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usa takes all the relays.... seems the first handoff

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  • usa takes all the relays.... seems the first handoff

    killed our chances for gold... didnt appear smooth... anderson to bolt...

    usa just finds a way to come through... dem mussi love gold more dan we...?????
    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

  • #2
    tactics...they used superior tactics in the placement of their runners.

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gamma View Post
      tactics...they used superior tactics in the placement of their runners.
      You say that based on the performances on the day?

      ...or, you have looked with your mind's eye, saw both teams executing the perfect expected race and in your mind the USA still wins?

      ...just to say, in my mind's eye if each team executed perfectly, regardless of the order Jamaica should win and in Meet and World record time...all this would include:
      i) no Nesta Carter...

      ii) and would have Mullings or Anderson starting with the one not starting on the 3rd leg. (Remember perfect race from each team - i.e. best the runners could possible do/optimum performances at quickness over ground plus smoothest/swiftest baton exchanges).

      iii) Thus no repeat of Bolt's amateur receipt of baton (slowed momentum)...and, his laughable changing of the baton from hand to hand (slowed momentum) plus his ridiculous across body hand-off (slowed momentum). ...and, all runners on each team receiving and delivering the baton with perfect efficiency....i.e the exchange took place with runners carrying the baton and exchanging - passing off the baton at the fastest possible rate their bodies would allow them to, at the time of yesterday's race.

      So do you mean...in your mind's eye...you have only considered/'seen' a race with Jamaica using the exact same runners in the exact same order vs the USA with the exact same runners in the exact same order, gives you that,

      superior tactics = order in which the runners were allotted relay legs/placed in the seen successive order?


      superior tactics = selection of runners from those available for each TEAM?


      superior tactics = selection of runners from those available for each team + order in which the eventually selected athletes were placed?

      ...or, there were and or other permutations of possibilities that you considered when deciding that the USA used superior tactics in placement of runners? Would love to know exactly what you meant?

      Oh...I am talking 4 x 1 men.

      ...was your statement a general one covering both 4 x 1 men and the 4 x 1 women?
      Last edited by Karl; September 2, 2007, 07:52 AM.
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        3rd option placement of runners.....jamaica's fastest would be usa's fastest in the final leg so they placed their fastest earlier to secure what ended up being insurmountable lead...btw our 4x4 women overachieved to win the silver!!!

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          Got you!

          You do realise we had 3 (all the changes) poor...terrible changes in the men 4 x 1?
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            Missed everything including the women 4 x 4?

            I guess I'll see it later on NBC.
            Last edited by Karl; September 2, 2007, 08:54 AM.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              My prediction came true. Bolt was the difference in the 4x1 relay. The baton change between him and Anderson was horrible. Anderson seemed to have run a better curve than the USA runner and should have handed off first. Bolt did well to catch and pass Spearmon, even while switching the baton from his left hand, a NO-NO in these races. The handoff to Carter was also fumbled one reason being it is difficult to hand off the baton across your body. Had he kept it in his left hand he could have easily handed off to Carter's right hand.

              Those little things make a difference! The USA baton changes were not great either, but we seem to have suffered more from ours.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                My prediction came true. Bolt was the difference in the 4x1 relay. The baton change between him and Anderson was horrible. Anderson seemed to have run a better curve than the USA runner and should have handed off first. Bolt did well to catch and pass Spearmon, even while switching the baton from his left hand, a NO-NO in these races. The handoff to Carter was also fumbled one reason being it is difficult to hand off the baton across your body. Had he kept it in his left hand he could have easily handed off to Carter's right hand.

                Those little things make a difference! The USA baton changes were not great either, but we seem to have suffered more from ours.
                The hand off from Carter to Asafa was also terrible! There was a feeling around for the baton by Asafa as carter could not find his hand and a looking around and back by Asafa...which delayed Asafa's take-off at full power.
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #9
                  True, and perhaps with Bolt being the only runner involved in two exchanges, it's easy to put most of the blame on him.

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                    True, and perhaps with Bolt being the only runner involved in two exchanges, it's easy to put most of the blame on him.
                    Bolt dunce - ...and, I am not speaking about changing the baton from left to right as he got the stick...but, you tell me you are coming up on your departing teammate and see him on the side of the lane where only his right hand can come back for the baton and you do not switch for ease of delivery of the baton?
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      But you know, Karl, next ting him duh dat and him drop di baton all by himself. And that's why switching in the first place was ill-advised! As a first-former in school, I knew that.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                        My prediction came true. Bolt was the difference in the 4x1 relay. The baton change between him and Anderson was horrible. Anderson seemed to have run a better curve than the USA runner and should have handed off first. Bolt did well to catch and pass Spearmon, even while switching the baton from his left hand, a NO-NO in these races. The handoff to Carter was also fumbled one reason being it is difficult to hand off the baton across your body. Had he kept it in his left hand he could have easily handed off to Carter's right hand.

                        Those little things make a difference! The USA baton changes were not great either, but we seem to have suffered more from ours.
                        I was never any athlete to speak of, but in my younger banking days when we had sports day, I was on my branch's 4 x 100 relay team. Training for the day, we had a JC old boy who had more knowledge than the rest of us. The team practiced baton changes, right, left, right, left. It was simple; whichever hand the first leg runner carried the baton in, he passed it to the other hand. You may not feel comfrtable with it in your left hand if you are right-handed, but so what. The chances of you spilling that baton while changing it to the other hand is far too great, plus it slows you down. The next thing we did was to count off the number of steps to the end of your box and place a marker. Once your runner hits your marker, you would move off without looking back. All you would concentrate on is listening for his shout - REACH!!!! Making sure that you stick out the correct hand that had been drilled into you. Needless to say, my team went on to win in a blistering time of 36.95.............. on dirt...........running barefooted.........
                        Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


                        • #13
                          It really is as simple as that.

                          But 36.95?!?! That would be a world record!!!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            either 4 x 100 yards or that was his time on his leg...seriously one runner says "reach" and the other places it in his hand! it's not that hard....i used to run a mean third leg...loved the corner....my split was a ittle better than 36.95

                            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                            • #15

                              36 change on your leg?
                              ...but, at least you had the guts...
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

