So the IAAF Prezzi breezes thru a non-backwater town for a few days to attend a Diamond League meet. 
D1 and a small team arranges to have a sit down with Prezzi (with his aide-de-camp Nick in tow) in his hotel suite, to hear Prezzi's views on matters of mutual concern. This takes place the day after the meet and Prezzi proves to be easy-going and gracious... no airs or pretensions to be seen
After an hour of yappin we're interrupted by the shrill, insistent ring of a telephone. Nick excuses himself and trots off dutifully to answer as Di & team look on in annoyance.
Nick: Hello
Nick: Oh my God... are you sure??
Prezzi: What's the matter Nick?
Nick: Usain just got into a car accident in Jamaica
Time stood still as everyone let the news sink in. Prezzi, normally dark complected, turned several shades lighter as if exposed to bleaching ...Prezzi mentally contemplates a Bolt-less London Olympics going down like a damp squib..
Prezzi (inhaling): How is he? Is it bad?
Nick: Just a moment sir
Nervous moments pass as Nick gets more info.. Prezzi's brows are knitted as he contemplates disaster
Nick: Thank God! He's fine! Just shaken up a bit.
Prezzi (exhaling): Great news! Nick get details and a confirmation on his status please
Sorry for the interruption D1... can we continue please?

D1 and a small team arranges to have a sit down with Prezzi (with his aide-de-camp Nick in tow) in his hotel suite, to hear Prezzi's views on matters of mutual concern. This takes place the day after the meet and Prezzi proves to be easy-going and gracious... no airs or pretensions to be seen

After an hour of yappin we're interrupted by the shrill, insistent ring of a telephone. Nick excuses himself and trots off dutifully to answer as Di & team look on in annoyance.

Nick: Hello
Nick: Oh my God... are you sure??
Prezzi: What's the matter Nick?
Nick: Usain just got into a car accident in Jamaica
Time stood still as everyone let the news sink in. Prezzi, normally dark complected, turned several shades lighter as if exposed to bleaching ...Prezzi mentally contemplates a Bolt-less London Olympics going down like a damp squib..

Prezzi (inhaling): How is he? Is it bad?

Nick: Just a moment sir
Nervous moments pass as Nick gets more info.. Prezzi's brows are knitted as he contemplates disaster

Nick: Thank God! He's fine! Just shaken up a bit.

Prezzi (exhaling): Great news! Nick get details and a confirmation on his status please

Sorry for the interruption D1... can we continue please?