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Rene the great

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  • Rene the great

    PAPO OF SATURDAY: René Simões

    Technician commands the Coritiba in one of the moments most important of the history of the club

    Rafael Cardoso Of the GLOBOESPORTE.COM, in Rio De Janeiro enters in contact


    René arrived at the Thigh in June and knew to manage all the problems

    They had been two years of much agony and suffering for the torcedor of the Coritiba. Lowered for Series B in 2005, the teams made a well weak campaign in the match in 2006, being only in the sixth rank. In the start of this season, everything indicated that the twisted thigh-white would pass plus one year is of the elite of the soccer, supporting the gozações of the rival greater: Atlético-PR. The precocious elimination in the Pantry of Brazil and the Paranaense Championship had contributed still more for the growth of the diffidence in the teams.

    When the technician René Simões arrived at the club alviverde, in day 6 of June, the teams occupied only 12ª rank in the Segundona. The trainer faced diverse problems as bruises of players, irritation of twisted and the fight internal politics. With calm he was arranging the things, conciliating the interests, and obtained to place the Thigh in the leadership of Series B.

    In this Saturday, René can enter of time for the históra of the paranaense Alviverde. To return the teams to its place of origin, the Series, it needs to win the Victory in house. The expectation is of that the Couto stadium Pear tree is crowded to commemorate the possible anticipated classification. The technician talked with the news article of the GLOBOESPORTE.COM, for telephone, on diverse subjects as feminine soccer, degradation for Series C and on the possibility to command other teamses in Brazil. He confers, below, the complete one of this interview.GLOBOESPORTE.COM: The classification of the Coritiba for the First Division practically is consolidated. How it is dealing with all the euphoria of the twisted one, the press and the torcedores in Curitiba at this special moment of the club?
    • I am following everything with much tranquillity, without leaving that these things pass for the cast. We have that to armor the players, to prevent that any problem arrives until here. We cannot leave that the euphoria pass for them. Our objective is the heading since the start of the championship. We want much more that the classification. It does not give to keep the focus only in this game of Saturday, we want to go beyond. We will face as placed, a game that will not be easy. In this hour, the cast has that to only have "reason", the emotion is for account only of the torcedores.

    GLOBOESPORTE.COM: The adversary of this Saturday is the Victory, club in which you passed for a moment sad in its career, in 2005. In the occasion, the teams fell for Series C. Which the sensation of reencontrar the Bahians in this situation, with the two teamses fighting for the return to the Series?
    • It was a difficult moment what I passed in the Victory. But a set of things in that period happened. Also in relation to my work. The fall occurred for a succession of facts. But I can guarantee that the same tranquillity with that it knew to deal with that situation is the same one with that read with this current one. I am happy to see the Victory with possibilities to return to the elite of the soccer. I think only about the Coritiba at this moment, but I twist so that the Victory and the Portuguese if also classify.

    GLOBOESPORTE.COM: You the teams at a conturbado, eliminated moment assumed in the semifinal phase of the Paranaense, in the eighth-of-end of the Pantry of Brazil and occupying 12ª rank of Series B. How it was this beginning of work? Of that it forms obtained to reanimate the players?
    • The great secret is the planning. The first part of it is the diagnosis: to identify the problem. From the work it can there well-be made. E I had the luck to find members of the commission here technique very good. For example, the Edson Borges and the Blond Arrow, that is the nickname of the Kruger. All have helped me very. The success of a teams also passes therefore. Also I had a calm reception on the part of the players. What he had was a tense climate very between the direction, twisted and the teams. First we work to recoup auto-esteem of the players and we were in approaching to the twisted one. The situation and the opposition had promised to remain themselves moved away from the soccer. In one year electoral, the things always are difficult.

    GLOBOESPORTE.COM: Its resume is well extensive in the international soccer. One of the great conquests was the classification of Jamaica for the Pantry of the World of 1998. It considers this the great chance to also write its name in the history of the Brazilian soccer?
    • I do not have no type of concern how much to this. I write my history all day, is where it will be. I do not have these vanities of that necessary to direct a great teams in the Brazilian soccer, as the Corinthians, for example. I am not dreaming of this, even because the Coritiba is great also. Taste to only feel me useful, either in the Mesquista or even in the Victory, that had been teamses for where passed. Here I feel myself of this form: useful.

      GLOBOESPORTE.COM: One another important conquest in its career was the medal of silver with the feminine election of soccer in Atenas-2004. How it is facing this euphoria with the current feminine election?
    • I was very contented following the success of the feminine soccer. They had never obtained to form a group, had been always treated as a problem, friction of brigonas. E now exists really a group joined and of success. This is very important, does not have doubts of that the feminine soccer is in the certain way.
    GLOBOESPORTE.COM: Great teamses had fallen recently for Series B and had had different campaigns in its returns to the elite. Bosom and Palms are positive examples. Atlético-MG and Botafogo had gone up and left to desire in its return. How to become the Thigh most competitive for season 2008? Already exists a planning for this?
    • I do not want to make plans for 2008, we are concentrated only in this championship. First the classification, later the heading. A thing of each time. If not to make this, we will finish repeating Lewis Hamilton, who committed many errors in the end of the Formula championship 1 and lost a heading that was in its hands. We will keep our focus until the last rounds.
    GLOBOESPORTE.COM:Which the message for the twisted one of the Coritiba, that will crowd the Couto Pear tree in this Saturday!
    • The Coritiba has a motto that it is: "the teams who always believes." The twisted one has another one, that is: "the teams who never gives up." Inside of these two espíritos, joining these two phrases, we will go in search of our great objectives. We count one more time on the support of the torcedores.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2
    Allyluyah !

    Rene Simoes is now in the brazilian minds of Fame or History Book.This notable brazilian football nomad is a tatician , Motivator, and journalist always enjoy his articles in the JamaicaObserver and looking Forward to
    see him write again.

    Hortical!! please!! am asking you kindly to offer Mr Simoes a position at the Observer as journalist. Alreadily tried and proven that his communication
    skills are sufficient to reach the minds and hearts of jamaicans every where.

    I remember when Michael Manley used to write for the Observer in the early nineties and reach us.Mr Simoes did the same , and in the history of jamaican
    print media nobody not even the late great manley capture our hearts and intrigue our minds like our Manager Mr Rene Simoes did...



    • #3
      Ah yuh dis Pepsi? I can't believe is yuh writing such good english. I tink yuh is playin fool fi ketch wise mos' of di time.
      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


      • #4
        Yuh tink suh, Tilla?



        • #5
          See wha a likkle weed can do?


          • #6
            Well said whilst some of
            D cup crew insist that he cannot coach. Ah well.


            • #7
              a likkle?

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                Check him after him smoke 2 'roach'....


                • #9
                  If dem gi him a chalice him might find a way fi stop Global Warming.


                  • #10
                    Make sure you use water and nuh put nuh rum inna it cause a FIRE!!!!!
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

