball before the defenders and play on to TEAMmate. That may mean heading it backwards, sidewards or helping it on! ...but, it is a MUST to get to the ball first. The aim is keeping the ball. Allowing a defender to 'just get to it and head towards his teammates is not it!

                    Fuller also spurned...speaking in the context of his 2006 World Cup exploits...too often to bring his TEAMmates into play when he initially had advanced the ball (dribbled forward by & or 'bruked' his opponents) on the way towards goal. Again in such 'keeping of the ball too long' he gave away possession...caused his earlier good work to be a waste...as Lazie would say - Iffa a nuh TEAM den a wah? ...yet, in saying that, Fuller does less of that type give-away than during his earlier stint in the EPL or for the REGGAE BOYZ pre-2006!

                    He has come on...and, I think would be now better able to handle the rigors of the EPL...but, he still has a long waaay to go.

                    Still showing potential! ...as the man said, potential means you haven't done it !
                    Last edited by Karl; January 17, 2008, 01:54 PM.
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      He has come on...and, I think would be now better able to handle the rigors of the EPL...but, he still has a long waaay to go.

                      Still showing potential! ...as the man said, potential means you haven't done it ![/quote]

                      Karl, which teams did you play for and at what position?


                      • #12
                        Karl, which teams did you play for and at what position?
                        Suh Karl have to have played for some team before he can have an opinion?
                        "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tilla View Post
                          Suh Karl have to have played for some team before he can have an opinion?
                          Are you married to Karl or are you just his publicist?

