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Ok Sass et al

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  • Ok Sass et al

    Burrell welcomes Simoes and highlights the head table:
    Howard McIntosh
    Bruce Gaynor
    Rene Simoes
    Horace Reid

    Assistant coach Montesso, arrives on Monday

    Welcome extended to:
    Maurice Bryan of Digicel
    Gareth Geddes (brand manager) of Red Stripe
    Jamaica National, Ms Janice Henling sponsorship manager
    Michael Collins sponsorship exec

    Babsy Grange

    Hitz; KLAS; RJR; Nationwide; Love FM; Links FM; TVJ; CVM; HOT102; CSN; Observer; Gleaner; CMC; Sunday Herald; Irie FM; BBC.

    Big welcome given to Simoes, his family and his coaching team...

    Simoes: 7 years is the time I have been out of country, and alot has changed. Very glad to see the refurbishing of airport, its wonderful. Looks good for Jamaica. Very emotional day. Great feeling to be back, my daughter is English teacher so my English will improve. First question faced years ago...my English was a problem, my answer was I coach by feet not tongue. I tried to improve English and manners, hence salutation...
    I remember after 98 qualifications, ppl said it was because of money, but that was wrong, it was because of the people. In that time, we believe that together we could do it, and we did... (tells a story about a fighter)

    I think qualification can be achieved again, because the potential remains here, the capabilities remain here, the quality of the Jamaican, the strength within the Jamaican people makes me believe it can be done again. The target may be more difficult, but we are better than before, we have to be better today, than yesterday, better tomorrow than you are today.

    Football has become a product, so we have to raise the way we talk about football. It is our responsibility to talk at high level to ensure interest in football, or we will lose out to computers...boys will start to sit around the computers instead of play football

    We are not here to fight with media, too old now. I am here to associate with journalists. I am not here to please the fans, I am here to do my job, the best way I know how..

    I beleive that they need encouragement. Administratively, things must become better than before. But no way u can think high level football without high level coach. 25 games a year...is a good number for team to play...lets play games and lose games. For by losing, you identify who is great and who is not.

    (he speaks of the u17...in 2012 they will be olympic team)...when u invest in u17 u think 8 years ahead so I will be very involved with them.

    (he talks about the women team....using his experiences)

    Lets create the Reggae Boyz family again. Criticism is expected, but we must note the common objective, love for each other, and raise jamaica and qualify for world cup. If any player does not see this objective, no matter who they are, they will be out.

    Nutrition program, highlights Dr. Heather Little-White

    Air Jamaica is also a sponsor. We have to move around to play how do u say it chicken ..chicken feed? not acceptable u want a benz u gotta pay good money

    We need housing for the players. No hotels. The place to build a family is in a house, not a hotel. Players must learn, respect and love the Jamaican culture. We need a sponsorship, I'm surprised that we dont have one based on our previous past(world cup)....We need a house for players Norbrook one not in shape...dont want players from abroad coming to stay in hotel they should all stay in a house together get Jamaican foods n culture and be a family...

    Training Centre that is to accommodate the national team, must be close to national stadium. If training centre is for facilitating youth development only, then it can be anywhere...

    Social Sector should also be involved... NOW WE KNOW WE CAN DO IT, WHY NOT AGAIN! It's more difficult this year than last time (94) but better this year than 94..we did it once we can do it again. We are better now than 1994 wen I came. It can be a reality again.

    We all did it together, lets do it again, lets ask god to help us, help Jamaica to do it again, make us much better as persons and human beings.

    his speech ends, floor opens and Burrell takes the mike

    The Marleys are coming in on Match day vs Costa Rica
    Jamaica will be playing against Costa Rica on Feb 6, 6pm...That will be the launching for the campaign, Bob Marley's birthday, so the Marley's will be putting on a treat. February 6 Costa Rica @ National Stadium 6:00pm

    It's Bob Marley birthday and marley sons will come in and put on a treat signing and all of that on the day.

    Burrell congratulates Simoes on winning the 2nd Division title

    Burrell said when he met with the Brazilian FA president in Japan he could not fathom the reason for Simoes returning to Jamaica with all the interest that has grown for him.

