Sunday, December 09, 2007
Coaching to go hi-tech at UTech

Dawes ... 'The days of talent alone have ended ... You must have scientific preparation.'
THE JAMAICA Football Federation (JFF) is planning to establish specific training for football coaches here in a more comprehensive manner.
The move is expected to facilitate improved qualification and lead some participants through the doors of the University of Technology (UTech), aiming to offer a first degree as it is further con-ceptualised.
Coaching to go hi-tech at UTech

Dawes ... 'The days of talent alone have ended ... You must have scientific preparation.'
THE JAMAICA Football Federation (JFF) is planning to establish specific training for football coaches here in a more comprehensive manner.
The move is expected to facilitate improved qualification and lead some participants through the doors of the University of Technology (UTech), aiming to offer a first degree as it is further con-ceptualised.