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Standing up for what I believe

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  • Standing up for what I believe

    Standing up for what I believe <DIV class=KonaBody>

    Last Thursday, Burchell Gibson, general secretary of the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF), was in western Jamaica as guest speaker at the Sandals/St.James FA end-of-season presentationceremony, which unfolded at the Sandals Montego Bay Hotel

    free speech

    In a speech in which he stoutly defended his stewardship as general secretary and that of the current Crenston Boxhill-led JFF administration, of which he is an integral member, Mr. Gibson identified me by name several times in his presentation, making no bones about the fact that he sees me as one of the persons giving the federation a hard time.

    As one who cherishes my constitutional right to speak freely and frankly on whatever issues I feel comfortable and competent to address, I have absolute respect for Mr. Gibson's right to do the same. In fact, I do believe that free speech is a right that should never be tampered with.

    Outside of the grins I saw on a few faces, I don't think anyone took Mr. Gibson seriously. In fact, I believe that was what prompted him to close his presentation by stating that he was not there to attack me, but more so to set the record straight insofar as some of the things I have written in recent times.

    last laugh

    If it was a case of having the last laugh, I probably would be laughing crazy at this time because just three days after Mr. Gibson's swipe at me, news broke that the management board of the JFF, the federation's highest decision-making body, had ratified a motion, seeking an early election to end the reign of the current administration.

    Listening to the JFF's South Central Confederation president Dale Spencer outlining some of the short-comings of the current administration, I can't help but wonder how much he is irritating Mr. Gibson. In fact, in targeting me, it does appear that he is picking a fight with the wrong person as there is definitely a crisis at the head table where he is sitting.

    special pleasure

    Even as Mr. Gibson seems to be taking special pleasure in the so-call success of youth and women's football under this administration, it would appear that the senior men'sfootball is sinking deeper and deeper into the pits based on the latest FIFA rankings, which sees us at the lowest in over 10 years.

    If Mr. Gibson is serious about the current administration spearheading Jamaica's bid to qualify for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, I think that instead of wasting his energy lambasting me - albeit his constitutional right - he should be using his rich credentials, which he reeled off so elegantly at the presentation ceremony, to sort out the obvious mess the JFF is in.

    too much integrity

    While Mr. Gibson did not say it, I get the distinct feeling that there are some members of the current administration, who have been intimating that persons like myself, who have been openly criticising the JFF, are doing so at the behest of former president Captain Horace Burrell, who has openly stated that he would like to get his old job back.

    I just wish to state categorically that while I am not a wealthy man, I have never asked Captain Burrell for any favour and he has never granted me any.

    Additionally, I wish to state that I value my integrity too much to offer myself for sale to anyone. However, I think Captain Burrell is the best man to lead Jamaica's football that is why I am supporting him.

    As an executive member of the St. James Football Association, I have a lot of respect for my president Lennox Wallace. However, I have made it clear he will only be assured of my vote in the upcoming FA elections if he is supporting the return of Captain Burrell as JFF president. Happily, I think he is.

    [i]Source: The Jamaica Star Onli
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