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WADA urges Russian athletics ban, London Olympics 'sabotaged

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  • WADA urges Russian athletics ban, London Olympics 'sabotaged

    The long-awaited findings of former WADA chief Dick Pound's three-man commission claimed Russian doping "could not have happened' without government consent".

    WADA, which called for five Russian athletes, including 800m Olympic winner Mariya Savinova, to be given lifetime bans, suggested the presence of doped athletes had "sabotaged" the 2012 Games in London.



  • #2
    JAAA's Dr Warren Blake is di best!

    When asked about WADA's findings on Russian athletics, he seems to be saying that they should be banned, given what was unearthed.

    When asked about the investigation into Lamine Diack's alleged acceptance of bribery money from the Russians, he points out that he will have to wait before he condemns the former president of international athletics because we should remember that it was that same Dick Pound who had said some not so nice things about Jamaica's athletics program.


    So why doesn't he give Russia the benefit of the doubt as well, since Dick Pound is still with WADA?!?



    • #3
      The commission’s report says:

      There was the 'intentional and malicious destruction' of more than 1400 samples by Moscow laboratory officials last year after receiving written notification from WADA to preserve target samples.
      The same infamous Moscow testing laboratory must lose its accreditation and its director, Grigory Rodchenko, who is accused of asking for and accepting bribes and intentionally destroying samples he was told to keep, be removed from his position.
      Under-cover officers from the Russian secret police – the FSB – had infiltrated both the Moscow lab and the lab at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, posing as lab engineers and imposing 'an atmosphere of intimidation on laboratory process and staff'.
      Russia's anti-doping agency gave athletes advance notice of tests, hid missed tests, bullied doping control officers and their families and took bribes to cover up missed tests.
      Russian athletes who did not want to participate in 'the programme' were told they would not be selected.
      Athletes who clearly were willing participants were 'unwilling to participate' in the independent commission's investigation.
      Five athletes, four coaches and one doctor not previously the subject of disciplinary proceedings are now facing sanctions. It confirmed allegations that some Russian doctors and laboratory personnel acted as enablers for systematic cheating along with athletics coaches.
      Data and information that demonstrates 'criminal conduct' has been handed over to Interpol.
      There were 'systemic failures' in the IAAF that prevent an 'effective' anti-doping programme.
      An independent IAAF anti-doping unit should now be formed.

      On Sunday Coe said he was not in favour of a blanket ban and on Monday night, Pound criticised the double Olympic champion for making such a bold declaration before the publication of the report.

      'To keep my powder dry would have been my recommendation if he'd asked me what he should be doing,' Pound said of Coe. 'You've got to know something is coming. You've got to know with the leak of the Diack stuff that this is now some serious s**t.'

      Coe performed an embarrassing U-turn on Monday.


      If this was Jamaica, we wouldn't even stand a chance.
      Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


      • #4
        Yuh mean like the Fenton Ferguson thing?

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          Typical. Move the goal posts after you score.
          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


          • #6
            The doctor sounded really biased and stupid.


