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My Dear Jamaicans- Rene's letter

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Karl View Post

    If that is the case, then why are teams like Haiti having strong youth teams that can compete and be successful. Clavijo oversaw the development of some of the youth programs a few yrs back before he left.


    I'm not saying he should oversee the program on the day to day basis but the success of future national senior teams is what is based on youth development don't?

    The problem is we cannot have a finished product at 22 or 23 if we don't invest at an earlier age group. That is the difference between us and the better footballing nations in Concacaf and Europe.

    Let's examine your theory and compare it with the man utd squad in the 90's. Who do you think developed Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville, Paul Scholes, David Beckham, Wes Brown?

    The first team coaches under direction from Sir Alex who was also involved in coaching and had input right? Jamaica isn't a club team where we can go out and buy the finished product like Chelsea and other club teams do. We have to develop our players and some one has to oversee the program which takes time. Its not going to happen overnight.

    Well not at this point because his main priority is to get us to SA. But the problem is he is coming in now when he should've been brought in maybe sometime in 04/05 under the previous administration.
    The problem is you believe, like most persons, that those players where discovered at ManU, Chelsea and the like. That is false!

    What we need are inter-connection of 'programs' across the entire island where ALL TALENT at its earliest will be exposed, seen and assessed...

    ...then with that potential stimulated and identified based on ability channeled upwards to eventually find its 'resting place' at the highest level where development to greatest potential takes it.

    I am suggesting...and, I have been suggesting this from before this site was created and became en vogue, that across the entire island there is tremendous numbers of 'good talent'. I used my experiences as a youngster to point out talent NOT SEEN and therefore NOT DEVELOPED...cast aside and or allowed to go to waste.

    Let me repeat - I left Little London Primary School in Little London, Westmoreland for Mannings High School in Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland. I left behind kids who were better at football, cricket and track. I became a member of all those Junior teams at Mannings.

    I went on to represent Mannings and Munro at track. At that time the 'training' was nothing compared to today's preparation for games. ...and, I must admit that I goofed off more that trained...Yet I was good enough to assist in bringing in points to school at Western Champs and Champs.

    Even got as far as being considered among the favorites for Class 1 220 yards for Champs after making the semi-finals in my first year at
    Class 1....and, being a member of the 3rd place 4 x 440 yards team at Champs.

    I was seen and exposed to the teaching such as it was and arrived at a certain level. What about the much better athletes left behind...never to ever know what they could have done? Where potential World Class athletes left behind?

    I'll use one of brothers as another example - He played on Munro's Headley Cup team as 1 down bat - He played a great part in Munro winning the Headley Cup (I think that may have been the only time MC won the Headley Cup). He also won the Class 1 Long Jump and came 2nd in the 100 yards at Champs...and, represented the MC and UWI in track & football and Jamaica Schoolboys in Track (touring Barbados and T'dad and Tobago)...

    ...but, there is a good friend of ours named Telford Bowen from Grange Hill in Westmoreland who was in our estimation just as talented in track and football and definitely more talented at cricket who got nowhere in track and football...never chanelled upwards...and, I think only went as far as Jamaica Colts at cricket and he was at cricket only footing around...was never in any serious development program.

    How many more athletes must we lose? No inter-connection from "cradle through to national senior team".

    I am saying a Simoes can only take the few fortunate enough to muddle through the system - 'non-existence' system is more like it - who are put in a national pool. Kindly take note that the NATIONAL TEAM SYSTEM should be the final resting place of the best of the best of our talent...not a buck-up of lucky ones with that NATIONAL TEAM SYSTEM resting place!

    A system that deals with finding talent through 'luckly buck-up' is no system. It is a farce perpetuated on our people!

    A real NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM should mean what it says - NATIONAL! ALL-ISLAND through which planned and executed sensible action allows for discovery of talent from each and every area across the island - from the hills (some would say bush) of Success in Hanover...from the hills of the Blue Mountains - e.g. Cedar Valley, St Thomas to the plains - say, Silver Springs, Westmoreland and or Duncans, Trelawny...or for that matter areas like the backwoods of Mt. Airy, Clarendon and Rock, Clarendon both found above Mocho, Clarendon...etc.

    Simoes cannot oversee such. It will take a local to draw the people in such disparate parts of the island and in the various institutions and organisations together to make a workable system in which all of our people - country and town, in the bushes and in the light - have equal chance to develop to fullest potential for their benefit and Jamaica's benefit!

    Burrell's...and the irony is Burrell is from rural Clarendon and he must know how many good talents were left behind in his district...putting of Simoes in isolation at the top MUST be not his end-point as far as looking at our island/our people and the creation of a NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM that puts YOUTH at the forefront? Our YOUTH do not start out at the NATIONAL TEAM LEVEL that NATIONAL TEAM LEVEL must be the FINAL RESTING PLACE for the best of the best of ALL our kids to START ON A NEW JOURNEY to possible TOP OF THE WORLD STATUS!

    How many children are in our education institutions? How many are being afforded the opportunity to compete for a place on the next rung of the ladder in a NATIONAL PROGRAM? A pitiful few...and, it MUST BE THAT CURRENTLY VERY OFTEN the BEST TALENTS are not even getting a 'look-in'!!!

    ...that cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called a 'system'...more like what Peter Tosh called a "s h i t -tem"....just another s h i t-tem!
    Last edited by Karl; December 6, 2007, 10:33 AM.
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