    Burrell then talks about Simoes immediate tour of duty:
    Waterhouse match
    Harbour View vs August Town match...

    Meet Staff


    Attend more CPPL games

    Meet with the Prime Minister 10 AM

    Meet with the board of directors of JFF 10 AM

    Questions then come from the audience

    When u came for the first time, u didnt know much about our football, based on what u know now and what u know about the current status, what do u think it will take for us to qualify?

    based on what I learnt, there is alot here, we have not forgotten how to play, we have not lost our strengths, what we have lost is the capacity to be together. we need to be united .

    Question :
    Coach give me and idea wat would u want to say to the boyz ? Give an idea of what is the first order of business you propose and how will u approach everything?

    1st) Diagnose: meet everybody and diagnose where we are
    2nd) Dont think because u are a good football u will make it, no, forget it, you must be a team player.

    Example...2006 Brazil team was the best, but nothing happened, because they forgot that they must play strongest and right players.
    what will be the spread local/overseas in 25 games. lets find the next young Ricardo Gardner...message for local players, I am watching you!

    Simon Crosskil welcomes The Prof:
    C - welcome back

    S - Thank you, 1994 I didnt want to come now I was dying to come back because I know the potential of Jamaica...etc...we cannot do anything individually, we have to do as team, together we are very strong

    C-you dont only speak about football, u speak about support, u feel that without support, u wont get the level of football needed, has that changed?

    S- no, I cannot do anything alone, Burrell cannot do it alone, Jamaica makes a mistake if they think things will be great because we are back, everybody has a part to play

    C - How do u view your task, with a number of our players playing professionally, considering the downside

    S - first u have to make them understand why the great african nations do not go far in world cup, because when they go back to national team they relax. Message is, it is not enough to be the best players, u must be the best, strongest and the right players at the right time, secondly the local players must know they stand a chance

    C- have u sensed then that the international professionals have not given as much as they can

    S- I cannot tell from outside, but it is possible, because it is not their professional work

    C- Who is rene simoes in 2008 and what is the new tactics?

    S- the principle is the same, discipline, hard work, players must recognise they are ambassadors of the country. tactically football has changed, more total football...so football is more aggressive. What the players can do to what the coach thinks is necessary...I am more mature, so i am calmer, but I dont lose my principles

    C- Alot of tactics used were off the field before, has that aspect of football changed?

    S- in Brazil change a little, like in CONCACAF. lets diagnose it, we need to hear whats going on to make proper strategy

    C- What about the time element, less time to do what is necessary...

    S- when we look at the group, the group is very difficult. What is good is the reputaion of jamaica is very strong, so that will make us have a chance. (He reminds us of group in 1997) We need to spread the message for players. You are here to work!

    C- The Office has become international standards...how will that also affect your tactics?

    S- Well the players are mostly professionals, so it may or may not be an issue, the tactics to be employed will be developed when it is good to do so... S the objective is to disturb the routine of the opponents...

    C- Are you prepared for Failure?

    S- I never think about that...I think we go to succeed...we can do it because we did. I never prepare to fail, I always prepare to win...
    What captain has done, I have never seen done by any other president of federation. So because of that, I had to come back, remember captain fired me, his strength is wonderful...so I must support him

    C- Are you sure u made the right decision?

    S- I think so, I want to come here.. some people think I dont like them, thats not true...I am more confident now, I do things differently, but I dont lose my principle

    Thank you very much, please tell my Bredrin Bertis I miss him being here.
    Jamaica has strength within that cannot be identified anywhere else!

    End Of Coverage

    Special thanks to
    Last edited by Farmah; January 5, 2008, 07:14 PM.
    "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011

  • #2

    "We need housing for the players. No hotels. The place to build a family is in a house, not a hotel. Players must learn, respect and love the Jamaican culture. We need a sponsorship, I'm surprised that we dont have one based on our previous past(world cup)....We need a house for players Norbrook one not in shape...dont want players from abroad coming to stay in hotel they should all stay in a house together get Jamaican foods n culture and be a family...

