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Digicel Cup Coverage

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  • Digicel Cup Coverage

    Hope to see some good goals.

    <TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD><SPAN class=storyHeadline>Digicel football TV coverage on way </SPAN>
    <SPAN class=byline>Published on: 9/14/06.</SPAN> <P class=storyText>

    THERE WILL BEunprecedented television coverage of the 2006-2007 Digicel Caribbean Cup football tournament. <P class=storyText>

    Tournament sponsors Digicel this week announced a ground-breaking television broadcast programme in Jamaica, designed to enable regional football fans to watch all the action from this year's expanded tournament.

    In conjunction with the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) and the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC), Digicel will deliver the largest ever TV coverage of the tournament with a range of programmes from all stages of the tournament.

    Provisional agreements are in place in 20 regional territories, including Barbados, to broadcast delayed coverage of the qualifying matches, Cup highlights and all the finals match in Trinidad and Tobago, next year.

    The coverage kicked off on Tuesday with the group matches in Cuba and Curaçao, while full coverage of each of the 53 preliminary-round games will be broadcast twice after the event.

    There will also be one 30-minute highlights programme dedicated to each of the ten qualifying-round groups.

    The Digicel Caribbean Cup highlights programmes will be broadcast on Saturday afternoons from October while Digicel aims to make live coverage of each match in the finals available across the Caribbean.

    According to Ben Atherton, Digicel group director of marketing, the company's television plans are aimed at bringing more football to more fans.

    "Following your team on television is the next best thing to being in the stadium. It was with this in mind that we developed a wide portfolio of football programmes that will enable fans from across the Caribbean to follow their team and their passion – football," Atherton said.

    The 2006-2007 Digicel Caribbean Cup is the largest tournament in the region with total prize money of US $270 000 and a record 25 teams contesting 73 matches in several Caribbean countries. (ES/PR)<DIV align=right><SCRIPT type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="DIGICEL CUP TV COVERAGE_files/show_ads.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><IFRAME name=google_ads_frame marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-7911311403855459&amp;dt=1158361118189&amp;lmt=1158 276542&amp;format=300x250_as&amp;output=html&amp;c hannel=8336219506&amp;url=file%3A%2F%2F%2FC%3A%2FD ocuments%2520and%2520Settings%2FAdministrator%2FMy %2520Documents%2FDIGICEL%2520CUP%2520TV%2520COVERA GE.htm&amp;color_bg=FFF5F6&amp;color_text=6F6F6F&a mp;color_link=0000CC&amp;color_url=008000&amp;colo r_border=DDB7BA&amp;ad_type=text_image&amp;cc=208& amp;u_h=768&amp;u_w=1024&amp;u_ah=738&amp;u_aw=102 4&amp;u_cd=32&amp;u_tz=-300&amp;u_java=true" frameBorder=0 width=300 scrolling=no height=250 allowTransparency></IFRAME></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV>

  • #2
    RE: Digicel Cup Coverage

    mek sense.

