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Why Donovan Ricketts not top Class?

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  • #16
    lol !!! ahahhahah!!


    • #17
      Hez not top class because all he does is kick the ball away.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tilla View Post
        And who is that quote from?

        Ricketts' problem is more fundamental than making saves. While Ricketts is a good shot stopper on his day, it is the thinking part of his game which lets him down. He does not control his box very well for a keeper with his physical attributes and his handling of situations in the back which helps us to start our attack really sucks.

        Frankly, I do not think that Ricketts' problmes cannot be fixed. I am kind of dissapointed that he is playing in England in a professional setting for so long and he does not seem to be improving. Moreover, with all of three leagues above the league Ricketts play in (EPL, Championship & League 1), have you ever asked why none of the 68 teams in those upper leagues come knocking down Bradford's door for him? Bradford is bearly above the drop zone for the current League 2 standings in which Ricketts plays.

        I think we should push some of the local keepers over Ricketts at this time.

        Totally agree with your assessment. He doesn't command the box at all. And given the amount of time spent in England and his age, I also agree that it is much better judgement to have a look at some of the younger GK who are willing to develop and learn the basics of good goalkeeping.

        Ricketts has had good goalkeeping coaches while in England, but he hasn't learned anything. He does have some talent and is a good shotstopper but he lacks the qualities of a good keeper.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Pepsi View Post

          You do not like the guy because you think he's getting up there in age he must retire and give somebody else a chance to tend goal for the National team...

          That's the problem with us jamaicans over the years in football we usually change Goalies every year until when simoes came and deliverd us from the arrogance,look at USA & TRINIDAD they do not keep changing there Goalies
          so often as we do.

          Aaron Lawrence is the longest and one of the Most successful keepers from jamaica,does the JFF have the courtesy to call him up as Goal keeper Coach...he has reach that stage...
          Well I can stick up for Tilla here...he has never used the age thing against Ricketts. It is always about Ricketts' command of his area and his 'lack of playing TEAM' (i.e. ...too often giving the ball to the opposition through his long kicks. Damn! I have wondered aloud if Ricketts sometimes during matches forget which is his TEAM?)
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          • #20
            Originally posted by Lionpaw View Post
            Hez not top class because all he does is kick the ball away.
            Paw: Read again and pay attention when you do. You may gather a bit more than that from what was said.

            Was it HL who would say "reading is overated"?
            "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran

