These two dug their own graves, no question about that! Nevertheless, as one of their biggest fans, I sincerely hope that things work out for them and that they are freed up for competition as of July.
Source of articlce below: The Daily Gleaner, Thursday, June 19, 2014
CAS Clearance - Powell, Simpson Happy As Sport's Highest Court Grants Stay Of Execution
Published: Thursday | June 19, 2014 2 Comments
Leighton Levy, Gleaner Writer
Former 100-metre world record holder Asafa Powell and Olympic 100-metre silver medallist Sherone Simpson have expressed delight at the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to apply a stay of execution on their respective 18-month drug bans, that allows them to compete for the first time in a year.
The appeal hearings for both athletes at the CAS have been set for July 7 and 8.
If the athletes are unsuccessful in their appeals, the CAS notes that they will be forced to serve out the remainder of their bans, which expire in December 2014.
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Source of articlce below: The Daily Gleaner, Thursday, June 19, 2014
CAS Clearance - Powell, Simpson Happy As Sport's Highest Court Grants Stay Of Execution
Published: Thursday | June 19, 2014 2 Comments
Leighton Levy, Gleaner Writer
Former 100-metre world record holder Asafa Powell and Olympic 100-metre silver medallist Sherone Simpson have expressed delight at the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to apply a stay of execution on their respective 18-month drug bans, that allows them to compete for the first time in a year.
The appeal hearings for both athletes at the CAS have been set for July 7 and 8.
If the athletes are unsuccessful in their appeals, the CAS notes that they will be forced to serve out the remainder of their bans, which expire in December 2014.
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