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A response to Farmah

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  • A response to Farmah

    I don't think we understand some of the issues here. We can't afford to buy out of Bora's contract right now. That would cost us what some coaches would cost.

    Also, are u guys even aware that the Government has not been honoring theit part of the deal to pay Bora.

    Yes I know the captain is flirting with bringing back Rene, but we have to look at the realities.

    Give Bora the friendlies with our best players and we will be fine.

    Not time to press the panic button yet.

  • #2
    There are those who are very much in love with 'brand-name' coach.

    In love to the point of not being able to rationalize the facts. (Case Study: the waste of time brand- name coach Laza).

    Without being long winded...the prudent thing is to suffer the loss by buying out Bora's contract. (A Jamaican saying would be to cut and run).

    The good business man Cap'n Burrell will undoubtedly (do the right thing) and fire the waste of time and money Bora; and hire someone more suitable for the Reggae BoyZ current demise.
    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



    • #3
      Interesting insights Rico. However, Mr Burrell will have to weigh ALL the pros and cons when he takes office on Sunday.

      I disagree though, with your statement that it is "not time to press the panic button yet." Considering that all our CONCACAF neighbours have been fine-tuning their programs while we sit idly is cause for concern. Our present FIFA rankings, coupled with our dismal performances in our last handful of international games, seems to me like a good reason to agitate ourselves into urgent action...even to the point of pushing the panic button.

      Now I'm not saying that our dire situation can be blamed upon Bora, but I would opine that he must share a portion of the blame. Afterall, the man was recruited to the tune of US$1M/yearly. So far I haven't seen what he has done to earn US$250,000 per year.

      It was a smart move going after Bora but to sign him for that staggering amount was preposterous! The JFF (and the Govt) can ill-afford to spend so much on a coach yearly when so many other areas of the program are bereft of cash. It would benefit the program if the captain can find a way to ''buy out" Bora. Mr Burrell, being the shrewd businessman that he is, may just find that loop hole.

      Yet, if as you said "we can't afford to buy out of Bora's contract right now," then we will just have to give him the support and hope that he can steer this ship to South Africa.

      There have been mixed views on the subject of bringing back the Prof; and most of the arguments have merits. However, I believe the Prof could serve as the Director of our Academy - with direct responsibilities to scout, organise coaching seminars, organise preparations of Sub-20 teams and take full coaching duties for the Under-23 team. I would find someone else to manage the senior men's squad...at a price far below US$1M/yearly.
      "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011