    Training Centre that is to accommodate the national team, must be close to national stadium. If training centre is for facilitating youth development only, then it can be anywhere... "
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      that is what I like about Rene, he is here to work from day one and him let you know where he stands.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        You know...whatever opinion we hold of The Captain, I must admit he is a very shrewd businessman. True to form (and as I expected) The Prof shares similar views on the Academy/Training Center with the Captain. Proximity becomes the key for the location of the Training site.

        The Captain makes the Inspector look like he was out of his range and domain.
        "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


        • #5
          even down to schedule. ah bwoy.

          Burrell then talks about Simoes immediate tour of duty:
          Waterhouse match
          Harbour View vs August Town match...

          Meet Staff


          Attend more CPPL games

          Meet with the Prime Minister 10 AM

          Meet with the board of directors of JFF 10 AM
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            yes but they are two 2 different things. If you are building a academy is one thing. If you are building housing for the teams is another. So the question is what are your building and more importantly what is fifa goal money mandated to do. Is it to build dwelling for senior players?


            • #7
              It mandated fi buil ah Football Academy consisting of practice, accomodation, nutrition and teaching facilities all roll inna one.
              Remembah ah Football Academy nuh ongle serve di purpose of man a play ball. It mus provide accomodation,nutrition an tutoring facilities fi di national/U23/U20 or U7 squad. Man/Yout fi eat sleep an play ball togedah. Housing facilities mus mek di playahs dem feel at home. It is not a dwelling but have di ability fi house di ballah dem inna comfort. It will be di cornah stone ah wi football development. Design an layout ah di key. Mi nuh know a ho much money dem get but mi feel seh dem mus try fi accomplish di objective of a true academy.


              • #8
                I am not sure what them building but I can tell you St. Johns and Red Bulls academy which Altodore came up through them nuh have no building. Them send coaches and administrators out fi work with the different teams in any area them need building. I think we wasting time bout having scouts, instead they should be coaches and teachers going out and working with the teams and coaches to make the teams better. You see how our goal keepers have improved as Paul Campbell went out all over the country and worked with some of the best goalies to help and develope them. A more a dat mi want fi see. See a team like Georges United how all of a sudden them have talent? Is it talent or the administration that King, Don D, Duckie and Felix them put togather?
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #9
                  Sass, as my father would say, "cheese to chalk".

                  Gwaan Missa Simoes!
                  "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OJ View Post
                    yes but they are two 2 different things. If you are building a academy is one thing. If you are building housing for the teams is another. So the question is what are your building and more importantly what is fifa goal money mandated to do. Is it to build dwelling for senior players?
                    OJ, when the money was initially approved, it was slated for a national training center. When Boxhill's admin came in, it was changed to an academy for nurturing the young talented players. The academy can always be in Munro for all I care, but the place where we train in preperation for games I agree should be closer to where we plan on having games. Imagine having the national team train in Munro, but travel to Kingston for games. That nuh mek sense.
                    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                    • #11
                      You see how our goal keepers have improved as Paul Campbell went out all over the country and worked with some of the best goalies to help and develope them.
                      Damn! Seems as if Paul Campbell missed Donovan Ricketts!
                      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                      • #12
                        Farmah, i have a feelin' that Mosiah from past actions-- made himself persona non grata at this very important press conference. I heard he had more important things to take care of.
                        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                        • #13
                          Not really. Their views on the academy are not the same.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            We should probably scrap the term "academy". An academy is not neccesarily a "building", its more a system of development for youth football, the building is only one of the ingredients. It apperas to me that the building that is being proposed will not only serve th epurposes of te academy, but will also be a a national training center for all teams...complete with player's residence. I believe the whole confusion here is that Both Burrell and Boxhill has totally different visions for the building.
                            President of the FACCAC - Fans Againts Clueless Crenston and Cronies (cronies include Mosiah and Sicko)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Farmah View Post

                              When u came for the first time, u didnt know much about our football, based on what u know now and what u know about the current status, what do u think it will take for us to qualify?

                              based on what I learnt, there is alot here, we have not forgotten how to play, we have not lost our strengths, what we have lost is the capacity to be together. we need to be united .

                              BLACK LIVES MATTER

