Karl, we all know that columnists can't "mus' and boun'" anyone into action, especially premature action, but I would be very disappointed, as I am with Minister Smith, if Burrell had really not begun working on a plan because he is not yet in office.
Do not be disappointed! Burrell's plan...Burrell's way shall be unveiled and soon!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
then you are going to ask me
how many club teams did Pele professionally.
Prof.Simoes's record speaks for itself. When the Prof. was on the island football was on Top. Ballas could get the most beautiful women (entertainers hafi hide dem woman). The reggaeboyz was known world over. Now? Please ah nigerian ask me if the reggaeboyz are still around.
It's because of Prof.Simoes why you are posting this minute.
We did not know how to play INT'L football and Prof.Simoes came and taught us how to do so. Anything else is irrelevant.
See that is what's holding us back.
Imagine we went to France and you are there sitting and thinking what if we didn't go. Don't be like Tilla (only negatives to say)
So Rene was not only the coach but he was a match maker, picking women for the ballers..Jawge give me ONE example of Rene picking a beauty queen for any of the players..just one.
Ha ha ha ha whooooeeee, mi belly....
Thanks in advance.
Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death. Che Guevara.
Garth is on vacation leave and some one else is sending out the press releases, there was a press release to that effect a week or so ago, Garth is due back at work this weekend I think.
If I had a say in it I would keep Garth but I guess he was hired by Boxhill so him haffi leff the building too...SIGH
Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death. Che Guevara.
It was absolutely garbage. The sticking point between the school and the JFF was the availability of the Munro fields. Many old boys did not want to give up any of the property even temporarily, but an agreement was eventually reached for the JFF to use/lease some of the fields across the road from the villas. In addition, there is room for the creation of a smaller field right below the residences.
So, this nonsense about not having a field is absolute garbage! There were "ready-made" fields and there was space for the creation of at least one more.
By the way, we have had teams training at Munro in the past. Where do you think they practiced? On the tennis court?
If Brown did not know the details of the arrangement then he is a bigger idiot than I thought. How can you be president of the STEFA and not know what's going in yuh backyard?!?! If this were America, the particular state president of soccer would be beaming with pride for landing the national academy for his state. Not here! For us, it's a matter of let's see how many donuts we can get first.